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  • Birthday 06/19/1995

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  1. you have to search through all the star wars stuff, it's in a picture with other heads
  2. New leaked image (search the tag on insta and trawl through the Star Wars UCS leaks) shows a clearer look at the Black Panther head. It really does look like a comic version now that I can see it clearly
  3. Falcon1414 on Instagram said that a calendar will answer a big question we've all been asking What do you guys think that means? Personally I think it's something Bricktober related like a similarly formatted giveaway, because GWPs often show up on calendars As it's a calendar it will likely relate to October/November/December at the latest
  4. Goo point, for some reason I was thinking BW was going to be a February cinema release
  5. "MCU Theatric" sounds like a translation mishap. I'd imagine it's more likely "MCU Movie/Film/Theatrical Release" Hate to be a naysayer but if that's true I'd guess it's a Black Widow set. HOWEVER I very much want it to be an Endgame/FFH set
  6. 0049 confused me until I checked the wiki and apparently Tony built Rescue before Infinity War
  7. Massive wishful thinking, but wouldn't it be really nice if the Spider-Man sets gave us the Homemade and Upgraded suits so that we'd finally have an official version of every MCU Spider-Man suit. I mean I love the customs (Leyilebrick for the homemade and Phoenix for the upgraded) but the purist completionist in me just wants those last two official figs I'd especially be thankful for it in light of recent licensing news
  8. Thanks for the help but I've got the head sorted, just need a torso Sorry I'd be no help with DC characters
  9. Sorry if this has been discussed already, but can anyone help me find a torso for Homelander from the Boys? The best I can find is White Wolf/Bucky but it's not widely available so I'd prefer something I can get fairly easily
  10. Definitely for the Spider-Man comics/shows, but not the Spider-Man movies. So I guess they could just do what they did with Iron Man and put MCU figs in comic sets
  11. Even if the end of the deal is permanent we should still get at least one more MCU Spidey outing. Sony's deal with Disney was for 6 Spider-Man appearances (I believe); Civil War, Homecoming, Infinity War, Endgame, Far From Home, and Spidey 3 Tom Holland's contract is with Dinsey not Sony (again I believe this is the case) which is also for 6 appearances. So even with the Sony deal coming to an end Spider-Man 3 should be happening to honour the current contract. Which means we could hopefully get one more suit out of the MCU in Spider-Man 3. What's up in the air is whether LEGO would be allowed to make any figures of the suits already in the Disney movies. For example, after the deal ends would LEGO be able to make a homemade suit from Homecoming? I'm not sure how the licensing would work with that. If the answer is no then we have to hope that they give us a Homemade and Bosco suit before this deal ends, they have plenty of time
  12. This is almost definitely Obi-Wan... The reverse side looks exactly like Obi-Wan when he's saddened by defeating Anakin It's almost definitely Leia Using a flesh head with the Cap helmet won't look good, I tried it with a purist custom and the flesh showing on the sides of the helmet just don't look right at all The design of the Cap head looking like Chris Evans doesn't really matter. All Iron Man heads look like RDJ, even the comic ones. Most Superman heads use the same print which is supposed to look like Henry Cavill
  13. Looks like an existing/new version of an existing Star Wars head, but can't think of what that character is
  14. That Cap head is cool, but considering it'll be used with the Endgame helmet mould I think it's going to look bad. I tried a few purist customs using flesh heads and the Endgame helmet and it just didn't look right Also, annoyingly it's really ambiguous. It kind of looks like the Endgame Cap expressions, but could also fit either an MCU version or a comic book version I thought the bearded head from that leak might be Fat Thor and got excited until I saw Anakin next to it and realised the beard is Obi-Wan
  15. Clearer look at Thanos' head on instagram... It's a shame because I'd say it looks exactly like the angry face from the Infinity War poster/promo (i can't rememeber what it was) especially with that lighter purple skin tone. But I don't see any way "Thanos Mech" could be an Endgame set
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