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Everything posted by CaptainPolluxofOrion

  1. The no Digital option will limit me a bit. But Category A is a big option for me. Also Category B
  2. What i would like to see: More Pirate/Islander/Soldier Archetypes. A pirate Cook, a Powder Monkey, more female Pirates Varieties, an old pirate, a poor Pirate, a rich pirate, a zombie Pirate, a merchant, a imperial captain, a Pirate King/Queen, A Map-Maker, a Canon Founder, a Carribean Blacksmith, a handson female tavern Owner, a Ship Carpenter, Pirates from around the lego world... I full into the way Pirates are designed by LEGO, i don't really need any too realistic pirate.
  3. I'm from Europe and got my Pirate first set in 1990. Up to the end of my Dark Ages i also didn't know of the non Shooting Cannons. As for what i prefer..... First Answer, the Cannons i can get without paying too much ^^ My Second Answer, as a Adult i have to agree with Captain Pirate Man. Third Answer, As a proud Uncle i prefer usable Cannons
  4. looks really good!
  5. In my youth i had the Caribbean Clipper and the Armada Flagship, i like both very much. Especially the Armada Flagship because of the Minifigs and some unused potential. In 2020 i got the Barracuda Bay, which was definitly because of Nostalgic Feelings on the original 6285. A good friend of mine had her. At the end i have to say neither of these Ships are my favorite. Its the Skull's Eye Schooner. I really like her Shape, especially her aft. Would love to see her in a modern interpretation. (The one negative i have to say is the Skull and Crossbones on the Sail. Not my Cup of Tea...) Sorry for bad english.
  6. Really cool Vic Viper And with my favorite Space Subtheme
  7. Wow they are really good!
  8. Wow what a Beauty, i really like the colours you used here.
  9. Really superb Ship, Captain Braunsfeld! I really like it!
  10. Thanks Mate Hey thanks a lot Mate Yeah you are very right. I love this evolving of a Moc. So as ask before some of wanted to see some detailed shots of Stern/Bow and interior. Here it is, but sadly only Screenshots this time. Bow Stern Interior of Aft Castle from Port Side Detailed Shot on the Coat of Arms of Güldenhafen (Golden Harbor) My Treasure Ship also has a Name now, "Güldene Maid" or "Golden Maiden" for non german speeking folks. Its a Ship of the Kingdom of Gueldenland (not Güldenland, a continent in the german pen and paper Game DSA or The Black Eye), my Gueldenland is a Country i created last Weekend when my Brother and his son came. We had two awesome Lego Building Days and also made our own World we want to play in. Die Westlichen Lande or "Western Lands" a continent like Europe on a World/Planet we don't have a Name for now. Its a mishmash of different Fantasy Themes but also some alternative historical designs... (mostly by me).
  11. I'm a Ship Guy so i hope for a modernized Carribean Clipper 6274, Skulls Eye Schooner 6286 or Imperial Flagship. 10210
  12. I didn't know there will be a Moana Minifigure.... I think i need this set or lets say the Moana Minifigure... Oh yes thats awesome! Will there be a Ship?
  13. You are very welcome Governor Me too, i learned of him couple of days ago. My Girlfriend is a real Disney Geek.
  14. Hi. Has anyone seen the new Disney characters yet? Especially the gentleman with the top hat. (Dr. Facilier)
  15. Thanks Mate, glad you like it Also thanks for the tips. I actually hadn't tackled the flexible parts yet, it always seemed a bit too tedious to me. On the other hand, i would also like to take part in BoBS in the near future. So rigging would be a good thing to do.
  16. Thanks Mate! Oh yes i think you asked this some time before. Sorry had forgotten to do. Ich hope i can make it tonight. In Croatia you have Central European Time i think?!
  17. The current State of my Treasure Ship... Version 3.3 (Semi Final, i have to make Rigging and Sails )
  18. I looking forward to it. Omg yes, the Soleil Royal is one of the prettiest ship there are. I would love to see your Take on it. I'm about to build a big digital ship. Do you have some tips you can give me?
  19. Yeah it's a Beauty What is the next big project? From 103 cannons there is not so much growth possible atleast in Our world. Will you make a bigger one?
  20. Wow, what a Leviathan and awesome Ship!
  21. Wow what a nice contest. I have to deep dive my real collection....but i try. I'm a bit out of training when it comes to real builds.
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