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Eurobricks Fellows
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Everything posted by Svelte

  1. Brilliant review! Thanks, you have made me want this set
  2. Svelte replied to cagri's post in a topic in LEGO Sci-Fi
    Squidman's Pitstop is so disappointing. It looks like Lego checked their parts inventory for excess stock and decided to put it all in this set. Agents Barbed wire? Check. Exo-Force rubbery pointy pieces? Check. Bionicle spines? Check! Lime green round pieces used as containers? Check. Yellow 1x2 cheese pieces? Check! The Police craft looks like the small Mars Mission ship from 07 and the alien vehicles are pretty lame. If that's the best craft a galactic-wide criminal syndicate can come up with they should all go back to school and learn accounting. Max Security Transport looks a little better, but it overly resembles a Power Miners set with the wrong colour scheme. That small alien vehicle must also feature the single worst use of the Technic shooter, ever Thanks for the pics! Shame about the sets.
  3. TRU has some catalogue offers on Lego. Nothing too exciting, but you do get a free CW Obi-Wan keychain and Lego club membership if you spend over $60. Boulder Blaster is 20% off to $39.99. "HUGE VALUE" for the Separatist Spider Droid at $49.99
  4. The company is Moore Educational Here's a link to their top sales page: http://shop.mooreed.com.au/store/listItems...p?orderby=sales
  5. Svelte replied to cagri's post in a topic in LEGO Sci-Fi
    thanks DL!
  6. Eurovision's pernicious influence is everywhere Actually, your explanation makes sense. I buy it Can we get a John Travolta disco-struct pose with Palpy making eyes in the background? Please?
  7. I can understand a Chrome C3P0 - he's gold and shiny! I can understand a Chrome Vader - the glossy black makes him look super sinister! Chrome Stormtrooper? It looks nice... but... why?
  8. Boo to September! (But then they said that about Castle last year and Big W had it for the July sales.) I cannot believe we have to wait a YEAR after Pirates' release to see it in stores When is Mon Calamari out?
  9. Can someone who has the new catalogue post a pic of the SP3 Max Security Transport? It's hot news, we haven't seen a pic yet I can't believe that Lego would release one of their sets from the ordinary 'main' line of 6 sets as an exclusive
  10. Maybe it's just a NSW thing, there are no Toyworlds anywhere in Sydney. They're all regional. Nothing exclusive for Big W? Yay! That means I also don't have to trek for miles to find one
  11. Excellent news, Whittleberry! I don't have my mag yet. I can't believe Endor is a Toyworld exclusive! That's just wrong... why??? They'll be a mass exodus to the plains for all the SW fanboys who don't have a Toyworld near them. I wonder if that's why the markup ($200) was so high? SW has me so confused, I thought Anakin's Y-Wing would be a $100 set but if you look at the Euro comparison prices it could be up to $150. Good news about the AT-OT and MMV. Definitely worth picking up the latter on sale, I just hope they don't mark up the price before they discount it. Did the mag come with the new catalogue too?
  12. Svelte replied to eDeevo's post in a topic in Community
    There's no need for a new topic; animal discussion of all kinds can sit comfortably in this thread. I've merged the topics.
  13. A public stoning of a much-hated character would be an original and inventive twist It means everyone *is* guilty and in fact *we* have committed the murder! TheBrickster, that is a genius take on the mystery format!
  14. I love Indy but there's no way it will last another 5 years. Maybe another one or two waves at most. There are some interesting suggestions in the future Indy ideas thread, but many of those are sadly unrealistic. Large scale building sets like palaces or civilian sets like villages just don't sell to kids. Lego likes good guys vs bad guys and vehicles. It's also nowhere near as popular as Star Wars, especially in the non-North American markets. People are already complaining that a second Indy video game is overkill. Don't get me wrong, I think the sets have done brilliantly considering most of the movies were made 10-15 years before the target audience was born, but I don't see ongoing goodwill to the franchise like Star Wars seems to attract. Star Wars has been a few very uninspiring patches where the designers seemed on autopilot (like the start of 08) and I'd hate to see that happen to Indy just for the sake of the line continuing. I'd rather it go out while still spectacular and with a high reputation as one of the best themes! I also agree it's likely Spongebob may be dropped. Four waves isn't a bad run for that theme. The repeats of the original sets seem like the last hurrah.
