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Eurobricks Vassals
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  1. Avalonia is not the coolest guild, but it is an okay guild.
  2. Although I'm still joining Kaliphlin like I said I would, I just wanted to state my concern that I don't have a large amount of sand colored bricks nor a large amount of tropical foliage pieces either, even though I joined for the Mediterranean climate. I hope this doesn't limit my ability to build in Kaliphlin but if it will I'll probably join Avalonia, since I have more foliage pieces typically seen in Avalonia. However, I'll ask for your guys' opinion on this since you've been building in Kaliphlin for a long time and let you guys decide.
  3. Thanks for the advice from everyone on what guild to join. I'll probably join Kaliphlin, seeing as it fits my taste and has an interesting background that will probably work out well in my future builds, but since Avalonia seems promising I might have one or two builds there if I can. Anyways, I'll probably post my introduction and character soon if time is kind enough.
  4. I took a look at your topic post and I'm quite impressed by all the builds which gave me a nice sample on to what each guild looks like. Judging from that, I'll probably join Kaliphlin, since it has that warmer climate feel that I want to depict in my builds. I don't believe Avalonia has any palm trees or any related vegetation that are often found in Mediterranean climates, but I could be wrong.
  5. I've spent a lot of time lurking around as I've mentioned and I can agree that each guild has a variety of different landscapes. But for example Kaliphlin is still pretty middle eastern culturally and geographically despite having some bits of forest like Avalonia. Or Avalonia has both sandy and mountainous areas I assume since it is between Kaliphlin and Mitgardia, but still is more western European. Anyways, a little bit about me; I spent the better part of my life in the southern end of the San Francisco Bay Area in California up until a few months ago and I wanted to replicate some of the geography of that area in some of my builds. The area is Mediterranean climate wise I believe so I'll probably join the guild that best fits with a Mediterranean climate, which is probably Avalonia or Kaliphlin (or maybe even Nocturnus?).
  6. I thought I had a clear idea of what guild to join while I was lurking around still but you've all convinced me pretty well so I'll have to take time to decide. In the meantime I might be able to post a build if I can get some of my Lego collection out and if time is willing.
  7. Out of the many good builds I've seen on this forum, I particularly like this one because it shows how you can still build something highly detailed on a small base. The detailed walls are pretty good, especially the windows, which give a Nocturnian feel like Henjin mentioned. If it is okay with you, I would like to borrow a few ideas for future builds of mine.
  8. Thanks for the welcome from everyone here. My original choice for a guild was Avalonia but as I kept reading about each guild I found different lore that fits my interests. I'll probably choose either Avalonia or Nocturnus (sorry to any Kaliphlinians or Mitgardians here) since I don't have a lot of sand or white colored bricks in my collection but if anyone can convince me enough my choice of guild might change.
  9. While the ship looks steampunk, it looks to still be able to fit in the medieval theme of Historica. I like the mix of blue, brown, and red on the ship, but I think the wings are a nice touch to it. The dragon head and the mechanism at the top are good as well.
  10. Hi everyone, some of you may have seen me comment on some builds in the past few weeks, but I don't think I've ever made a proper introduction on this forum before. I've been lurking around this forum and some others for a few months now, but life in general has kept me quite busy. I recently moved so most of my Lego collection is still in packing boxes and school is as time consuming as ever, so I can't guarantee any builds yet or even that I'll be actively involved here, but I'll try to be around when I can. But anyways, I don't really have a particular building style yet so what guild do you guys suggest?
  11. Ares replied to ZlatanXVIGustaf's post in a topic in Guilds of Historica
    I got to say, I'm quite impressed with this, as it is far beyond anything I'm able to build. The masonry on the tower is pretty good, and I like how you incorporated the vegetation onto the tower. The tree and the terrain on the ground is good as well, and I especially find the irregular base creative.
  12. Honestly this build has so many good details I don't know where to start, but I'll start by saying I personally like the stone foundation for the mill. The arch in the mill and the roofing are good as well. I'm also a fan of the irregular base, which I as a builder cannot do, and nice job on the terrain too.
  13. Good work on the terrain and vegetation; I'm still trying to learn how to do a proper terrain on my builds. Personally I also like the building style as well, especially the roof, which I don't believe I've seen before. Interesting idea for the cage as well, but I do have a slight nitpick; couldn't they just climb over the bars and escape?
  14. Wow, I've got to say, that's pretty impressive. I have neither the amount of bricks nor the skill to build something even a quarter that size, so I'll admit I'm pretty envious. I'm also kind of jealous of the expansive brick collection you have back there.
  15. Hey everyone, Ares (not my real name) from California here. I've been looking around for some time and I made an account a few months ago, but life, final exams, and a recent move has kept me quite busy. Well, life has been less busy as of late so I've decided to maybe be apart of this site. I don't know when life will throw more things at me again but in the meantime I'm hoping to get to you all and maybe build something here and there. A little bit about me, I've been building Lego for about ten years now, with some periods of minor dark ages in between. I'm also a fan of Tolkien and the A Song of Ice and Fire series, or anything fantasy related in general. In fact, it was the Lego LotR theme that got me back into Lego after a dark age, although I was a little bit late to the theme. Oh, and I also enjoy writing, which I assume might come in handy on one of these forums.
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