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Everything posted by SEmrys

  1. I do agree with you. I'm just trying to see the positives. I guess it's just down to the lack of sets. Hopefully the bigger waves will scratch that itch. The Tusken Tent is new, I guess?
  2. So far it's working out pretty well for me, I've never owned a TIE Fighter, couldn't spare the money for the Razor Crest, and although I don't want the X-Wing or the Lambda, I may try and track down some of the figs. It's a great wave for us poor folk lacking a big collection But yeah, I agree that it's a shame there isn't a little more variety. Hopefully Cobb will endure and we'll get him somewhere down the line. The episodes dialogue implies to me that he will.
  3. Agreed. Although personally I think the face looks a bit goofy, I don't fault LEGO for that. I just got the picture up side by side with a comic cover featuring Reyes and I can't really see how LEGO could make the figure that much more accurate at that scale without just creating a new head mould entirely. (maybe blunt his teeth a bit? Idk) I'm curious as to whether the dislike of the figure comes from the fact a lot of you seem to be Marvel film/TV fans first, comics second. Is this a case of people preferring the TV/MCU adapted figures over comic book ones or do people think this figure poorly represents the (comic) source material? I never watched AoS past season two so I don't have as much of a connection to the character as many of you seem to (his placement on the current Avengers roster is about the extent of my knowledge).
  4. I think that's probably it. Which in turn seems to be partially based off of his costume from Hickman's Avengers run. All it needs now is dual moulded arms! I feel you on that. That's partly why I appreciate these Square Enix figs though. They seem to be the closest we'll get to comic book costumes for the time being, as opposed to the films and the cartoons. I agree a lighter shade of blue would have been nice though.
  5. You're a true hero. I feel like every time I look at #legoleaks the amount of people posting irrelevant nonsense increases. I like that Cap also. Is it based on a specific costume? Looks to me like a blend of the comics and the Endgame suit. Could be one of the game costumes but I haven't touched it in weeks so I can't remember.
  6. Definitely just the regular game. Although I'm not even sure I would say the regular version is worth it. I like the Minifigures that came of it though so I suppose that's something. And argh, you lucky US folk. I really like that Miles figure, and I've had the game platinumed for 2 years. It was the reason I bought my PS4! I'll just try and take comfort in the fact, as you guys say, that I could have very likely won were I able to enter.
  7. In this instance, Cap, Iron Man and Thor are the obvious one. The Avengers trinity. But to your point, in a looser sense, I'm not even sure Cap would make the general Marvel (most popular) trinity - maybe Spider-Man, Wolverine and Iron Man (or even/previously Hulk). I'd love to see it in whatever form it takes. Even if we don't love all the picks (presuming this does happen) there will probably be at least one or two figures we each appreciate.
  8. Think that looks pretty good, tbh. Yeah, it's not the right scale, but personally I'm looking forward to a TIE at a cheaper price that won't dwarf my Falcon, X-wing and other sets, height wise.
  9. While I agree these choices are rather uninspired, I am actually quite excited to see this TIE. I was lucky enough to snag the 2018 X-wing for £25 (minus Biggs ) but I refused to pay the asking price for the TIE Fighter and the eBay prices are ridiculous. Plus, realistically, how much detail does a TIE Fighter actually need? For everyone who already has these sets though, this wave is a bit of a let down. But maybe now LEGO is getting the classic remakes out of the way early in the year, subsequent waves may have something a bit more interesting in store? Only time will tell I suppose.
  10. He's clearly had too much to drink. And that Devaronian's just parked his speeder inside the bar. Chaos at the Cantina. In all seriousness though, I love the way the set folds out. I think the whole interior looks great. May have to start saving up for my first UCS/MBS set!
  11. May have to do the same. Regardless of whether I can fork out the cash for this, as much as I like the look, I dont know where I would put it! Probably too wide for the shelves I currently keep my sets on, unless it's possible to be divided up as @Brikkyy13 hoped for. If that were the case, it could make a great backdrop behind my minifig collection. Whatever the case, I need to get my hands on some of those figs. Such a great selection. Hopefully the prices aren't too much, I confess I did spend a fair bit on that Cloud City Lando because I always wanted his precursor as a kid and he's my favourite character, but I couldn't justify that kind of price on other characters.
  12. I built mine earlier and I think the AT-RT looks pretty good, personally. Yeah, it's a bit big, and the cannon doesn't look great but those are fairly menial issues, I think (especially since as ToaDraco says above, the latter is an easy fix). The speeder was fun to make too (although I myself am fairly indifferent on it). Love the new clone heads as well; removed one of their helmets, gave him a classic plastic pauldron and bam, cheap Rex alternative. Just need one of those fabric hip pieces now to complete the look. Basically what I'm saying is I can very much understand why this set has sold well, even ignoring the campaign.
