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Eurobricks Vassals
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  1. This venator length is 75 cm. Tantive IV 60 cm. Lego USC star destroyer 110 cm. You got the idea.
  2. £1200 + I used around 1k common bricks from my own collection
  3. It's totally worth it. it's a massive ship and you might strugle with finding a perfect space for it. I had to put mine in the attic until I move to a bigger place :(
  4. I\m also looking for that mod still :D
  5. Can anyone who build this model check how long is it between 2 stands? Drenac said its 85cm long, but I assumed it's from 1 tip to the other one. Also what's the model width? I plan to put this model on a floating shelf with the following dimensions: 85 cm x22 cm and I'm not sure if it would fit.
  6. Mind to share that mod? :D. That one you posted looks so clean w/o any useless stands. looks way better
  7. This model is so damn huge. No room to display :(
  8. Hey Dranac. I'm interested in buying instruction. Can you PM me your email address? I can't send you any PM, not enough posts ^^. Thanks edit: just hit 10 posts, gonna pm you instead ;)
  9. It would be nice to see some pics of built model. otherwise, amazing job guys!
  10. where can I buy building instruction for this model? is this sale on ebay legit? https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Lego-Mortesvs-CR-90-Corellian-Corvette-Tantive-IV-Blockade-Runner-Instruction-/122759081725
  11. Really nice build! Do you mind sharing your LDD file for this model?
  12. Was about to buy a lego version but right now I've changed my mind and can't wait for the ldd/instructions for this one. Definitely will buy it straight away when it gets available.
  13. Hello, sorry for the necro post but maybe someone would be able to help me. I have recently tried to recreate this mod for my SSD. However, I'm a bit stuck and can't figure it out of the images provided, since they are really blurry. So, there might be a chance that some of you did it and I would like to ask if you could provide high resolution pictures of the bottom of your SSD's hull, towords the front of the model. j As you can see on the above image, I'm missing the very front panels and that's what I would like to see on your ssd Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
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