  15. It's Babel all over again... a thousand voices, crying out in incomprehension... TheBrickster, would it be possible to update the first post with just the factual clues as we have them? Maybe if the leader of each group did as WhiteFang suggested waaaaay back on the first page and posted a summary of the clues from their subchapter, it would make it clearer what we need to do amongst all the talk of Johnson rods and switch hitters? It may help us lost little lambs if we can see all the info side by side. I get the feeling that otherwise this group would be more than likely to try each and every one of the 128 switch combos or 100,000 safe code permutations
  16. Svelte replied to Millacol88's post in a topic in Watto's Junkyard
    Definitely more menacing in a dark brown scheme than in bright yellow and white! The little storage area is very neat too.
  17. Svelte replied to Kernow's post in a topic in LEGO Town
    Thanks for the review, with the lovely pics I agree with pretty much everyone here, this set is overpriced but OK. It's nice to have the extra detail of the fruit tree and emergency help line. Is the tree produced differently than it used to be? It seems to be made in regular ABS, whereas I though the old trees were made with softer plastic. I don't have many though, so I'm not sure if this is a recent change or not. Anyone care to comment?
  18. The voice in the sky has made it pretty clear that we're not getting anywhere. Since none of the Town Council members are likely to admit they are Town Council members, I suggest we drop the accusations and focus on the puzzle. If they are really that against us leaving, they will make a move when we come up with a solution so their secret won't be safe much longer. Then we can act against them as a group. If any of the inbred yokels want to keep on arguing with each other about who said what and what it means, they can take it outside. Let's just stick to the clues as we have them and leave out the speculation. In particular the switching diagram seems to have been forgotten. I have a brain for tastes, sensations, food - not at all technical, so maybe someone will have better luck in working out what we need to do to get the track functional. Brakes, perhaps you could remind us what parts are missing that we still need to locate to get the train up and running? The most important thing is to get moving, we can always throw Momma stowaways from the train later if need be.
  19. Svelte replied to Svelte's post in a topic in LEGO Town
    There's probably a regional difference between the production facilities. The Construction sets didn't strike me, on the whole, as being too bad but the Farm sets and the bus here were a bit mixed. The bus looks fine when built, it's just weird to see the different shades as you actually put it together. it doesn't seem confined to specialised parts. Plates and tiles seem different from bricks, I guess that's the density issue. Dark bley seems to be the problem colour du jour. I'm also not thrilled that in both markets, dark red seems to have been adjusted to a notably more browny colour (since last year's Clone Wars sets, but it took me a while to notice). It's more consistent, yes, but not as vibrant as it used to be. Something like the Trace hair in 8970 Robo Attack almost seems a shade of its own.
  20. Over a certain age, you have to fill in a renewal card each year. It doesn't cost anything. They will send a reminder postcard to you when your time is up, so don't panic yet
  21. Well, I had my Lego Club renewal card the other day which means the next issue probably isn't too far away. At this time of year we usually get the midyear catalogue with reasonably accurate release dates for the general release of most new stuff. Almost everything will be out by the July sales (apart from exclusives) - but not to every retailer. I think there's extra confusion this year with the S@H 'can't make up our minds' trouble and that NZ has got everything so early. I did see 10186 Grevious for $70 at K-Mart today, so bargain hunters can wait for another 15% or 20% off sale and score a deal if the same offer applies in your area.
  22. Is Jessica the same as Mr X, Bulldog? We know you're a man of the world and all, but you do seem to have a bit of gender trouble I doubt Jennifer Chamberlain (any relation to Lindy? In which case, a Ruffy stole my baby!) would have access to the Mayor's office and authority to be ordering oil tankers and suchlike. The Mayor said there were several Town Council members - do we think there is one in each subgroup, or just one overall? He also seemed to think the Town Council wanted to modernise Willoughby by building some sort of factory. Did anyone see evidence of such a thing? Also, did anyone find any 5 digit codes? There's a safe in the Town Hall which needs to be opened. First prize wins an Eggo or thigh-warmed banana, whichever takes your fancy! *I never did see the Swiss Eiffel Tower*
  23. I'm going to put that line on my CV 'Chef Schmelt - bringing you Euro-witty Eggos, without discernible mental illness, since 2009'
  24. Our thread is also renowned for its lack of passenger infighting, hissy-fits, backstabbings, frontstabbings, accusations, insider trading, outsider baiting, mud-slinging, lie-telling, public drunkenness and kettle-mania. Also, apart from Jim getting an earache, we haven't wandered into any deadly traps. (Yet!) See - love does make the world go round!
  25. Let us know what you find! ToyWorld's an odd one in that it seems to have things earlier than other stores (eg Pirate Impulses).
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