Everything posted by Svelte
Murder on the Emerald Express: Discussion
It's like bingo for crazies "Legs eleven... fiancee's in heaven. One little duck... won't shut up. Man alive... hid the knife. Two fat ladies... that dog has rabies." I suspect Constable O'Reilly since he has followed my group around for 10 pages and uttered all of three lines. The green mist obviously creates functioning zombies.
Murder on the Emerald Express: Discussion
You can speak for your own group; I know that loveable oaf Jimbee and darling Arin would never betray me! That's why I blamed the townies I don't know if you could trust an obvious criminal with the alias Jesus Connolly anyway My high school panto turn as Widow Twankey, alas, has never truly left me.
*Hands Arin a banana* There you go, my sweet. I have many tasty snacks in my pants hamper. If anyone else is feeling fruity, they can come and have a date behind the palms To business. It seems that Jennifer Connolly's message confirms what we suspected earlier - one of the townsfolk is a member of the shady Town Council! I think we should band together to expose the traitor. Just remember, it's 5 against 1, so we should be able to easily physically overpower the shady troublemaker if we all stick together. I think we should look at the facts now, since we're conveniently in a gaol, and then lock up the member of Town Council that has infiltrated us. I suggest we all lay our suspicions on the table and make an accusation. Just think carefully about who you suspect as we don't want to lock up the wrong person! I would like to note that Mayor Brown hasn't lied to us as far as I can tell. He told us about the Town Council, which is confirmed by Jennifer Connolly's letter, and an exhaustive search of his office produced nothing of interest. He has been truthful in other respects, such as about the office next door to his being locked. So, I think I trust Mayor Brown which means one of the other two is working against us. Arin, Jimbee, what do you think? Mayor Brown, do you have any information you would like to share with us? Remember, it's 5 against 1. And Arin has the strength of ten men! You two - Charlie and O'Reilly - what say you in your defence?
You mean, X marks the spot? Brilliant! *Schmelt stands behind Arin in the event of sudden ejection of nerve gas, poison blowdarts, TNT, rabid prairie dogs and suchlike*
My pleasure. Here you go! Don't forget to feel around the mattress for any unusual lumps too. Jim might be able to give you some tips. I hear he's very deft.
Guns don't kill people; people kill people . Ok, they do it with guns, sometimes. Or knives. Knives are popular too. Or strangulation. Or smothering. Or poison... uh... I'm off track. Anyway, I don't want to touch the guns. There might be some kind of touch-trap where they are spring-loaded and go off in your face I've seen that happen on TV. I think I will try and open the cell and have a look around, if the door is unlocked. I tell ya, everything in this town is locked! It's worse than a nun's chastity belt around here. Uh... not that I would know anything about that either...
Good thinking! She may have etched some coded message in her cell. Brains and beauty - what a combination! I still think we must have missed something in the Mayor's office, but short of taking it apart plank by plank, I can't think what...
Aussie sales! Share the news of LOCAL sales!
I held off ordering from S@H hoping that the Galactic Enforcer would become available, and in the meantime Echo base (and Endor) have been de-listed! I've given up and gone through bricklink now, got Endor, Echo and some SP3 impulses, and even with shipping it's cheaper than if I ordered from S@H *not including* their added shipping cost and erratic waiting time. I don't know why they can't seem to get their act together. If the SW sets were not supposed to be listed, surely somebody would have realised? Why does it take a week to get things fixed? Why is the Venator still there? I've had so many issues with S@H orders this year - a missing set in one, the AT-OT damage and crushed King's Castle Siege box in another, 28 working days later I'm still waiting on an April PAB order - that this recent mess and confusion has really put me off Meanwhile, NZ is rolling in SW sets and now Indy too!
Aussie sales! Share the news of LOCAL sales!
Well, it's not just Star Wars. The Lego pricer hates Ferrari fans even more!
[Comic] The Adventures of Harry Potter
Cutes! You're unstoppable. So many lovely touches, like the rolling pin and flattened hair Keep going!
REVIEW: Indiana Jones 7195 Ambush in Cairo
Really? They're in stores in NZ? Lucky! That must be the first sighting of the new Indy line in stores!
SQU:AT - Squiddy Assault Tank
The colour scheme is designed to reflect P:Squiddy himself. He doesn't really have a decent craft that we've seen at all in the line so far in any detail so I think it is unecessary to restrict the palette based off a few tiny speeders, the orange alien's craft (which sort of appears in 2 sets) and the other 2 cars which are black/ yellow and black/ red. As for the Squiddies, I think of them as a large family of aliens (like Slitheen) rather than just an individual
Murder on the Emerald Express: Discussion
Why do you think I just sat down in the middle of the room with a glass of water and pretended to read a paperback? It was so I could surreptitiously check out Jimbee Arin's curves. You people are novices! Didn't you even notice the secret 'cleavage cam' built into the top of my chef's hat?
