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Everything posted by SEmrys

  1. I got a bit too hung up on size in my earlier posts but I agree with all of this. If they incorporated more posability, gave their poor thighs a break and changeable parts the size would be more palatable. I'd still rather some middle option, but it would be a step in the right direction.
  2. I think the math stuff (which was just me going on a tangent really) kind of undermined my point. I also don't want a (regular) minifigure Thing (or Hulk, etc), and I also don't think Lego needs to make every character height specific. What I mean is I was agreeing with @poisonbricks that I don't think bigfigs are the optimal design, and wish there was an alternate design (that looks like a sized up minifigure) that would be more in keeping with Lego's other products and, if it was smaller than a bigfig, would be able to be used for a wider range of characters (like the Thing, Kingpin, Colossus, Venom). Not a Axl-esque midfig, but a new thing. Some might think that some of those characters, wouldn't look good as minifigures, but then conversely might not look right as bigfigs either. Although given the choice between a midfig and a minifig, for those characters, I would take the midfig. Hopefully that makes more sense but I fear I've just thrown another jumbled message at you. Edit/TL;DR - I thought about it a bit more and to put it more simply: Hulk and Thing work as big figs. But I don't think other characters (Kingpin, She-Hulk, Colossus etc) would work as well. But if you had a sized down option, smaller than a big fig, bigger than a minifig (other than the current midfig) that would work for all of the above. I wish we had that.
  3. I think there needs to be something but I agree that big figs aren't the best solution imo. I don't love their static nature or the fact that they lose some of that Lego charm with their inability to change parts (although tbf that is starting to change slightly). As for the height, if Hulk is 8'2 and according to a quick search a minifigure represents someone approximately 5'6 tall, then essentially he should be just under 1.5x the size of a regular minifigure (1.46 to be a little more precise but my math may be wrong). I like it when the Thing is depicted as bigger than his 6' comic height but based on the above and the fact the Hulk is oversized you're not wrong. I hope that one day they make an actual bigger (but smaller than big figs) minifigure but that's probably not going to happen. but it would be a nice middle ground that gives everyone the big Thing they want and sizes the Hulk down to a more appropriate size. Tl;dr - I agree with you.
  4. That's such an obvious one! Not sure why I didn't think of it. Considering the initial No Way Home wave, if this CMF doesn't end up featuring many villains I wouldn't be surprised if we got at least one or two of these, maybe around the release of Beyond, now that Spider-Verse sets are actually a thing. The Collider could also feature a bunch of items being warped, which would make for a more visually interesting set.
  5. I'm not really arguing for or against the CMF here but this just made me think about what you could make from the SV films. I reckon they could come up with a fair few sets. Green Goblin's big enough to be a mech/surtur-esque set. Peni Parker's robot. Aunt May's house with the spider base and/or Sinister Six attack. The Collider. Alchemax, maybe? Probably a fair few things from Across but I can't remember it well enough to say anything definitively (something from the Spider-Base and Spider-Man India's reality, perhaps?) Some of those may sound like generic buildings on the face of it but the one set we do/will have is the Bodega. Maybe that's just me wanting more buildings though!
  6. I mean, you've kind of answered your own question there, with Agatha anyway. People seem to have responded well to it (the two posters prior to you, and the one they're quoting both said it was one of the best TV shows Marvel Studios has put out) and it's carrying on a story from one of their other popular shows. The Marvels is a sequel to the character Marvel was trying to push as their premiere female hero. They make some odd choices, sure. And not all of it is great. But if they don't take some risks or make some outside the box choices sometimes then we wouldn't have had things like Guardians of the Galaxy (or, arguably, Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, Ant-Man and so on). As for Thunderbolts, I was disappointed by the roster initially but that looks like it could be one of the better things they put out next year. And the Avengers didn't start off with their classic roster either so who knows.
  7. True, I said something similar a page or two back. I wouldn't want that either. I just think there's potential in a classic Spider-Man CMF done right. Obviously a Goblin and Venom filled CMF isn't that interesting. Unfortunately I don't find the idea of a CMF full of Spider-variants that interesting either.
  8. I think a generic Spider-Man series is what people meant. At least, it's what I meant. If it does feature a bunch of villains I'll be more on board. Although do CMFs often have larger-than-minifigure-sized characters? (Genuinely asking I've only ever really paid attention to the superhero ones) I'd be happy with a minifigure Kingpin but I don't think it would do that version of the character justice. Plus, he's not in his iconic outfit so a minifigure would only have the head to really make it seem like Fisk.
  9. Yeah I'm a little torn on this. A comic CMF would be cool but knowing TLG half spots would be taken up by Venom, Carnage, Green Goblin etc. Spider-Man has always been my favourite comic character and I love the first Spider-Verse movie but I dont have much interest in a whole CMF series based on these movies specifically. However, it does make me hopeful we might finally get a comic-adjacent Spider-Man with (at least partially) printed boots (surely one of the variants will have them), like the Sanctum figure. A Miles based on the first movie would be cool too.
  10. Until coming in here it didn't even occur to me that it could have been Anya tbh. I also wonder if this is meant to be their way of doing Madame Web set, a la the Morbius set. I know in the movie it's the Cassandra Webb Madame Web, but it's the Julia Carpenter looks she's wearing (at least, in the promo material, I never bothered with the movie), plus of course, the actual Julia Carpenter (/Cornwall) appearance.
