Everything posted by barneius
[MOC] TIE Advanced X1
Thank you all for such a positive response :) New non-TIE project on the way :)
[MOC] TIE Advanced X1
TIE Advanced X1 (1160 pieces) crowns my battles with the Twin Ion Engine family - at least for the near future. The biggest challenge was, which probably is not a surprise, designing the front diagonal parts of the fuselage while preserving the detail in the middle of each. I managed to model it in a way that satisfies me, even though I have not been able to find any method for it for a long time. What I am not entirely satisfied with is the fact that the upper and lower parts of the panels are not as stable as in my other TIEs. Nevertheless it's still a solid build regarding it's a display piece, not a toy. More pics on my flickr account here. If you like it, you may find pdf step-by-step instructions on rebrickable. TIE Advanced X1 LEGO MOC by barneius industries, on Flickr TIE Advanced X1 LEGO MOC by barneius industries, on Flickr TIE Advanced X1 LEGO MOC by barneius industries, on Flickr TIE Advanced X1 LEGO MOC by barneius industries, on Flickr TIE Advanced X1 LEGO MOC by barneius industries, on Flickr TIE Advanced X1 LEGO MOC by barneius industries, on Flickr TIE Advanced X1 LEGO MOC by barneius industries, on Flickr TIE Advanced X1 LEGO MOC by barneius industries, on Flickr TIE Advanced X1 LEGO MOC by barneius industries, on Flickr
[MOC] TIE Bomber
Thx! First Order Special Forces TIE Fighter (comprehensive MOD of 75101) is already done. You may check it's gallery on my flickr here. Instructions available on rebrickable. I'm working on yet another two SW flying machines at the moment - one of them should be ready in less than a month.
[MOC] TIE Bomber
Bomber's cockpit with and without a pilot- note that the pilot fought in more than one battle - borrowed him from my son ;) Also pictures of my TIE's together. TIE Bomber MOC Cockpit by barneius heavy machinery and vessels industries, on Flickr TIE Bomber MOC Cockpit by barneius heavy machinery and vessels industries, on Flickr Those two headlights and two 1x1 plates may be replaced with two new 1x1 brackets making much more space for a pilot. Can't update instructions at the moment, because those new brackets hasn't been updated to LDD yet. Bomber update by barneius heavy machinery and vessels industries, on Flickr TIE line-up by barneius heavy machinery and vessels industries, on Flickr TIE line-up by barneius heavy machinery and vessels industries, on Flickr
[MOC] TIE Bomber
Interceptor’s cockpit is the same as in my TIE Fighter - check it’s album on my flickr to see how minifig pilot fits in. If light conditions are ok, I’ll take some photos of them all together and bomber with the pilot in this weekend (my photo setup is too small to fit them together). Videos highly possible in couple of months.
UCS Rey's Speeder
I was just wondering how come there are over 5500 bricks at yours. Seemed impossible unless you used just 1x1 plates inside :) Now that explains everything. Thx. Have you tried to fix it with rebrickable?
UCS Rey's Speeder
Great design. I love all the roundness of it. I was naturally comparing it to dmarkng's one. Of course it's just my opinion, but yours is no question much better. It is also very interesting, that the piece count of yours is 1541; dmarkng's over 5500 whilst they seem to be pretty the same size. Anyways - I would be very happy to have it in my collection. Waiting for the instructions! Can you estimate the cost of the bricks necessary?
[MOC] TIE Bomber
Thank you guys. Yes, I keep on working on SW projects. One of them (around 1100-1200 pieces) should be ready in about a month.
[MOC] A/SF-01 B-Wing Starfighter
So far looking very good. My favorite style - sleek and smooth. I don't mind studs - they are the essence of Lego but hiding them where possible is a good direction. Of course not by all means and of course having in mind, that there are places where they are just the best way of detailing. Can't wait to see the finished model. PS. What is this blaster doing in pilots hand? Isn't he supposed to be piloting the bloody ship? :D
SB00301 B-PROJECT (MOC Resistance Bomber UCS)
Looks stunning. I didn't like this ship at all (being disappointed with TLJ in general) but seeing this incarnation in LEGO makes me change my mind. Who knows, perhaps I would build this one sometime. Absolutely impressing. Congrats!
