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Eurobricks Vassals
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  1. Yup mine did the same, I had to push the hips in and I swapped the piece that allows rotation for the ratcheted one. I now have him kind of looking to the left at the waist this seems to have helped keep his centre of mass more balanced as it is a hugely top heavy set.
  2. After seeing the video with the "supposed issue" its really a non event. He just proved it. Not sure why people are spitting their dummies out the pram. If you don't like the default method to build, change it, its not like its an impossible feat.
  3. I swapped to the toothed one as the non toothed was loose. https://www.dropbox.com/s/i9wxc64lrrbqgx4/Screenshot_20210322-180154__01__01.jpg?dl=0
  4. 77.3cm tall Inc base.
  5. It made sense to release K before B if B wasn't ready. Why hold up something that's complete if it's good to go.
  6. No worries ?
  7. Yer I have them but they are on a separate area and I'm terrified to move K2 lol It's not the most stable or robust set once built. https://www.dropbox.com/s/iojr0gpt19v4gy9/IMG_20201114_174103__01.jpg?dl=0
  8. Hope this works https://www.dropbox.com/s/25hvnulkkmbubyv/IMG_20201113_133602.jpg?dl=0
  9. 99.99% complete. just need the large tile piece for the stand and plaque. Its a huge set, makes the Falcon look small lol
  10. I'm extremely happy that K Project is coming first. I'm far more interested in something different :) Keep up the great work @StarBricks
  11. nice, i like it. technically its a hexapod though isn't it, not an arachnid/spider :D
  12. Ive tried to import the lxf files into Bricklink and they error out...any ideas?
  13. Yup, to be fair though they haven't really introduced anything of note at all anyway. The odd nice Star Destroyer or Tie variant but other than that, its been just the same old ships we have seen over and over.
  14. SB00401, Ive been hunting high and low for something that might start with S and B to no avail.
  15. I've got the U and TS, not that bothered by the bomber, didn't like it in the film. A Pod Racer, however would be really nice. Especially if you don't need to paint parts like the Anio version.
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