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Eurobricks Vassals
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  1. Check the OP for a fully functional game! Player character models and refined physical setup are next up. Before I dip into that, I am going to work on another project, my first GBC module. Actually, a self-contained module, but still, it's a GBC.
  2. How would I go about sharing my .ev3 file for others to help me debug? NVM. I figured out what I problem was.
  3. Will be posting up an updated video tonight. Got some preliminary animations down, WITH sound clips. It looks pretty good. Still need to make the action loops, health meter, etc. While this is uploading, I'm going to start working my way through making some new My Blocks, so I can speed up development.
  4. I just started a Patreon page. A portion of your donations will be going to charity, EVERY MONTH. https://www.patreon.com/M1dn1ghtN1nj4
  5. I'll be posting an update video this evening. Got some preliminary sounds, as well as reset, attack, reaction, death, and victory dance animations. They still need tweaked obviously, but this will get the big part of the framework for the game down. I will make several more My Blocks, to make the code smaller and easier to read and improve upon down the road. This will be my only project for the time being, as I can't afford another EV3 set.
  6. Cuts out? What part? I just watched it again, and there's nothing wrong with it. Could your internet connection be a little wonky?
  7. This is my first fighting game for the EV3. Going to completely remake the one I started a couple years ago. New programming, movements, sounds, build, etc. I will update this thread as often as I can, although subscribing to my new YouTube channel would be much easier. :D Support me on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/M1dn1ghtN1nj4 New channel, LegoRoboGo: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfj_fY7gc3rqKueez_H76vQ New videos will be posted above the old ones, so you don't have to scroll down for ages looking for the most recent video. Version 1 Final: Update 2. Making progress Starting out: Original version, which has since been recreated in the videos above:
  8. Not bad. I'll buy a few 14mm beads at a local craft shop to get started, and once I have a prototype up and running, I'll go ahead an order some real balls.
  9. Thanks! I went through a lot of hard times, but everything seems to be going well now. And honestly, YouTube has helped me a fair amount. Side question, any place you know if that I could get a hold of GBC balls? The official minifig set ones? I can't justify paying $8 per plastic ball, that's just stupid. Looking to get 4 soccer balls, 4 basketballs. And the real ones, because my projects will be making use of weight, width, and color (color sensor), so they have to be right. Also would make my videos more obvious. :D
  10. Hey everybody, I'm Noah. I've been a Lego builder pretty much my whole life, up until a couple years ago, when unfortunately, due to a financial crisis, I was forced to sell a lot of my stuff, including my EV3 Home kit. I just purchased a new kit, and it will be arriving next week. I wanted to get a new YouTube channel going, where I could build to my hearts content, and share my projects with everybody. That channel is called RoboGo. I have quite a few projects already lined up, and partially build in LDD, I just need the physical kit to make it a reality. You can find that new channel at the link below: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfj_fY7gc3rqKueez_H76vQ I also have another, slightly unrelated YouTube channel, where I have been growing my subscriber count pretty quickly. Not directly Lego related, but still worth a look if you're curious what my previous work has been about. Link below: https://www.youtube.com/m1dn1ghtn1nj4 Hope to see you guys around. I'm pretty good at replying to as many messages as I can, so if you have any questions or comments, hit me up!
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