AT-hauler 75219 mod
Here is my take. it's pretty simple - I was just having fun adding details and filling gaps so that the model looked richer. I wasn't even checking the source material, so this mod is more my idea on how it could look than how it appears in the movie. Nevertheless I assume it looks much better now. Sorry for the poor quality of the pics - I just took them directly from my Lego shelves. I have a plan to design a UCS style MOC of this vessel but have to finish two other projects at the moment. I guess I'll start it in the second part of the year. IMG_6727 by barneius heavy machinery and vessels industries, on Flickr IMG_6728 by barneius heavy machinery and vessels industries, on Flickr IMG_6729 by barneius heavy machinery and vessels industries, on Flickr IMG_6735 by barneius heavy machinery and vessels industries, on Flickr IMG_6734 by barneius heavy machinery and vessels industries, on Flickr IMG_6733 by barneius heavy machinery and vessels industries, on Flickr IMG_6732 by barneius heavy machinery and vessels industries, on Flickr IMG_6731 by barneius heavy machinery and vessels industries, on Flickr IMG_6730 by barneius heavy machinery and vessels industries, on Flickr
[MOC] TIE Bomber
Nothing special: just an ordinary shadeless tent + tripod + old Sony compact WX300 camera
[MOC] TIE Bomber
What do you mean by setup?
[MOC] TIE Bomber
It’s a tight fit but yes. These are real bricks and there is just a cocpit space for the pilot. I was focused on stability and shaping.
[MOC] TIE Bomber
The third model in my classic imperial TIE class ships line up. Both hulls are based and joint together with a technic frame which makes the model rigid and solid. The panels are built with the technique I've introduced in my TIE Interceptor. That makes the upper and lower parts of them locked securely in place and with the right angles, as I pay much attention to the proportions. All of the details are intentional - they are supposed to resemble the real built of this very interesting ship in Star Wars universum. Shaping of the front of the bomb hull was obviously inspired by Jerac (credits) yet it is definitely different built. It is pretty heavy as for its size - the piece count is 1643. There is a tight space for a minifig pilot in the cockpit. More pics on my flickr account here. If you like it, you may find pdf step-by-step instructions on rebrickable. TIE Bomber LEGO MOC by barneius heavy machinery and vessels industries ltd., on Flickr TIE Bomber LEGO MOC by barneius heavy machinery and vessels industries ltd., on Flickr TIE Bomber LEGO MOC by barneius heavy machinery and vessels industries ltd., on Flickr TIE Bomber LEGO MOC by barneius heavy machinery and vessels industries ltd., on Flickr TIE Bomber LEGO MOC by barneius heavy machinery and vessels industries ltd., on Flickr TIE Bomber LEGO MOC by barneius heavy machinery and vessels industries ltd., on Flickr
[MOC] TIE Interceptor
Thx. Strength is indeed my priority even though I accept compromises that LEGO would probably not in production sets. Than go proportions and last but not least details. Of course I don't mind using my idea of corner-cut 1x2 slopes for shaping the ball in your mod. I would rather call it inspiring than copying. And in fact you're not the only one who was inspired. That just makes me feel satisfied :) This mod of yours looks much better than the original set, which in my opinion is quite disappointing. I can't resist the feeling LEGO designers put greater effort in using some not ordinary pieces than properly shaping the model. Too bad for the model.