EBCTC Voting Booth (Eurobricks Staff category)
I forgot to mention I the little red telephone box too. Simple but brilliant! I'll be sure to steal that idea.
EBCTC Voting Booth (Eurobricks Staff category)
I'm sure I don't know what you mean Maybe it's an Aussie slang thing
While Jimbee shakes, contorts, compulsively taps and writhes around the room, using every foot, appendage, sensory organ and digit he has available to investigate its hidden propertoes, I will sit quietly at the table with a glass of water from the bathroom tap and flick through one of these pulp novels from the bookshelf. I hope there's something good... an Agatha Christie... Raymond Chandler... who knows?
[Comic] The Adventures of Harry Potter
That was hilarious! Best one for ages! Quit your whining!
Aussie sales! Share the news of LOCAL sales!
I didn't complain about Ahsoka's Jedi Starfighter, Dooku's Solar Sailor or even the AT-OT, price-wise. At least the AT-OT was uniformly expensive across all countries (although a bit cheaper in the UK). But this is really pushing at the upper limit Sets are supposed to be better value at the higher price points, not less! If this is the new pricing policy that has been set (and will apply to future waves) then SW will become unaffordable, very quickly. We've still got Home One this year - will this be another $200 set? What about the RBR? Not to mention whatever other 10th anniversary exclusive they're keeping hidden... At the moment, after much anticipation, my feelings about SW are a bit of a damp squib and I have to say I'm most looking forward to the Galactic Enforcer
Aussie sales! Share the news of LOCAL sales!
The Euro price for Endor is about 100 Euros, which would put it in line with something like the Twilight or AT-TE. You can also see that the Venator price is 40 Euros more but Australians only pay a difference of 30 AUD between it and Endor, which doesn't make sense either. Much hoo-ha is made about minifigs being expensive to produce and thus driving up set prices, but I personally don't buy it a lot of the time. 7195 Ambush in Cairo has 4 new figs at $US11. Lego can also make a profit off things like the Advent Calendars which have 8 figs for around $40 (less in Europe and the UK). The Agents Robo Attack set has 6 figs - 3 new - for $80. Conversely, the V-19 Torrent only had one fig (and it only had a different helmet print) but that didn't drive the price down. Yes, figs do obviously play a part in pricing, but not as much as everyone thinks, and not to the extent that the Endor set is priced sky-high.
Aussie sales! Share the news of LOCAL sales!
$200 for Endor is ludicrous. Just... wow. I thought the Venator was bad but that is so misjudged
EBCTC Voting Booth (Eurobricks Staff category)
Just when I was getting used to the points allocation system... I voted for TheBrickster's entry, as it manages the fine balance between detailed buildings and town life wonderfully. It looks like a bustling and friendly little community, everyone in their place, with a verdant splash of green to complement this urban setting. Hinckley's is lovely, esp the blue building, but the facades just seem a bit... thick and chunky for Classic Town. I know Hinckley likes it thick and chunky, but I didn't think it was quite suitable in this entry LuxorV's entry resolves the problem of the curved baseplate extremely well - a notoriously tricky area to build over successfully - but with the looming grey sky and foliage-free streetscape, this reminded me of a joyless Eastern Bloc holiday camp rather than a lively and friendly hotel It was a nice build, though and I wouldn't mind attempting something similar myself.
SQU:AT - Squiddy Assault Tank
Thanks for the feedback! Originally I wanted more bley in there to match with Squidman's colouring, but it ended up being too messy. I actually really like how it turned out with the shades of green and accents of red and a touch of bling. Parts-wise, it's basically a Stegosaurus set combined with the Flying Wing, plus a few special pieces!
REVIEW Castle 7097 - Trolls' Mountain Fortress
Bare as the behind of a freshly born babe Seriously, they couldn't even spring for a goblet. Maybe the Troll Sorceress cooks lunch in her lab downstairs and the King goes to the bathroom through the prison bars into the courtyard below The Trolls probably wouldn't notice
:wub: But let's not count my brain cells before they've hatched, my sweet. You certainly look glowing; the steam in the bathroom must have opened and relaxed your pores. Or is that just the sweet flush of luuuurve?
Aussie sales! Share the news of LOCAL sales!
The DJs sale flyer just mentions Thomas, Fisher Price, Barbie etc so I doubt they will have a Lego discount. Probably have to wait until July. I'm sticking to Myer (it's open to everyone as well). I'm meeting someone there anyway, so I have to allow enough time to run off to the Toy Dept and run back!
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