Everything posted by Captain BeerBeard
- Manaor Castle
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Betrayal is best served cold.
Avalonia Guild: Homepage, Sign-up and Discussion
I'm back from my trip. I see Ska has posted my credentials. Pretty funny stuff.
Avalonia Guild: Homepage, Sign-up and Discussion
Milk drinkers! We still have to follow the rules of GoH. We can't kill our sigfig's but we sure as hell can insult and humilate the shit out of each other.
Avalonia Guild: Homepage, Sign-up and Discussion
@Settle So you going for it? I say Mitgardian style with no rules would be fun.
Avalonia Guild: Homepage, Sign-up and Discussion
@Rolli You had a large absence. Your not qualified to go for the throne. @Settle Your in the same position as Rolli. Who will stay under your rule? As far as Avalonia goes, I don't even know who you and Rollli are. I own the largest land. That makes me the rightful successor, regardless of anything. That makes me king.
Avalonia Guild: Homepage, Sign-up and Discussion
@Rolli We shouldn't have any milk drinkers going for the throne or anyone who hasn't been with Avalonia the whole way through.
- Sailing to Nocturnus
- the forge
Round ruined tower
@Mutant Orc those legs are from the Kingdoms wizard. @Wedge Not a bad moc but some tiles would make that ruin look more finished. Nice job with the heavy foliage. One question, what is that thing in your last two picture's?
Avalonia Guild: Homepage, Sign-up and Discussion
@Kayne I'm no stranger to Bell's. I'm mostly a Two Hearted and Hop Slam guy(when it's around) but Oberon is pretty good for a light beer. Unfortunatley I'll be out of range to Bell's and Founder's. So I'm in for the challenge. I propose a no rules challenge for the throne.
Avalonia Guild: Homepage, Sign-up and Discussion
So an unofficial challenge? I'm going mid week to Michigan for my sixth vacation this summer. The vacation I've been saving my liver for. Michigan has some of the best breweries in the world. They rival those of Belgium and Germany and NW Indiana.
Avalonia Guild: Homepage, Sign-up and Discussion
@Kai Your too sweet. @ Settle Zakon will turn your dreams to dust. Avalonia is the place to be. Antyria is the safest place in Historica. The borders are open to all Historicans who wish to live in peace and prosperity. Kaliphlin and Mitgardian architecture is also welcome.
Avalonia Guild: Homepage, Sign-up and Discussion
I'm on my own side, I mean Avalonia. One Zakon to rule them all!
- Inside Kaliphlin Day 12 - The Lion Dance at the Temple of the Golden D
Inside Kaliphlin Day Final Day -- Devil's Island
I love the water effect. The statue is one of the best I've seen in an islander setting. Very cool build.
Inside Kaliphlin Final Day- Homes of Petraea
When I imagine Kaliphlin, It looks like this. I agree that the snot bricks look great. All the different arches too. The fountain is awesome. I like the details that aren't instantly noticeable like the statue and bookshelf. The palms add a splash of color that brings the scene to life. I'm not a fan of the flipped palms but that doesn't detract from the effect they create. The little trees upfront are so awesome! They look so thirsty but enduring. Excellent moc.
- Thorshaven I - the house on the cliff
St. Gwydre's Church - Dark Isle Saga: Chapter 1, Part 7
I love it! It's ridiculous! Such an awesome structure! The battle is delicious. The grave stones are amazing. My one gripe is the sand green. I really don't like it. I don't think it add's much. I guess it's one of those rare colors are better type of things. Rare color is not my thing. I'm sure plenty peeps will disagree.
Avalonia Guild: Homepage, Sign-up and Discussion
I have mocs coming as well. Sorry, I'm a slow builder. I second guess myself constantly. Slowly but surely mocs are coming.
- Darwynia Summer Festival Day 2 - Fortune's Spring
The Birth of Albion
Looks like my real life bedroom but mine has much more gold and carpet. Nice tribute to your child.
Inside Kaliphlin Day 4- Qar-Akhen Marshes
You used my predarkage tree technique! Seeing that took my mind back twenty-five years. Being a thirty-one year old afol, I'm not a fan of this tree style. The shrooms seem to work pretty good. I tried that a while back and was not happy with them but they work when I see'em in your moc's. I like your rocks here. They really add a sense of mystery to the scene. They make you use your imagination and wonder how they came to be. Build more!
Avalonia Guild: Homepage, Sign-up and Discussion
Welcome! Funem Foxle! Start by building up your land or port. It's really up to you. Page one here has some challenges you can do.
- West Inner Mpya Stedor in a Celebration Time!
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