Everything posted by Svelte
Murder on the Emerald Express: Discussion
I think Darth_Legois is aiming for suicide by publicly questioning (a) the Omniscient Overlord's need for an index (b) his in-game name confusion
Murder on the Emerald Express: Chapter 2
Yes, that's where I meant to end up too. Moves dynamically. Good night!
Murder on the Emerald Express: Chapter 2
Dynamic movement, after returning from the now-locked Captain's office: Poor Hermann, it was most unfortunate to hear about his lethal peanut allergy. There go plans for my spectacular satay goose liver curry I have a long day ahead tomorrow so I will turn in now. This has been a very unsettling evening, I will have to count sheep cuts to help me sleep. Side, leg, chump, loin, breast.... *snore*
Review 5969 Squidman Escape
Haha, I'm watching it even as I type! But no, that's not where my menu comes from. Wait to see what I have planned! Seriously though, more sound chips would be cool. Last year's Agents siren was a bit annoying. And the Monster Dino was a bit B-Movie. It'd be nice to have something offbeat, like alien gargling!
Murder on the Emerald Express: Chapter 2
Great, despite the fact I've been asking for *hours* if anyone has special dietary requirements, now you want steak! Fresh, juicy steak! I know, why don't we stop off in the middle of nowhere and see if I can round up some cows. I can store them in the Passenger Cabin! It's not like the passengers are using it! Yes, that's practical. Just what I thought! *mutter* *steak* *mutter* Dynamic movement: I'm locking the knife up and then retiring to bed. I have to get up early to start making fresh choux pastry for breakfast anyway.
Review 5969 Squidman Escape
Those videos are hilarious! Thanks for sharing. OK, I'm sold on the bley head and red cape now I wish this set came with a sound chip with those voices.
Murder on the Emerald Express: Chapter 2
Ramsey, Brown - those snaggle-toothed pasty-eating Brits look all the same to us cultured and classy Europeans. Which reminds me... did anyone here watch Eurovision?
Review 5969 Squidman Escape
Thanks for the lovely review, Mariann! P:Squiddy looks great - I didn't realise he had such a toothy, squirming maw He looks good in your alternate arrangment as well. Honestly though, I'm not sold on the bley head. The small police thing looks like one of 10186 General Grevious' shoulderpads fell off, but I agree, this line is all about the aliens! Thanks again!
Murder on the Emerald Express: Chapter 2
Didn't you read the fine print on your ticket? Part of the Emerald Express Experience includes constantly drunk engine staff amd a demented, dramatic European chef. Just be thankful I have a civil tongue in my head unlike that horrible Gordon Brown who is always with the F-word in his restaurants! For a shy, retiring lad you certainly know how to be lippety to your elders
Murder on the Emerald Express: Chapter 2
So the passengers can go wherever they like and have private conversations, but the staff can't investigate possible occupational health and safety violations without a mob forming! Yes, typical of ze hoity-toity passengers we have on this train! Everything is their business! When I got to bed tonight, nobody better try and roll my 96 sided die or feel my rock samples or I can tell you now breakfast will be seriously disrupted! *Ding* *Ding* I am serving dinner now, and will lock the knife away once all the passengers have had a squizz.
Murder on the Emerald Express: Chapter 2
Hmm, should I lock the knife away in Maxwell's office yet or are do all the passengers need to check its not theirs?
Murder on the Emerald Express: Chapter 2
Would any of the passengers like to satisfy their curiosity about this blade before it is locked away irrevocably and evermore in Maxwell's office. We wouldn't want anyone to step on it. Tetanus, you know - otherwise known as lockjaw. Although for some of you... *ahem* Anyway, it is here if you wish to examine it. Perhaps one of you might have some information or recognise it?
Murder on the Emerald Express: Chapter 2
*closely examines the knife* No, zis is definitely not one of my Wusthofs from the kitchen. Nor is it a butterknife, as that butterhead Herman suggested. Good news! I much prefer to think that some stranger is dropping sharp and pointy weapons around the Passenger cabins for their own reasons than the other explanation - that some thief or pickpocket managed to enter the shrine of my kitchen and defile it! Does anybody else recognise it?
Murder on the Emerald Express: Chapter 1
My pleasure; here you go. Now, nobody told me if they had any special dietary requirements; please let me know so I can plan the menu accordingly. Has anyone read any good books lately? Any murder mysteries they could reccomend?
The next LEGO Architecture sets
Fallingwater looks brilliant! I like that these sets are looking a little more sophisticated than the first, minimal ones.
Murder on the Emerald Express: Discussion
We started off in the dining car, so I think we're still there, at least since nobody yet has managed to bust out!
Murder on the Emerald Express: Chapter 1
Actually, I haven't had anything to drink so you can't count me in with that bunch. Waffles... get your delicious waffles here. Who wants a waffle? You, sir? And how about you madame? Everybody loves ze waffles!
Murder on the Emerald Express: Chapter 1
Um, weren't your tickets paid for by the missing Miss Elizabeth Thornton? Haven't you heard the expression 'you get what you pay for'? We don't even know if Elizabeth actually settled the bill! Maybe she's done a runner and that's why she hasn't shown up. How am I supposed to braise tomorrow night's caribou steaks with saffron and queen bee jelly glaze if I can't even buy the ingredients? You people are, how you say, eating my brains, with your constant demands and questions I think we all need to take a time out. Here, everyone have a glass of warm milk. The serotonins will soothe your thoughts.
Murder on the Emerald Express: Chapter 1
You grab an Aussie, and hold 'em down until they confess! There's always a crime, all Aussies are descended from convicts you know. Mon Dieu! I hope we don't have any aboard this train
Murder on the Emerald Express: Chapter 1
I was actually thinking it more likely that this collection of male nerds and losers esteemed millionaires and honoured guests would demonstrate this behavioural clinginess; please don't take offence.
[Comic] The Brick Testament - Satan Unleashed
'Alternative to God Proves Very Popular' must be one of the very best chapters you've ever done The Brick Testament has always been a considered and orderly work, even in depicting the excesses of the text, so it's brilliantly entertaining to see you truly let fly with the carnival madness of Revelation. That beast is pure genius
Murder on the Emerald Express: Chapter 1
If I told you there was a car crash in the street, would you all walk into the middle of the road? For all we know, this is a perfectly innocent knife which may have gone astray from my kitchen, I don't know why I need an entourage to attend to such a matter. You're all like little schoolgirls who won't go to the bathroom without their best friend to hold their hand. Doesn't anyone want to eat my rabbit for dinner? *mutters*
Murder on the Emerald Express: Discussion
A question about Dynamic Movements - does there have to be group consensus on who departs from the main group? Does the initiator of the movement grant permissions to others? Or does the Lord Overseer have final judgment? Just a question as I could imagine there would be situations where the departing group may not wish others to follow.
Murder on the Emerald Express: Chapter 1
The more the merrier! Come along! I always like to get the crew to taste-test my creation! As long as the train is running smoothly.
Murder on the Emerald Express: Chapter 1
Excuse moi, ladies and gentlefolk. I think I hear tonight's rabbit bubbling over. Either that or Mr Richwell has seen another female. I will just be a moment. Dinner will be served shortly. Dynamic movement: Schmelt and Steve are departing for Passenger Car 2.
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