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Everything posted by JLiu15

  1. If you want it to just move up and down or left and right, a pin with friction would be enough. You can also use a bionicle ball joint if you want it to go both directions - the star wars buildable figure sets have plenty of them.
  2. Looks really awesome! I never would have thought of turning an off-road vehicle into an aerial vehicle. I like how you used the mudguard panels to model the part where the rear rotor is. I also like your solution of using beams as the rotors of a helicopter - would love to see how it looks with the large Technic rotors (like those from the 42052) Also, the purple color makes it look really unique. Good job!
  3. It looks good so far. Good job :) I think it would look better with the turrets at the sides, as I think it would look too narrow with the turrets at the bottom. Also, how big do you want your turret to be? If you are making a small turret you could easily fit it in a 5x7. A large turret could be difficult to fit. If you want the turret to be controllable left/right or up/down, then you would have to make the turret small as you need to fit mechanisms (e.g. links) in there that control the turret.
  4. Well, in both sets you would get 2 of those large 11L cylinders (it looks like it in the 42080 from the pictures I see). I'm guessing that 42080 will be more expensive because it has power functions, so if price is an issue, go with the 42053. As for the new valves on the 42080, it's hard for me to see how they look based on the prelims. There also seems to be this mysterious cylindrical yellow element on the saw that may or may not be pneumatic. So my final opinion on this is: unless the new valves have something that facilitates putting them in your MOC (e.g. an axle hole through it that allows it to be motorized easily; this is pure speculation), stick to the 42053. I'm pretty confident the 42080 will be more expensive, and I think the 42053 also comes with a small pump in case you want to motorize it.
  5. This is so huge and impressive! I'm excited to see it! My only suggestion is to maybe count up all the dark bluish gray and black track links and divide the black links evenly among the tracks, e.g. one black link per every 5 DBG links. But anyways, good job!
  6. Hey guys, since I've just recently finished the Monster Bike, I found some time last night to work on my Kenworth T600. I've made some progress on the trailer's central gearbox - I've added the sides of it (with the control levers, of course) and done some structural work on it too. Here is my current plan: The gearbox will be driven by a M-motor, which will be the only motor in the entire MOC. (the truck part won't be motorized) The red output will be controlling the stabilizers. Drive from it will be connected to 2 mini LAs that lower the stabilizers. The white output will be rotating a knuckle boom crane sitting in the back of the trailer. The pneumatic compressor will provide air for 2 pneumatic functions, both used for controlling the knuckle boom crane. The trailer will consist of 6 wheels - part 15413 with gray rims and part 2958 in light bluish gray inserted into each. So this means, for a truck roughly the scale of the 42078, the trailer will be much longer than in the 42078, and heavier due to the mechanisms and electronics. There will be, as said in the first post, that there will be a platform on the trailer, which will be made of 5x11 panels in light bluish gray and will have railings made of axles running around it. The platform will sit literally right above the gearbox, so it could also potentially serve as a structural element. The black 5x3 L-beams seen on top of the gearbox are placed there just for me to see how I can do some horizontal reinforcement without having to rely on the panels - they probably won't be there anymore in the next WIP update. If you have any suggestions for me, let me know. Photos:
  7. The video will probably be coming sometime in the middle of February, the 11th at the earliest. Sorry about the delay.
  8. UPDATE 2/3/18 The Monster Bike has been completed! I've built it (kinda) in the style @Jurss suggested, and with two claas wheels it remains stable even at fast speeds. The only drawback is that, it tends to tip over steering when driving fast, but it can steer pretty well at low speed. I'm gonna be busy with school this next week, which means I won't get to film it for a while, but stay tuned!
  9. Sorry, forgot to downsize them when uploading them ? Yeah, I'm probably gonna make something similar to that
  10. Hey guys, it's been a while since I've updated this topic, but I've made some pretty good progress on it this past week. As of right now, all electronics (the rechargeable battery, servo motor) are now in place. I've also made a simple body out of panels. I've also tested its steering, and unfortunately, I don't think a steering with its pivot point off center is going to work at all, as this means for sure that the bike will tip over. Instead of a bike in the style of a Batpod or a Dodge Tomahawk, I am considering more of a street bike design, like the 42036. This means I will end up making several changes to what you see in the photos - the turntable will definitely be removed, the servo will probably stay in its place but the top section of the bike will be modified - I will make it more compact (as opposed to all the black 3L connectors running across it) and have a reinforced front section so it can withstand the weight exerted by the front wheel. Having the wheel's pivot point be above it will definitely make it more stable while making a turn, and the servo motor in its current position could drive a lever-and-link mechanism that steers the wheels. I might consider suspension on the front too, but if it becomes unstable I probably would attach it directly. To cover up some of the beams reinforcing the front section, I will probably add some panels to mimic a fuel tank, as this will also keep some of the internals of the bike (battery, etc) hidden. At this stage in the building process, the bike has definitely become heavier, but the motors can still drive it pretty fast. EDIT: I deleted the images because I accidentally uploaded them too large.