- [MOC] TIE Interceptor
- [MOC] TIE Interceptor
[MOC] TIE Interceptor
After learning some basic skills on modifying First Order TIE Fighter and designing Imperial TIE Fighter based on official LEGO sets, moving on to TIE Interceptor was an obvious and natural choice. I really like the ship. It’s shapes are way more interesting than the standard fighters, yet the Interceptor is stylish and what is even more important for me - 100% classic. Basically all I had to do was to create it’s panels. My first decision was to abandon the use of locking hinges because the angles of the upper and lower parts of the panels are significantly and visibly bigger then 45 degrees and my priority was to get the best proportions. I ended up with this solution and I’m satisfied with it. The angles are just right and the upper and lower parts are locked securely in position. Even though it is a display piece, the model is solid and swooshable. I’ve also managed to include lots of important details. I am aware there are imperfections mostly regarding details but I think I got it just right as for minifig scale and classic build which matches well official LEGO sets. The piece count is 774 + 50 for the stand. More pics on my flickr account here. If you like it, you may find pdf step-by-step instructions on rebrickable. TIE Interceptor Lego MOC by barneius, on Flickr TIE Interceptor Lego MOC by barneius, on Flickr TIE Interceptor Lego MOC by barneius, on Flickr TIE Interceptor Lego MOC by barneius, on Flickr TIE Interceptor Lego MOC by barneius, on Flickr TIE Interceptor Lego MOC by barneius, on Flickr
[MOD] [Instructions] First Order TIE Fighter
First Order TIE Fighter based on 75101 LEGO set. I've made PDF step-by-step instructions as well. If anyone would like to build this one, instructions are available at for 4,99 Euro here: First Order TIE Fighter by barneius, on Flickr First Order TIE Fighter by barneius, on Flickr First Order TIE Fighter by barneius, on Flickr First Order TIE Fighter by barneius, on Flickr First Order TIE Fighter by barneius, on Flickr First Order TIE Fighter by barneius, on Flickr First Order TIE Fighter by barneius, on Flickr First Order TIE Fighter by barneius, on Flickr First Order TIE Fighter by barneius, on Flickr First Order TIE Fighter by barneius, on Flickr
- [MOC / MOD] [Instructions] Imperial TIE Fighter
[MOD] Kylo Ren's Command Shuttle - black and mean
Thank you! Actually I've just finished LDD designing of a true MOC of this spectacular vessel. The size is not much bigger, yet the proportions and detailing are at a completely different level. It is 2500 pieces, so it fits well within UCS standards. I think I'll be ready to present it in January. Stay tuned :)
[MOC / MOD] [Instructions] Imperial TIE Fighter
This is the final version of my Imperial TIE Fighter based on original LEGO sets. I've made PDF step-by-step instructions as well. If anyone would like to build this one, instructions are available at for 6,99 Euro here: Imperial TIE Fighter Lego MOC / MOD by barneius, on Flickr Imperial TIE Fighter Lego MOC / MOD by barneius, on Flickr Imperial TIE Fighter Lego MOC / MOD by barneius, on Flickr Imperial TIE Fighter Lego MOC / MOD by barneius, on Flickr Imperial TIE Fighter Lego MOC / MOD by barneius, on Flickr Imperial TIE Fighter Lego MOC / MOD by barneius, on Flickr Imperial TIE Fighter Lego MOC / MOD by barneius, on Flickr Imperial TIE Fighter Lego MOC / MOD by barneius, on Flickr Imperial TIE Fighter Lego MOC / MOD by barneius, on Flickr Imperial TIE Fighter Lego MOC / MOD by barneius, on Flickr Imperial TIE Fighter Lego MOC / MOD by barneius, on Flickr Imperial TIE Fighter Lego MOC / MOD by barneius, on Flickr
[Software] Blueprint, a building instruction generator for LDD
Hi there. I've just finished over 700 pieces project in step design. I try to generate instructions but unfortunately I can not do it. I hit the button "(Re) Generate from steps" but nothing happens :/ . When importing a new model from lxd file everything works just fine. Any ideas about the reason?
[MOC / MOD] Imperial TIE Fighter
It was designed in LDD first. Originally I planed to buy 75211 but after counting pieces I could have used, it appeared there is absolutely no point. Buying original set + needed elements would be much more expensive than just buying parts I needed on BL. If you want original set anyway buy 75211 but for instance the panels build resembles more 75101 (there is critical difference in connection_to_fuselage part of the build).
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