How do you display your modular building collection?
These look awesome! It looks like IKEA Expedit shelves are pretty popular for this. I use them, too. Here are two photos of my separated town.
How do you display your modular building collection?
With the modular building collection getting as large as it is, how / where are you guys displaying them? I have my town separated onto two bookshelves in my living room, each with 4 sets. It works for now (barely) but when the next one comes out I have no idea what I'm going to do. I was also thinking about enclosing them in a glass display so they don't get so dang dusty, but again it comes down to a space issue. I'd love to see pictures of where you keep yours!
Preventing LEGO sunlight damage
Thanks for the info! I did some research and it said something about glass blocking UV-B, but not UV-A. Maybe that's the one I need. Either way, I'm sure some type of UV-blocking window film will help stop LEGO bricks from fading.
Preventing LEGO sunlight damage
Is there any type of special window film out there that anybody has used that can prevent UV rays from fading LEGO bricks? I'm about to move my modular building set near a window (my current spot is now too small) and I'm worried that all of that extra sunlight will discolor the bricks. I immediately thought some type of window film would do the trick, but I'm entirely sure which type would be best. Is it just UV rays that discolor plastic or is it also visible sunlight? I'd love to not have to actually tint the windows and just block the UV, but I'm not sure how that works. I'd welcome anybody else's ideas, too!
yanathin started following 10230: Mini Modulars Discussion , Preventing LEGO sunlight damage and MOC: LEGO 8-bit Engagement Portrait!
MOC: LEGO 8-bit Engagement Portrait!
Thank you very much for the kind words! I actually planned it using a 130px x 130px file in Photoshop and just drew it that way. After it was done, I counted each pixel and found the best possible colors/sizes/prices for pieces on either BrickLink or Pick-A-Brick. All of the pieces are either 2x2 or 1x2, except for the base plates and the 4x4 and 4x8 plates that are underneath the elevated characters and the frame. When it came time to build it, I just built each 32x32 plate on its own (cropped in Photoshop so I didn't get confused) and put them together like a puzzle at the end. I used two different kinds of 3M sticky things to mount it. One was just this standard double-sided 3M foam tape that comes on a roll - that was used to get each plate to stick to a 40"x40" foam core board. Then, to hang the board on the wall, I used the large 3M "picture hanging" adhesives, which worked surprisingly well. They say they can hold up to 15 pounds or so, and the portrait was fairly light since I used the foam core backing (I'd guess around 7-8 pounds total). The only difficult part was lifting it above my head by myself - while holding it perfectly level - on Christmas morning to stick it onto the wall. But it worked! Here's the link to the original 8-bit portrait I based it off of:
MOC: LEGO 8-bit Engagement Portrait!
Guess I forgot the important part - she did say yes! And you can't see it in the picture, but we have the whole Modular Building set displayed on a shelf off to the left. It's a pretty awesome LEGO-filled living room at this point. :)
MOC: LEGO 8-bit Engagement Portrait!
This is one of my first posts here, but I've been a long time fan of LEGO and thought Eurobricks users might enjoy this quick little story! I proposed to my girlfriend on Christmas day with a 7,000+ piece LEGO portrait showing the 8-bit versions of us and our dog. I love how it turned out, and so did she! I'm very glad LEGO offers (or has offered in the past) so many different shades of brown, otherwise the skin/hair/shadows/dog would have looked very different.
10230: Mini Modulars Discussion
Picked up this set yesterday. I love it! Has anybody tackled making a MOC mini Pet Shop?
Dark Red vs New Dark Red
You are awesome. Thank you very much for your input! I think it might be a safer bet for me to order new dark red from TLG. I'm going to be building something that would make it very important to not have different tones of dark red. I know exactly what you're talking about with variations of the same color. It was pretty noticeable on some Café Corner pieces. I called LEGO and spoke to somebody with some knowledge of the new dark red, and she told me that while she wasn't quite sure if the color was actually different from the original dark red, she did know that they re-introduced the color and some new pieces in that color for their new Pirates of the Caribbean set.
Dark Red vs New Dark Red
Hey there, I had a question. I noticed that there's a color on's Pick-a-brick called "New Dark Red." On BrickLink, that color doesn't seem to exist and is just called "Dark Red." Are these two different colors, or is BrickLink just listing it as Dark Red instead of New Dark Red? If there is a difference, which color do you think looks better or richer? A couple of other color questions I had are along the same line... again, LEGO calls these colors weird names on pick-a-brick. For example, "Brick Yellow" and "Sand Yellow." Are those colors the same as "Tan" and "Dark Tan" on BrickLink? I'm trying to use Brick Yellow as a Flesh tone and Sand Yellow as a shadow for the flesh tone. I'm going to be ordering hundreds of these pieces and I want to make sure they'd pass for that.
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