I know this is an old thread, but it came up in google and is somewhat relevant to my question.
I decided to rebuild my Mobile Crane Mk II and just finished book 5. Just as the previous poster had stated, I noticed a problem when trying to use the outrigger motor functions. I can raise and lower all 4 outriggers, but only the front left outrigger extends outward when using that function.
I figured out that the back outriggers don't extend because I missed the small gear in Book 1, Step 60, which converts the axle movement to the back outriggers.
I haven't figured out where the problem is with the right outrigger on the front, as I'm struggling with what steps to take next.
(EDIT: Book 2, Step 29, the large tan Gear, I put 1 on, not 2, so only one side of the front works. I was able to sneak the missing gear from the back in, so 3 outriggers are working, but I don't see an easy way to access the gear setup from Book 2, Step 29.
Can anyone help with some steps to get in there and place that gear?)