Everything posted by Darth CJ
Ackbar's Family Pod Racer
Where we are proud to be British
Yes. God Save The Queen.
CITY: Extremely random photos from Lego City!
Amazing city - Random pics!
MEGA-MOC - Shopping Centre
Yeah customers no one before had brought that up? EDIT- Spelling
Ackbar's Family Pod Racer
Really nice! It is a pity that you didn't post it earlier because you would have got my vote.
[REVIEW] 7959 Geonosian Starfighter
You are a very lucky person! Hmph!
MOC/MOD Saber 1
Ooh I like it!
[MOC] 74-Z Speeder Bike
I like the new design Brickdoctor .
[MOC] Speeder Bike
I like the framework! (Thats unusual for me to say! )
[REVIEW] 7959 Geonosian Starfighter
Love the review! Have you ordered any more of the summer wave?
Post your general LEGO Star Wars questions here
Couldn't you use artificial light?
Best and Worst ideas for PoTC sets
Classic! The Black Pearl!
[Tutorial] Sailing ships interior
Thanks thats real helpful!
Are POTC sets too expensive?
They are expensive but are worth it.
Pirates of the Carribean Contest - ENTRIES CLOSED
UCS Sandcrawler MOC
Wow!!! There isn't an emoticon that drops it's jaw enough.
Kamino Cloning Facility
I just noticed the new walkway pannels.
LEGO Star Wars 2011 Pictures & Rumors
Well one of the reasons UCS is ultimate is the amount of secrecy by removing that would be like be taking the jam out of a young child's doughnut.
TLG decision making
10218 Pet Shop
Very nice pics!
New Emoticons
I haven't seen these before?
MEGA-MOC - Shopping Centre
Very nice Lightingtiger!
MEGA-MOC - Shopping Centre
Won nice update!
Kamino Cloning Facility
Where we are proud to be British
Indeed Mr. Fry puts it in an extroudanairy way on a purely british show QI!
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