Everything posted by Svelte
Murder on the Emerald Express: Discussion
My kaleidoscopic moobs are irresistible to women. It's true
What effect does Toy Story have on future WW sets?
Toy Story only has one character with a cowboy, it's not like it's a separate Western theme in itself, so I doubt that it would have any effect on the chances of that getting a theme. I think the biggest barriers are: 1) I doubt Lego would go for three 'historical' themes in one year - Castle, Pirates, Western 2) There are political problems with a Western theme - you couldn't possibly get away with having a 'Cowboys vs Indians' theme, with the latter as villains, and the vast majority of themes produced these days are faction-based.
That's not a problem, the bed only needs to be wide enough to fit one. Haven't you heard of bunking up? Fine, I'll be in Room 5
Murder on the Emerald Express: Discussion
Poor Max! Just so you know, that meat cleaver has nothing to do with me. I reccomend you cauterise the wound by lightly sauteeing Max on a hot barbeque for 5 mins. Arin is a frisky filly, isn't she? I think she's just doing it to save the pony... Schmelt Schmidt schcoresh!
Charming, quite charming! *whispers* Room 6 is closed, eh? Is it any coincidence that 6 is the number of the Beast? I think we should check it out and see what we can find out, who knows what may be inside. We should decide on one person to investigate by breaking into Room 6 while the others catch up on their beauty sleep. I get the feeling this town is like a giant game of Russian roulette, so either Arin or I should go, since Jimbee investigated the Mayor's car. That seems fair. *end whisper* Yes, as I was just saying to my friends here, this is quite a delightful old hotel. I can see why you might need some renovations with the open-backed walls. Chilly in winter! I pick Room 5, since it is near the empty Room 6, and that way the others can hear the screams don't have to put up with my snoring. EDITED to add: Oh, Arin. I didn't know you cared How about we share Room 5? *wink* *wink*
Yes, it's hard to coexist in two simultaneous space/ time locations. Hard... or suspicious? *narrows eyes and checks Jimbee for signs of ectoplasm*
Aussie sales! Share the news of LOCAL sales!
And Target has a 3 day 15% off sale. They haven't done that in a while. Nothing new to report near me, either.
Review: 8971 Aerial Defense Unit
I agree about the antenna heads. It's like the Block Block theme came to life! Even sticking the antenna over a trans-clear minifig head attached to the magma torso would have been preferable.
Space Skulls AT-ST
Brilliant! You have really captured the essence of both themes! (And made Space Skulls somewhat better in the process) All the functions greatly enhance this entry and the light-up detail is amazing!
The date of the car registration is 1979, isn't it? That's what the Mayor said...
Murder on the Emerald Express: Discussion
Poor ISC
Review: 10185 Green Grocer
You have seen it built mirror imaged, you were probably just dazzled by the excess beauty You can also see more pics here.
I vote to go to the hotel and rest up - I am also looking forward to sampling some of the cuisine of this fair town! I hope my pony is OK back on the train, I should have thought to leave out some straw Also, if any of us are murdered in our beds tonight, it's not like we'll wake up tomorrow feeling we've missed out on anything! Does that make sense? I think it makes sense... What say Arin & Jimbee? Also, Mr Mayor, I know it is beyond the realms of possibility to tell us who is on the Council, but do they have any way of identifying themselves? Like a secret handshake? Or a funny walk? Or they all talk like Pirates on alternate Thursdays? And do you think they have any hostile intent to us newfolk?
Is the car perchance registered in the name of Elizabeth Rose Thornton? Anyone else we may have heard of? Do we want to look in the trunk as well, or would that be too much nervous tension for one day? I'm still experiencing palpitations from the expertly managed build-up about the hood and glovebox... Or should we just move on to the ground floor of the town hall building? (At this rate and with such a fearsome reluctance to touch anything, it is quite possible we're going to die of natural causes before we hit the jail or hotel!)
Come on, open damn you!
Aussie sales! Share the news of LOCAL sales! has a wide selection of SW kids watches at $29.95, if anyone's interested. They're about $45 at S@H.
Vintage Minifig Collection Volume 3
Thanks for the news! This is probably my favourite of all of them so far. They fixed the torso print for the yellow spaceman, there's a Black Falcon, classic chef, soldier... brilliant!
Yes, open it all. Just remember Jim Butcher is standing at the front of the line A factory? What kind of factory? Wouldn't that go against the 'splendid isolation' doctrine of the town? Maybe GM is relocating to Willoughby to pay hillbillies 2c an hour to assemble cars....
Murder on the Emerald Express: Discussion
Bear trap eh? Let's hope he doesn't bleed to death whilst waiting for people from different places around the world to catch up. Death by Time Zone! Personally I am glad it's Jim Butcher who is opening the boot and trunk of the Mayor's car in the Exploring Main Street thread
Clone Brand REVIEW: Best-Lock Tank
One Xmas as a kid I got some horrendous giant transforming robot in a clone brand that wouldn't hold together no matter what, and I've never even been tempted to pick up a clone brand since!
Clone Brand REVIEW: Best-Lock Tank
Nice review, anyway! I like the tank, that dark green shade is attractive. The stickers look terrifying! The plastic looks very soft - do the pieces hold together well?
Clone Brand REVIEW: Best-Lock Tank
You say the sandbags are grey but they're kind of... not. They look brown to me in your pic... Those greyed out instructions did use to be a hallmark of some Lego sets - in things like the Legends re-releases of Black Falcons Fortress and Guarded Inn, they do the same thing - ie only show the parts used in each step in full colour. Woo! I love nitpicking your review, ILikePi, since you do such a good job of nitpicking everyone else!
Castle sets 2008/2009
I agree; this is much more appealing than buying lots of individual identical Impulses. The extra capes, different torsos and the Troll General breastplate do make these very attractive! I hope they keep the pricing of the previous 2 battlepacks, as they are very attractive in $AUD. I'm sure when the time comes we can help you get some, Fangy!
Castle sets 2008/2009
It would make sense, wouldn't it? (I've reposted the pics so people don't have to back to the last page )
Castle sets 2008/2009
I've bought stuff from this seller, and find her very reputable and she often has new stuff first (she lives near Legoland California). So yes, I imagine this is real. At least now the Troll Fortress can be populated! EDIT: I asked the seller and these are the pics I was sent: Yay for extra raggedy capes and more Troll shields!
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