- Star Destroyer - Set 75055 UCS Mod
- Star Destroyer - Set 75055 UCS Mod
[MOD] X-Wing 75218
No worries, man. Happens to the best of us!
joethemusicman started following [MOD] X-Wing 75218
[MOD] X-Wing 75218
Super helpful, man. *BUT* I'm still not quite seeing where all the extra length of the 7L axle goes, because when I initially slot it into the technic 1x2 brick, then follow it with all the things shown in your video, it still leaves about an inch of length sticking out. Maybe I have something longer than a 7L axle? Screenshot shows what I ordered on bricklink! Seems like the axle should go back farther into the engine, but those funny white spoked half cylinders the set uses for the back half of each engine have nowhere for an axle to pass through. Call me confused! Thanks again for the help!!
[MOD] X-Wing 75218
Mcphatty, great work on these mods! I ordered some parts based on your file, but I don't understand how the 7L axles fit, or where the 3x3 discs go. The middle parts of each engine don't have holes for the axle to pass through. Any further direction would be much appreciated!
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