[Ep. XVII] [Rebels] [Week 6] Time for a snack
@elementaryMaybe add a few blue tiles to the water, so it will stand out a bit more. I think your MOC looks better than my first one.
- Episode XVII: The Battle For Endor
Markov Zinhae started following [Ep. XVII] [Rebels] [Week 4] Hangup
[Ep. XVII] [Rebels] [Week 5] Being Watched
I would like to move my team to the right 1 space and then up. A small cell of Rebel troops was tasked with navigating the dense part of Endor to find a Rebel pilot. The Rebel pilot, a Duro, was grateful and joined the Rebel cell in their next mission to heada toward the Empire's shield generator. As the group navigated their way in the forest, little did they know there were being carefully being watched.
MOC Han Solo Blaster
Wow. I may have to do some weapons too.
- [SoNE Ep. XVI] [Cat. B] Outfitted Republic Cruiser
[SoNE Ep. XVI] [Cat. A] YT-50 Corellian Freighter - Blue Motley
Looks cool, with navy A.C.U. colors. Could you do a MOC with Army A.C.U. colors?
- [SoNE Ep. XVI] [Cat. A] Royal Guard TIE/In Interceptor v3
[MOC] TIE/D Automated Starfighter (UCS style)
Nicely done!
- Episode XVII: The Battle For Endor
- Shadows of Nar Eurbrikka — Introduction and Discussion
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