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Everything posted by monai

  1. It's rather confusing, it seems as the Duplo episode has already took place, perhaps the new writers had discarded it. As regard the movie itself it is not, as was the first episode, a picture about LEGO but simply a movie MADE of Lego, like the Batman and Ninjago ones, so it will be amazing as pure entertainment but not much an innovation.. perhaps this is valid for all sequels. Sergio
  2. monai replied to LEGO Train 12 Volts's post in a topic in LEGO Train Tech
    Very nice work, I'm not very fond of diesel but this one is very charming, by the way without the rear cab is the prototype of one of the Chuggintons isn't it? Sergio
  3. Really amazing, as all your works indeed! Could you explain as you have implemented those couplers into Lego? with my best compliments Sergio p.s.: from what railway region will come your next model? I'm too curious..
  4. monai replied to icemorons's post in a topic in LEGO Train Tech
    AS I'VE ALREADY SAID, they are not inducing any current! go to wi-charge.com and see, they got a laser-1 certificate, the system is inherently safe but with the same problems of the Lego ir-receiver..
  5. monai replied to icemorons's post in a topic in LEGO Train Tech
    Well is a good idea but it uses infra-red light to power a mini-photovoltaic cell, so it has the same problems of actual ir-control, it should be fine for organized events where you can put several power sources around the layout but perhaps cumbersome indoor at home.. Sergio
  6. monai replied to FLBRICKS's post in a topic in LEGO Train Tech
    thanks and really cute details, but may you explain when 513 got boxpox wheels? I've found these pictures which are confusing: http://www.dampflokomotivarchiv.de/index.php?nav=1406605&lang=1&id=44293&action=portrait it seems as they have re-changed to spoked recently.. Sergio
  7. monai replied to FLBRICKS's post in a topic in LEGO Train Tech
    Wonderfull MOC, I cannot say much on the details but the general look is very good, just a question: how do the wheels works, what size are they (XL -XXL)? I'm interested in particular on the 3d print finishing best regards Sergio Monai
  8. Yes I did, (finally) you got it. I wonder if the use of an alternative battery box has helped? is it possibe that spaing the space for receiver could make easier to model the cab? Sergio
  9. Dear Sven your creation is revealing not only your Lego skillness but also your great railway culture. You go over the normal playful passion for Lego (always necessary) and reach a museum documentation quality. I'm honored to be considered a friend in this cultural passion. with my best regards Sergio Monai
  10. monai replied to LEGO Train 12 Volts's post in a topic in LEGO Train Tech
    beautiful realization, as usual from you. I there any technical reason for not using the custom made rods? regards Sergio
  11. thanks for the answers but I wonder if it could be possible to make, by 3d printing, also the switch geometries those guys have done. The last one is a real world switch geometry, is called english switch. many thanks and my best wishes for your activity Sergio
  12. very nice, up to now it has been possible to control the switches only with some modifications, as explained in: http://www.brickshelf.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?f=165803 just for curiosity, do you think it would be possible the switch geometry illustrated above and also in: http://www.brickshelf.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?i=2984829
  13. Hi my compliments to your interpretation of this train. I don't understand the sterile polemic post of fonderiadigitale, there are plenty of replicas around, how many Big-Boys have been presented? perhaps everybody know who has been the first? and why one should mention him? He has not WORKED for it, he has done it for fun. There are no intellectual properties on modeling trains, we are playing! Sergio
  14. The project for the largest Telescope ever becames a wonderful LEGO model: https://www.eso.org/public/unitedkingdom/announcements/ann14071/?lang enjoy
  15. wunderschoen! in 22.5 garten bahn! I'm sure you know it but for the others, they can see it in action: https://www.tesnolineikata.com/steam-engines as regard the br46 you are right considering your scales, but in L-gauge it should be possible, but not on standard curves. Have you considered the 3d printed wheels recently proposed on this forum too?
  16. mmh intriguing, since it's not the br46 could it be the br45, you love tenderlokomotiven, not the largest but the second one, 6 axes... I cannot wait to see it..
  17. may I suggest a link to Lego Sodor : http://www.brickshelf.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?f=546967 S.
  18. Hi Sven I'm delighted by your cure of prototypical shape, now your small (relatively) shunter is even more wonderful. Is the BuWizz really so better than LEGO original? I mean, not only for the size. I'm happy to hear your next model will have opening doors, (I'm also found of "gestallt" but details are important too) best wishes for the BIG model (the bulgarian?) Sergio and Eros
  19. monai replied to LEGO Train 12 Volts's post in a topic in LEGO Train Tech
    Very nice model, well detailed, as usual in your realizations. The Lego track geometry proves, once more, to be very poor for modeling. Sergio and Eros
  20. well, from the table the 1,2 mm is the maximum depth of flanges not the standard, LEGO are all 3mm tall, but, as I said, the main problem are the tracks, the 1,2mm H0 still runs on their tracks, 3mm LEGO are not running on "scaled" (1:38) tracks (code 200 Gauge1), as you well know. Not to speak about the switches.. cheers Sergio
  21. monai replied to LEGO Train 12 Volts's post in a topic in LEGO Train Tech
    Hello 12V. really nice, again you propose very attractive techniques to model the details which are the spirit of the locomotives. Also the "not exact" rendering of the frontal gains a lot from your solutions, better than the original prototype.. Sergio and Eros
  22. I agree with you about the comically large LEGO flanges, and therefore to consider it as the "real" diameter to take into account for scale modelling. Nevertheless also doing so you are facing with a lack of choices: the largest BBB wheel is 36mm which is (at 1:38) equal to a real 1368mm diameter wheel. Ok you have a lot of lokos to model but not the large beautiful steam engines everybody likes, for instance the "flying scotsman" which inspired the Emerald night (LNER Class A3 4472 with a 2033mm wheel diameter!). The Emerald is nice to play with and the new wheels are a succes, but the scale is simply ridiculous. Probably the real problem are the tracks, I guess a very large wheel simply doesn't work on standard lego tracks, not only for the curve radius but also for the profile of rails (they are not vignoles). Always speaking of "scale modelling", you should consider the "static" solution, which Tenderlok has so well investigated (see the main page of BBB for confirmation).
  23. well, very young babies indeed, they have no knees and a 6 or 7 years old boy don't share proportions with minifigs. Let's say they are studied to "move" us as puppies do.. The discussion has been proposed to investigate the possibilities to model in scale with LEGO, for me the answer is yes but only for selected prototypes, the main problem is actually the lack of choice in diameter wheels.
  24. Ok, first of all let's say that we are playing and everyone is free to do everything, said that, the percentual change in 1:87 (almost correct scale 1435:16=89) and 1:72 (uk wrong! scale) is smaller than your 1:38 to 1:48, so your difference will be more pronounced. When I speak about toys or models I'm referring to the usual LEGO train sets that are really too tight (6 studs) to "model" the reality. Since you have started the topic about exact scaling these are simply my concerns about it, probably your models will be fantastic. Take into account that a large model allows you to define better the small details of the lokos. regards Sergio
  25. well it is what we are facing with . I mean, if the tracks system (including switches) is dimensioned to 38mm this is the right scale, other scales simply don't work, as our friend Tenderlok teaches us, the way to go to is to adopt other tracks system, if you need a 1:48 scale you should look for a 30mm gauge (O-scale has 32mm, acceptable). One thing is to play (like children do) other is to model in scale. Your technique is very interesting but I guess if the final products will be in scale. Sergio
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