  13. Is she safe..? Is she all right..? Just checked Lego.co.uk and the 501st are sold out here in Britain as well. Luckily argos still has them (if any other Brits are looking) so mine should be arriving this afternoon!
  14. These are so much better than I expected. Gorgeous, even. And all the variations - genius move by Lego. Probably couldn't afford them though, so that's me out unfortunately. Maybe one day...
  15. I just saw someone on Reddit has managed to pick up both the AAT and 501st already. Hopefully other stores accidentally put those out early. I can't wait to have them both!
  16. Lot of good points being floated here. Personally, I like the variety of different sets, although I agree some are strange choices. As for the sets themselves... I think the AAT and 501st pack will be the first ones I pick up. They compliment each other well, and that Ahsoka The new clone design isn't my favourite but if this is the design they're sticking with, it'll do. The only clones I have atm are from the 2008 CW sets after all. I picked up the 2014 Anakin's interceptor along with Obi-Wan's for about £15 a year or two ago, so that's a pass. At this higher price point I wouldn't buy it anyway, but I think it's a good set to have on shelves. I like the left field choice of the Galaxy's edge set. Is it the ship you board for the Resistance ride? Or is it just something that's part of the scenery? Hopefully this paves the way for more non-movie/TV sets in future. Grievous' starfighter has been discussed loads already. It's overpriced. I have nothing to add. The Night Buzzard is a cool design. I'm still unsure how I feel about the Knights and their general irrelevance during the ST. I may pick it up at a later date if I don't sell the two Knights I have beforehand. It would look good next to Kylo's shuttle... I started collecting again in 2015/16, so I don't have an AT-AT. That's another one I'm considering. A classic, that I think definitely deserves a space, despite there being several iterations prior to now. Getting that will depend on how my wallets doing after buying the Razor Crest though. Love the figures in that set especially. The only set I don't appreciate on some level is the Throne Room. It just baffles me, considering proximity to TRoS that this is the Palpatine duel they chose, over Exogol. Still, as I said, I appreciate that this wave caters to (nearly) all fans in some way, even if its not the exact sets some people wanted. They'll come around eventually, no doubt.
  17. I really love that MODOK. Might try and grab it loose eventually. It's just so much better proportioned than the previous version IMO and a lot more comic accurate. As for the helicarrier build, I never expected much and I understand the everyone's frustration, but it does look like something I'd have a blast playing with if I were still a kid.
  18. It's been posted (/copied) onto the main hashtag now. I think it looks great! Can't wait to see the rest of the new designs.
  19. I saw the new Rey on eBay (UK) the other day. Unfortunately the seller listing it is someone who, while they often have the newest figures, charge quite a high price for them. Almost twenty quid for Rey? No thank you.
  20. I managed to get a good deal on the TFA one (from someone who worked on the movie, no less!) but seeing that Falcon kind of makes me wish I'd held out for this one. The proportions of the mandibles and lack of gaps really make a difference (although in an ideal world, I would just get the UCS)
  21. I kind of get their reasoning. It's just a shame such a central character has so few variants outside her Tattooine garb. I was quite keen on getting the Mustafar set due to her rumoured inclusion. Now, less so. Those battle packs still have my attention though!
  22. I already have Poe's Black X-Wing from TFA but a line-up like that would be enough to get me to buy another (at a discount, at least). Shame about the seeming lack of Padme in the duel set also. Is it too much to ask to have a non-TPM variant of her that isn't battle damaged or with those CW cartoon eyes (ie a regular adult Padme)?
  23. A good iteration of Kylo's shuttle is all I really wanted from this wave, and I'm so glad with how both the build and the mini figures have turned out. The rest of the wave is pretty decent too. The Falcon in particular catches my eye because I used to toy with my TFA variant in the hopes I'd get the cockpit at the right angle and close up the gaps. I finally managed it - then dropped it and haven't rebuilt it since (I never made any notes of the modificiations I made). It'll be interesting the read the instructions and check out the changes between the two (unless I miraculously come into the money to buy the new one).
  24. That looks excellent, thanks for the pictures. So far all I've done is messed around with the back fins (?) to make them longer like they are in the films. I'll have to study yours and see if I can capture that bulkier look you've achieved. I agree about the Quinjet (it's the only one I can comment on currently). That trike is a bit superfluous. Mine's been loaded into the back and will probably never make an appearance again. As for the Quantum/Tech Suits, that made buying the set without the minifigs a very easy decision.
  25. Could do! The War Machine Buster does pique my interest. And the majority of feedback for that set on here has been pretty positive. Also, that figure does look pretty sweet!
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