  11. Thanks! Yeah but this will be pretty difficult to make, especially considering the fact that the bike has to remain stable while making a turn. As of right now it seems pretty stable, as the claas tires have a hard edge which prevents them from tipping over, and the L motors on the sides act as balances.
  12. I'm really excited to see how this set looks, considering it's been a while since our last supercar set. As for the rims, I wonder if they are the same diameter as those from the Porsche - If this is so, it would mean we won't have to get ANOTHER set of tires just to fit these rims. Also it seems that the attachment point is deeper in than the average LEGO Technic wheels, sorta like the wheels from the 8448. This means that these wheels will have a pivot point much closer to the center, and could steer in a tight wheel arch, which is pretty neat. But I think this goes for the Porsche rims as well. Correct me if I'm wrong. As for the chrome print on the rims, I'm kinda worried about the print rubbing off, but looking at previous printed parts (like the rims from the 41999) I doubt that it would be a concern. I also hope that the Bugatti logo in the rim is a round tile like on the 42056, otherwise it would really impair their ability to be placed on MOCs. In the video a W16 engine could be seen sitting on the design table. However it seems really bulky, and the vertical beams that connect it kinda look ugly, but this is just my own opinion. I bet they would have lots of stuff surrounding it that the ugly beams won't be visible in the final product. At this point I wonder what color it will be in. Blue/black seems to be the most popular color when looking up google images of it. As for the blue, dark azure would be a good option as the color has been growing within the Technic realm lately. It would reduce prices of dark azure Technic pieces on Bricklink, and would also expand the range of Technic dark azure pieces.
  13. Oh yeah those black 5x7 frames from the 42077. However, the goal of my smaller MOCs is to take advantage of the pieces I have rather than to order stuff on Bricklink for it, and considering that buying them on Bricklink is still relatively expensive, I probably won't change them unless I get the 42077. But thanks
  14. Thanks! I'm glad you like it! I've finished the body of it at this point but I still have to make some revisions to it because it kinda looks ugly and I'm thinking of ways to steer it, preferably with a servo motor. I'll probably update the thread once the body and steering mechanism are in place but still lacking the front wheel. BTW which black panels? Thanks! Yeah I wish the motors could be less exposed, but this is the most direct way of drive possible, and the current speed is really impressive. I may have to change the gear ratio towards the end of the build though if the motors seem to become underpowered, but I'm almost finished with the body and it can still go pretty fast; just tends to tip over sometimes at high speed but I can always drive it slow when necessary since SBrick app allows proportional control
  15. Okay thanks! Well, seeing that I’ve never used orange before in any of my MOCs, I thought that a small MOC would be a perfect opportunity to, since I don’t have THAT many orange parts for a big MOC, but thanks :)
  16. So do I click "reply to this topic" whenever I want to update to a WIP topic? I figured out how to change names of topics, but do I have to change its name every time I update it, or is it recommended that I do? Thanks :)
  17. Thanks! You're right about the L-motors. I know it looks ugly but it keeps friction to a minimum. I've tested it and the speed is really impressive. As for the 5x7 frames, I do agree that black would make the color more uniform, but the goal of my smaller projects is to take full advantage of the parts I have rather than get new parts. Also since they just came out the prices are still a bit high, so I'll see. As for the 2 3L thin beams, I do think it kinda breaks up the orange, but since they have axle holes in them they keep the 2 orange mini panels firmly attached, as opposed to when I connect them directly with axle pins - they tend to wobble around easily due to the lack of a "solid" connection between the two panels. And as for the steering, I'm planning on using a servo motor that steers the front wheel via a link. Anyways, thanks for your input! I'll probably finish the MOC in the next week or so but since I'll be busy with school in the upcoming weeks I might not get to the filming until mid-February.
