Hey dunno if I posted it but:
If you're intrested in building rebel pilots, I have got a good idea for Garven Dreis
https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?P=3626cpb1225&name=Minifig, Head Dual Sided Orange Visor, Black Eyebrows, Determined / Angry Pattern (SW Clone Pilot) - Stud Recessed&category=[Minifig, Head]#T=S&C=90&O={"color":90,"iconly":0}
Firestar toys have a good helmet for him but it's out of stock, I think this might work though https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?P=x164pb17&idColor=155#T=S&C=155&O={"color":155,"iconly":0} I hope I helped!
As for my wanted list, it's mostly just rebel and resistance parts