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Alberto Brick

Eurobricks Vassals
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  1. I think it is understandable a little outburst in case of disappointment. If you check the leaks, and do not accept the comments, maybe you're not in the right place
  2. Exact SpiderJazz. I'll buy the set, because I'm a completeist, but I'm not happy
  3. I use the google translator, maybe I do not explain myself well. The same body present in all sets, with edite heads, maybe it is "exclusive" but it is not what I expect to find in a large set. I do not even consider the involution of the chitauri. For that price I would have expected at least one very desirable character. As Lego normally for this type of set
  4. It's crazy. A large set without an exclusive minifigure. I still can not believe it
  5. Yes, indeed. That set does not have a real strength. A huge disappointment
  6. I rarely complain about Lego's choices. But this time I can not do without: 3 sets with the same minifigure repeated 7 times? And recycled villains? Cap's bike is horrible, the Quinjet set is poor, the minifigures are poor, and Hulk is missing in the quantum suit! The only positive aspect would have been to view the whole team with the suit, but we can not! And we will not even have the team with the new non-quantum uniforms, because the remaining slots exclude it. So: too many repetitions, recycled villains, recycled bigfigs and missing characters. What a sadness. I was expecting the best Marvel line ever, for the biggest Marvel film ever, and instead ...
  7. Sorry guys! I was convinced I had written in the DC section! I have not seen the catalog. The site in question spoke (very briefly) of the Batman sets. Marvel and Avengers, in the catalog, do not appear. Sorry again :-(
  8. An Italian site has the preliminary catalog. No watermark, but the name of the representative is printed on the pages. I do not think we'll see it online, but someone could provide some description
  9. Mark 85 is beautiful! I really do not understand, and I will never understand, all these complaints
  10. The third set contains minifigures? I realized that the remote-controlled Batmobile would not have had it ?
  11. The official release date of the new sets be tomorrow? Or 3, like the Hulkbuster? ?
  12. I do not think it's your problem the amount of free time of other users, or the way they decide to use it. In this forum we talk about Lego, I'm sure this is the right place to discuss the color of a minifigure ? Nabii, thank you for your intervention, it was very interesting! And congratulations for the set, it's magnificent
  13. In a new action figure from Hasbro, Thanos has a sword similar to the Lego set and, above all, the helmet! Is there a possibility that our bigfig is not so wrong?
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