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Eurobricks Vassals
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  1. foxR started following Kai_P24
  2. Thanks i know it is too clean maybe i will ad some details but its not that easy with this model because of the chape https://www.bauforum24.biz/forums/topic/75452-liebherr-r936-compact/ on this site you can see god close up pictures of the special boom.
  3. Thanks for all the imput and your critic I addet some Pictures without the body so you can see some technic The boom is build to scale with Pictures i know it looks quite flimsy but it holds because in the real model it gets thinner the more you get to the bucket. And a large actuater have i considert i just dont have one more so i needet too with the normal ones but a large would also be to big. The model is mostly acurate the tracks stick one stud too far in the front i forgot to fix that but you can find the broschure here https://www.liebherr.com/de/deu/produkte/baumaschinen/erdbewegung/raupenbagger/details/569527.html#!/content=table_module_downloads_1 under downloads when you open it on page 6 you can find the general dimesions and on site 10 you find the special boom i choose this because it makes it more complicated with one extra Motor. And comparing it too pictures of the real one is not possible because liebherr has 4 track withs and i choose the thinnest one.
  4. Hello i would like too present my model of an Liebherr R936 Compact which is my First tracked Moc, it is completly Remote Controlled. It has 7 Power Functions Motors, 4 Ir receivers and 1 Buwizz as Power source 2 L-Motors for Driving 1 M-Motor for Turning 1 XL-Motor for Boom lifting 1 L-Motor for Stick movement 1 M-Motor for Bucket movement 1 M-Motor for Boom Adjuster As you can see the speciality is the boom adjuster which gives the model better reach. All Motors are in the Top so it can turn without a limit and there are also no Motors in Boom. The tracks are also special they have a spring loadet track tensioner in front and the rear Sproket is driven like the real thing. The Model is build in the Scale of the Lego truck tires which it also fits. But it has the smallest tracks that you could get scale wise. There are not many details on the Model and it has also no interior as you can see. Because threre is just no space for evrything and im not that good at details. And because of Space also the Buwizz as Power Source. My Goal with this model was that the Rear Sprockets are driven in a small form factor which was challenging because the tracks are just 5 Pins wide which is not that much room so my drivetrain is 1 Pin wider. And also having all Motors in the Top. And getting the Arm functions motorized without motors in the Arm. I would like too know your thoughts on the Model. As requested here are some Pictures wihout the body so can see how compact it is.
  5. For me its quite simple why im not posting evry moc that i build because the ones that i posted here all have 3 comments max so why go threw the process. One got not even one comment. So when you are new here its just not fun and worth it because nobody see it or is interested in them.
  6. Hello i would like too present you my MOC MAN TGS 8X8 Version 2 It has a 4 Speed gearbox shifted via 1M Motor and a Stepper other Motors are: 2XL Driving, 1 Servo Streering, 1M Dumping. Version 2 because the first one failed my extreme test 30 deegres incline fully loaded with bricks, i had knob gears wich transfered the power to the rear axels which started grinding at other parts because of the play in Lego and the forces. So i started building a new Gearbox which needed too be all with Straight gears for best stability. And i fitted it with the new differentials. Tipping is done with a M Motor which is down geared and drives a wormgears that work as a spindle and pull the gray part which starts the tipping. There was no place for an Actuator The model is build for maximum power and offroad capabilities if i hould it and would drive it spinnes all wheels in lowest gear it ways around 5kg Its powerd with a Buwizz but IR receivers and Battery Box could also be installed I hope you have some questions about the model.
  7. Yeah sorry its the regular price because on my buwizz starting page it shows 20% but i checked and its not the case 150 USD is the regular price.
  8. I would buy maybe 2 XL motors because they work great with buwizz and offer a lot of torque for big models and its cheaper than the L motor with more power. I personally bought my buwizz just recently and i bought it direcly from them its the best and safest way because of warranty and its 20% off at the moment.
  9. Hello i would like too present you my next truck an MAN TGS 8X8 The model features 8X8 drive via 2XL motors with 4 Speed gearbox which is shiftet via 1 M motor. Steering is done via 1 Servo motor. The model was build for good offroad performance and high power, it weights around 3kg. The maximum slope it can do was 60% which is 30°. It is also able too drive in the garden in the sand. The challenge was building a strong drive train with a 4 speed gearbox in the small space. The front axles are pendular as well as the rear, i testet the front even with springs but pendular worked for me better in the terrain. The model can even be driven with pf ir receveirs and battery box. The tipping is done via 1 L motor and a self build worm gear drive because a linear actuator was too big. This model is powerd by an buwizz which works great but also was challenging because i switcht mid building too it which meant i had too redo the gearbox many times because of the new power. If you got any questions feel free to ask
  10. There were no problems with the IR. And the axels have a different turning radius.
  11. Hello this is my first Truck moc a Tatra Phönix Euro 6 8x8 It has 8x8 drive with a 3 speed linear gearbox which is driven by 2XL Motors ,shiffting via 1M Motor. Steering over a Servo. Dumping via 1L Motor. It has independent suspension on all wheels. The cab is also tiltable. The driving performance is not that great when steering. It can drive over bumps but the model is quite heavy. Some ares a not 100% final like the cabin interior and the dump. Turning radius is terrebil and takes forever. Please let me know your thoughts. .
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