  18. Sorry, I’m new to eurobricks and don’t know how everything works exactly yet. I thought topics couldn’t be edited once submitted so i posted a new one. Thanks! btw really sorry about this but i’m new here to eurobricks and i’m still trying to understand how everything works as to posting new topics. I know this kinda sounds stupid but where exactly do you go (like what do u click on) in order to change a topic name and add to it? I thought topics were final and could not be edited further.
  19. Hey guys, I know this post is kinda early since I just posted a WIP of the Monster Bike yesterday, but I think the progress I made today is worthy of a new post, since this is a lot of progress for a small project. So basically at this point the entire rear section of the bike is complete. I've installed the SBrick (which is hidden behind the shock absorbers and between the panels) and I've completed a good chunk of the body. Due to this being a small MOC, I thought of this as a good opportunity to use a lesser-common color within the Technic realm: orange. (I've done the same thing with my Azure Racer and Lime Tracker from the fall of last year where I took advantage of the MOC's small size to use a more uncommon color). Most of my orange pieces come from the 42052 and 42060 sets, which is not a lot but sufficient for creating a small MOC. The only part I'm not so happy with is the exposed 5x7 frame. Pretty much everything on there right now is held together (or at least reinforced) by the two frames, and I can't cover it up easily as it would make the model too wide. I've also done some speed tests with this thing, and I found the speed to be pretty impressive. However, I may end up changing the gear ratio if the motors start to get sluggish later on in the build. There's also the issue of it being unstable when fast driving, but thankfully the SBrick app allows proportional control of the motors, so I can always drive it at slow speed when necessary. If you have any suggestions, let me know in the comments below. Photos:
  20. It’s a motorized compressor. It’s already incorporated into the gearbox (sorry i forgot to take a bottom pic of it; it’s hardly visible from the top)
  21. Thanks! I’ll see as the build progresses. I put some reinforcement in the perpendicular gear thing. At this point I’m most worried about the motors not having enough torque to power it, but fortunately I can easily change it to a 12:20 ratio. My goal is to keep it as light as possible, so that i can get some good speed out of it. Yes haha but it won’t be anywhere close to the performance you’d get out of an RC motor. I’d love to get 1-2 of them but those things are so dang expensive these days smh Thanks! Yeah it really helps keep the wheel firmly attached
  22. Hey guys, here's another project I've been working on alongside the Monster Bike. This is going to be a much bigger project, and will very likely be my first MOC going to BrickFair VA in August. It will be a truck and trailer MOC - the trailer will have several motorized functions and a pneumatic crane, and the truck will contain no electronic components - it will be all about the details, just like the 42078, and it will be built at a similar scale. At this point I have finished the distribution gearbox that will control all the motorized and pneumatic functions. The gearbox is set up similar to that of the 8110 (or 42070) - the "main" side will determine whether the motor drives the pneumatic compressor or the 2 motorized functions, and the "dependent" side will determine which of the two motorized functions the motor will drive. The motor is only connected to the main side, as the dependent side requires the main side to direct drive to it. As for the truck, I'm planning on a Kenworth T600 in black. The trailer will have a platform made of 5x11 panels in light bluish gray. The functions of the trailer will be: (This plan is tentative) Motorized functions: Trailer stabilizers Crane rotation (will have a worm gear somewhere in the gear train as this prevents manual rotation) Pneumatic Functions: (all will be on the crane arm) Elevation Second Section Extension (if space allows) Grabber If you have any suggestions, let me know in the comments below. Photos:
  23. Hey guys, here's a new MOC I've just started making. It's going to be a motorcycle, and so far I've completed its rear wheel module, with the drive motors already in place. It will feature: Drive, with the 2 L motors, geared 1:1 Steering, which will be controlled by a M motor The final design will be similar to something like the Batpod, with the front wheel far in front of the chassis. This means steering will probably end up like that of a wheel loader, where the vehicle turns on an articulated joint (hopefully that makes sense). The front wheel module will be attached to the chassis via 2 large turntables, and the bike will steer simply by transferring gear drive to the turntables. (The steering motor will be geared down of course to ensure stability) Rear suspension The entire model will be, of course, controlled by SBrick. A rechargeable battery will power it in order to reduce weight. I'm making this MOC to give some out-of-the-ordinary applications for the Claas tires, which, in this case, is using them on a bike. I also think that my first remote controlled bike MOC (the Stealth Bike from 2016) was not so great, so I'm making a second bike to see if I can make it perform better The video will be, of course, filmed outdoors. This MOC is, of course, going to be pretty simple. But I'm already making plans for my BrickFair VA 2018 MOCs, one of which is already underway. If you have any suggestions, let me know in the comments below. Photos:
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