Everything posted by Captain BeerBeard
- MOC: Scouting the Ruins (Raising the Dead: Family Heirloom)
Corvus Stronghold
Some advice: I notice you always stack your 1x2 bricks directly over each other. Try some builds where you offset them by a stud. This will make your buildings much stronger and better looking. Try to make your corners look stronger by beefing them up. This will make your forts look more intimadating.
Raising the Dead – Collecting the Pieces Chapter 1 Part 3
@Gideon That's a giant treasure chest lid. I know it came in Pirate Code.
Raising the Dead – Collecting the Pieces Chapter 1 Part 3
What Socerkid said. The colors are awesome here. The candles are pretty clever. Are those bookends on the top shelf? I like that you used the book piece a lot. That's a very underused piece in my opinion. Keep'em coming.a
Education in Benoic
Looks pretty good. I like the idea of this moc. (CBB puts on robber costume) I love those arches in the outdoor class. Keep'em coming.
Avalonia Guild: Homepage, Sign-up and Discussion
When that stuff happend it was November/December. Everything is good now. My woman came to accept my hobby. I think she realized that she wasn't going to find anyone better than me even if I was a hardcore LEGO nerd(I am a LEGO nerd). She didn't realize the saftey and love I gave her or something. I've caught her check-in' out my mega moc over the last few weeks so that's a good sign. Guys please go easy on me. Captain BeerBeard is a good guy. You can say whatever you want about Zakon. He's a real piece.
Avalonia Guild: Homepage, Sign-up and Discussion
I think this is funny. I gave you guys a taste of my reality that resulted from GoH. No insults, no quotes or comments. I post something about my fictitious, fantasy story and all of a sudden I'm the biggest jerk in the world and a drunk. I'm not trying to keep any pointless beef going or anything. I just think that was funny. I gave you guys something real and nobody had anything to say. Weird, but an eye opener.
Avalonia Guild: Homepage, Sign-up and Discussion
I just finished a moc and another is about half done. I'll be starting a third real soon. That one has a deadline so my half finished moc will most likely be put on hold. We'll see.
Avalonia Guild: Homepage, Sign-up and Discussion
Well, I finally took the time to read all the long winded posts. I wonder why people think I'm ever being mean? Sarcastic? Maybe. Joking? Probably. For the record my wife left me for a month and a half(took my son), without any sign of returning because of my dedication to GoH. I'm not going anywhere any time soon. I think the worst that could happen to me did.I never stopped being a part of the GoH family even though I lost mine so I'm here for good.
Avalonia Guild: Homepage, Sign-up and Discussion
@Z The Z show actually sound's like a really good idea for once.
- How to grow a Masa Palm
Avalonia Guild: Homepage, Sign-up and Discussion
@Z By as a group, do you mean your storyline? The Z show?
Avalonia Guild: Homepage, Sign-up and Discussion
So me, DC and DG can team up now. Sounds like this Guild stays on top.
Avalonia Guild: Homepage, Sign-up and Discussion
Guys my story has taken a twist. I'm still with Avalonia for all challenges and stuff. So please stop hating on my person(Captain BeerBeard). Some of you guys had some really hurtful comments. I'm still part of the Avalonia Guild. Rolli attacked my person on Eurobricks not my character in GoH. That was really uncalled for. I will never reply to or acknowledge your existence, Rolli. Very hurtful comments from you.
Guilds of Historica Introduction/General Discussion Thread
I'm still Avalonian for challenges and points. My story has taken a twist, that's all so please everyone quit hating on me. I don't hate on anyone because of their story.
Avalonia Guild: Homepage, Sign-up and Discussion
There's no more AAG. It's in a renaming phase. How does Antyrian Super Secret Holy Order Legion Empire sound?
Avalonia Guild: Homepage, Sign-up and Discussion
It's funny that you all are so intimidated and scared little milk drinkers because of my independent city state. Now all the crooked gangsters from Kaliphlin can invade Avalonia in each direction if the price is right. The same goes for the good folks of Nocturnus. Independence Day is coming...
Avalonia Guild: Homepage, Sign-up and Discussion
Good luck.
Avalonia Guild: Homepage, Sign-up and Discussion
Avalonia Guild: Homepage, Sign-up and Discussion
The land of Antyria is now separate from Avalonia. It's an independent state. My land my law's, my policie's.
Attack at Sharael Castle
Some interesting ideas here. I like the shape and landscaping but some tiles and cheese wedges would make your structure have a more finished look. This is much better than your last. Your last wasn't that bad, either.Keep'em coming!
Guilds of Historica Introduction/General Discussion Thread
I'm the real deal. What would you think of me if was in Kaliphlin? It just wouldn't be the same. So am I destined to remain Avalonian? I feel left behind if that's the case. I won't be with my buddy, Legonardo. The thought of that just leave's me empety. That's a true confessional.
Kaliphlin Guild: Homepage, Sign-up and Discussion
So what does this guild think of having a new leader named Zakon GoldBlade?
Guilds of Historica Introduction/General Discussion Thread
I don't really want to stay in Avalonia if all the real Avalonians leave. We had a good team. I honestly don't feel whoever claims to be Avalonian now isn't. If I can't rule Avalonia, because the regulators won't let me there's no point for me to stay.
Guilds of Historica Introduction/General Discussion Thread
So say I move to noctornus, what happens to all the money I spent on building my 200+ Antyrian army? I just don't have it in me to buy anymore LEGO.
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