Everything posted by Captain BeerBeard
- Ch II - Prologue - Dark Times - The Council Chambers
The Great Tower of Albion
The build is very visually appealing. I dislike the uniform simplicity, though. Very well done, otherwise.
Daydelon Manor
I like how you did the corners and the shape. The overall build seems a bit tiny to be a mannor. The whole build besides the corners seems a bit on the simple side. The greebles don't match the very basic walls. I don't have any suggestions to make it better since you are a moc expert and I'm not. Wouldn't make any sense to do so.
- Raising the Dead Part V: The Battle of the Pit (Part One)
Book II - Challenge II - Avalonian Civil War - Prologue - Chapter 2
I should have been more specific. Can someone give me a quick summary of what is actually happening/happened in the world of Historica? I assumed the challenge layout would be the same. Sorry, I've been much too busy to follow the forum like I used to. I would really like the category C picture limit removed so it's actually worth taking the time to build and post an entry. I skipped the first challenge due to the four picture limit.
- Book II - Challenge II - Avalonian Civil War - Prologue - Chapter 2
Pirates Teamwork Contest - Winners
So glad you won, buddy! Cara did an awesome(super amazing) job of realizing your ldd files into reality. Congrats on the big win you two! Happy for you guys! It would be awesome if people did this kind of thing more often without there being a contest involved.
Warlord Community Build
Wow! What a cool idea. Definitely have to make time for this.
[MOC] Medieval Tavern - WIP
Looking good. Keep at it. Always cool to see an interior that functions well with the exterior.
Book II - Nocturnus: Guild sign-up and Discussion
I have three built right now with a fourth starting and an idea for a fifth and sixth. Trying to get pictues up soon. Looking forward to your feedback.
Book II - Nocturnus: Guild sign-up and Discussion
Hahaha! Thank you for the welcome back.
Book II - Nocturnus: Guild sign-up and Discussion
After a long video Skype with Kayne, I'm coming back to GoH. My goal is simple, domination.
Book II - Nocturnus: Guild sign-up and Discussion
This is why Nocturnous sux. I should have been the leader. I make better Nocturnous stuff than z does, and he knows it. This site is so unfair.
Book II - Nocturnus: Guild sign-up and Discussion
I think my absence has caused this. There is no ring without the ringleader.
Recruiting an Old Friend - Challenge 1C
There used to be a guy called Sirens of titan on here. He did a lot of forced perspective stuff. You do it much better. I'm surprised you still don't get a ton of attention. Your forced perspective is perfect. Honestly, the best I've seen. I hate to use the word "epic" but I don't know what else to say.
- Book II Challenge I B: Armathian Stronghold
de Gothia in Barqa
I have to admit, I really like this one. It's not your best moc or your best photo's like others have said.( Have they forgotten you have built a few legendary mocs?) I really like that you did something different. This scene is a pleasure for the eyes. The architecture is great. The use of tiles is nice. The warm color is very alive and the fig posing just brings a ton of life to the harsh Kaliphlin climate. Two thumbs up!
- Book II Challenge 1B -
- Mouldor Chapel
- Pirates Teamwork Contest
- Pirates Teamwork Contest
How much would the Obsidian Spike be worth? Your thoughts.
If it was my moc and someone wanted to buy it, we'd be talking between eight and ten grand for that. I say that because you have to think of every expense and all the personal time it takes to make such an epic piece of art. Individual parts I would guess at the least 800 dollars as a low estimate.
- Sarlina's Cottage
- RESULTS INCLUDED: Book II- Challenge 1- The Battle for Nocturnus.
Benoic house and Countryside
Moc expert! You have a title to live up to. Are you making fun of us non moc experts?
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