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Eurobricks Vassals
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  1. Do any Norwegians here know when the HP Bricktober will be available in Norway? And do you think it will just be in Toys'R'us?
  2. Have someone heard more about the rumours of the 2019 winter sets?
  3. Any norwegians here who knows if the bricktober set will be able to get in Norway?
  4. Anyone here who knows if the bricktober set will be available in Norway?
  5. How much do you guys think the bricktober set will cost on bricklink?
  6. I just hope it will stay long enough to finally make some deathly hallows sets! We didn't get any DH part 1 sets, and just 1 or 2 DH part 2 sets back in 2010 and 11! So at least 2-3 more years should be good enough. I honestly think if they let this line last for too many years, they will run out of ideas and just start remaking sets like the Great hall, Aragog, whomping willow etc... (Like star wars do with remaking the falcon almost every 2-4 years iguess) And i honestly wouldn't like that to happen with Harry Potter! (But that's my opinion though!)
  7. It would be awesome if it will be two waves in 2019!
  8. How long do you guys think this line will last? I really hope it doesn't end up like LOTR and just end with two waves. Hope for at least 4-5 years! :)
  9. Yeah, it's most likely a fake
  10. Seems like the new Snape figure is for sale on ebay! https://www.ebay.com/itm/Lego-Harry-Potter-Professor-Snape-Minifigure-2018-/273160612727
  11. The Whomping Willow in the Lego Harry Potter Years 1-4 game looked very good, maybe the set would look something like that!? :)
  12. Yes some more HBP sets would be great too like maybe the Slughorn christmas party, the horocrux cave, potions class and Weasley wizard wheezes I even forgot to mention my ideas for more Goblet of fire fire sets too! The death eater attack on the Quidditch world cup campsite, the third task (which we strangely enough didn't get back in 2005) Yule ball and the prefects bathroom! :)
  13. A D2C Hogwarts would of course be cool. But if it is just regular sets instead, i would really like to see some sets we've never seen before. I would love to see some Deathly hallows part 1 sets like the tent, Lovegoods house, Malfoy manor, the ministry, the cafe battle and maybe even Godrics hollow! Even some Order of the phoenix sets would be great as well like Grimmaulds place, the Dementor attack in the beginning of the book/movie etc...
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