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Eurobricks Knights
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Everything posted by mpj

  1. Regular L motors can be used as servo motors with brickcontroller 2 app, isn't it?
  2. Awesome! Thanks for sharing. I think nowadays everybody has Studio installed on their computer, so we can open the file and export to the preferred format
  3. I like the trucks in this scale, and this one is very well done!
  4. You don't, others do. They set the price and then people decide. My statement was about the neverending attempt to find the explanation/justification of the price. The answer is not (only) inside the number of parts or the number of motors.
  5. This set is very highly priced but I don't understand why people are trying to find an explanation for this price. A lot of things in our life cost much more than their value, often we pay more just for the brand (actually we pay more for Lego than for any other clone brand, and often the quality is basically the same). Marketing department decides what is the most suitable price for an object, they have the production cost and they decide the margin. The brand Cat is surely an attractive factor, I'm sure lot of people will buy the first Lego Technic Cat model and will not care about the price. The 18+ thing is only a box art style to help adults (not Afols) to identify products more suitable for them, it was explained when it was introduced.
  6. There's a promotional video on Instagram (search for dylanchow). New black actuators with DBG connectors are ridiculous, simply ridiculous.
  7. We are too used to see the wide wheels and now the new ones look too thin. But I think the proportion diameter/width is correct for truck tires.
  8. Concerning the number of votes, I wonder if the voting process is a little too complex, it requires some time to check the entries / note the assigned numbers / give the points. People generally are lazy! Maybe we could add a visual summary chart (with the photos of the entries and the assigned numbers) in the voting topic, and not just a list, but I'm afraid this is against the task to encourage people to click on WIP threads...
  9. Congratulations to the winners! I really enjoyed the contest and I'm happy to be in the top ten with my simple model
  10. If you are talking about the colour of the rims, I think light bluish grey works very well, like in many truck models. Or the metallic grey like in the Jeep Wrangler.
  11. This contest involves nostalgic sets and all the entries could be very attractive for non-technic people. Surely this is more suitable than any other past contests, which were more only-technic oriented (and some of them, if not all of them, were frontpaged).
  12. Will the voting topic be frontpaged so that other "not technic" users will see and vote?
  13. The model looks ok, but for a personal taste I don't like orange cars with black rims. Porsche, Corvette and now the Raptor: why Lego makes so many models orange with black rims?!
  14. Great!! I'm also waiting for my order from bricks and pieces, still not shipped yet.
  15. With this chassis width, the new 49,5 x 14 wheels will not result too wide? I see in total: 5L chassis + 2L spaces (filled with half bushes) and 2L connectors + 2 half bushes = 10 studs. 4 wheels (2 on both sides) are 4x 14mm = 56mm = 7 studs, so we have a total width of 17 studs. Placing inner wheels with the spokes on the outer side will let you save 2 studs?
  16. 11: 1025: 620: 427: 333: 25: 1 So many great entries! Good luck everybody
  17. What I especially like of this model is that you kept the "toy-like" look, as the original one. Looks like a vintage toy built with modern elements. Great job!
  18. We must consider that the cars are really small and light, the upper deck is strong enough for the purpose
  19. Clever solution! Actually I tried to simply reproduce the original set, which had a black bracket in the same position as the LA.
  20. Do you mean you prefer the actuator is more at the rear, to support the platform more at the rear?
  21. 23. Indy transport, set 6335 Original Set: 6335 Link to the Topic: Original model: Technic version:
  22. Today I managed to complete the whole model, adding also custom made stickers. I don't have (or they don't exist) some green and some blue parts to make the car as close as possible to the real ones. That was my compromise. I really enjoyed the contest!
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