  11. I still like the set but I'm a little torn seeing it next to the other modulars. I agree with SolidBrix though that it does look cool to see them all together. I was thinking of putting it round the corner from the Sanctum so it's still a part of the Marvel city but not in line with the rest*. Maybe that will make the size difference less noticeable? Although until someone shows it off in anything other than a straight line I suppose we won't know how good that looks. * So Bugle, Peter's apartment (old Sanctum), new Sanctum on the corner, X-Mansion round the corner. I don't have the Avengers Tower but that could Tower over from behind if I ever get it.
  12. Personally I don't hate him, I just find him... a bit meh? You're right, the pieces fit. But there are other choices that probably would have fit better imo. Different coloured suit, different torso print. As for the head, it does work but I think everyone's just tired of it.
  13. Nice to see it clearly. I like it a lot. I like the figures too, with a few exceptions. Wolverine and Prof X obviously. Cyclops I'm torn on. Not bothered by the lack of dual moulding personally, I think the leg printing looks good (although I may have to swap the hips). I think his main issue is still his face - the lack of detail and the fact his mask is wrong (the forehead). It's a small thing, I know, but they managed to print Captain America's (Wilson) mask up to the hairline, so I feel like they could have done it here as well. What's the significance of the hat in the alley? I can't place what that's meant to be referencing. (Edit: I'm guessing Wolverine)
  14. I fell down a bit of a rabbit hole the other day looking at a particular brand of customs who make a few Axl-esque mid-size Marvel characters, and if Lego did anything like this particular seller, I think that would be the best option for the Thing (and most bigger characters tbh, big figs are way too big and static imo). However, if it's between a big fig and a regular fig, big fig is definitely the way to go - even if Ben is only meant to be six foot in the comics, he needs that bulk. I'm still holding out hope that one day we'll get a dual moulded Thor helmet/hair. Can't see them doing that with MCU Thor so fingers crossed for some comic Avengers.
  15. After that last fake leak I was worried the building might look a bit too... cartoony? I know it was fake and that this based on a cartoon, but textureless I suppose is what I mean. I think it looks great though. Love the Sentinel. Love the building. Doesn't look too slim. Cyclops, Wolverine (not that it matters after the CMF) and Bishop could be a lot better but it is what it is I guess. I'll wait for more pictures before I reach a proper verdict on them. Anyway, very excited. Recently moved my Marvel sets around so there's a place waiting for the Mansion. November can't come soon enough!
  16. I noticed the same. The set being a bit wider is a nice surprise. I like what I'm seeing so far. The Sentinel looks pretty good to me. The blue legged Wolverine figure seems a bit naff for an expensive set but at least we got the CMF version. Is it just the US price we know? If you were to convert the USD to GBP it should be £250, but I feel like it's going to end up being more than that.
  17. They do look a bit ridiculous tbf. I'm happy with a big fig though. But goofy though it may be, I still hope it's one of these two because... I agree with this. Korg looks awful imo. Too short and weird looking.
  18. While the Thing may not be as big as the Hulk from what we've seen so far, I definitely thing a regular minifigure would be too small. He definitely needs a bit of bulk to him. This may have been discussed before but what are people's thoughts on that kind of half-way big fig, like Axl from Nexo Knights (?) and the TMNT bad guys?
  19. You're not wrong tbf, it is certainly charming. And I'll always look fondly on it as it's my first big Lego set. I just mean in terms of accuracy and proportions, I suppose. Lego has certainly evolved over the years.
  20. I understand the complaints but I'm with you on this one. I love it. I was expecting something pathetic and overpriced, with Nien Nunb being the main draw. And while it is a bit more costly than it probably should be I think it all looks so good. Much more substantial than expected. Like the skiff, love the Sarlacc and love the figures too. I know it's the wrong suit but I appreciate the printing on Boba (I didn't get the mech), and I have his cape from the older figure. The other figures are great too. Love the Luke with the new hair and grey robe printing that finally goes down to the legs. And again: NIEN NUNB IS FINALLY HERE. Granted, while everyone is comparing this to post-2010 skiffs, the last one I had was from the OG Sail Barge (which unfortunately is a little worse for wear) and compared to that the pit especially is like night and day.
  21. That Milano makes me very glad I held off on buying the Benatar for so long. It's not even my favourite ship but I think it may be the best one of these mini-UCS sets. It's beautiful. Shame Star-Lord doesn't have his helmet though. Still, definitely getting that one. Overall it is a pretty solid wave. Although that diorama cover art does a pretty bad job of showing off the set. It looks so much better in the picture on the back.
  22. I could live with $20/£15, although I miss the pre-pandemic days when things regularly dipped lower than that. Half the time when I looked now figs I'm after are usually £25-35+
  23. The last Sith Infiltrator was actually the set that got me back into LEGO. I always felt it was a bit off in terms of some details which this one now has. Overall though, I think I still prefer the one I have. Better scale, I think. That Saw figure though... Love it. I'm going to be spending a lot of time scouring Bricklink and eBay in the near future. Hopefully the prices aren't *too* horrendous.
  24. My excitement for these figures just increased dramatically. Don't really want to buy a new Sith Infiltrator just for the fig though. Hopefully the aftermarket prices aren't as horrible as they always are (not to wishlist but..) Fingers crossed for Nien Nunb as #6!
  25. I meant flat as in the hairline but you're not wrong, a new mould would be best. There'll probably be a new Cyclops coming out in the movie sets whenever they get to X-Men though so I suppose this will do for now.
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