Hello! (And Help!!!) :)
Just phone Lego direct and ask for a replacement set of instructions.
10179 on sale by R1C class
No regular school in this ccountry would give
10179 on sale by R1C class
What sort of class/school? One with a very generous headmaster (or headmyster) and doesn't believe in teaching English given the standard displayed by R1C class. Personally I am very suspicious of this posting and doubt that it is genuine. Buyer beware.
MOC: Heroes' Hiro
I love the series and it had occured to me to do the final scene featuring that modern art sculpture. How would your Hiro fig look with Harry Potter hair?
Brick de-yellowing techniques
What you are using is industrial grade sodium hypochlorite solution also known as bleach - the stuff sold for domestic use is simply diluted. It should be handled with care since it is not only corrosive but also gives off chlorine gas. It shoould only be used in a wellventilated space, you should wear gloves and eye protection at the very least, avoid inhaling the vapours and do NOT let it come into contact with any form of acid. Oh, and far from being an anti-oxidant it is in fact a very powerful oxidiser.
lego's last star wars set (speculation)
They could always do a series of chess sets. Storm troopers and rebel troopers as pawns black king = palpatine black queen = vader (yeah I know, but who else?) black bishop = imperial gaurd black knight = tie pilot black rook = star destroyer/death star white king = luke white queen = leah white bishop = yoda/obiwan white knight = han solo/lando white rook = blockade runner/falcon Obviously a lot of variations are posible here - the above could be the new hope set. Another could be the Hoth battla set, another replaces all the minifigs with minimodels of x-wings and tie fighters etc. A jabba's palace version. And if your really have to, episodes 1-3 version. Perhpas a deck of cards like the current city cards. Spades = Imperial characters, hearts = rebels, clubs = bounty hunters, diamonds = droids. Oh and I Richard James claim copyright on these ideas.
No time like the present...?
Try having a small baby to look after. Mine is currently asleep on my lap while I sit at the computer. Of course it means I have to type on handed, but I can also design models in ldraw and assemble small models one handed. Built the new AT-ST with just my left hand while bouncing baby on my knee with the right.
Union Pacific GE Dash
Never mind the stickers - where did they get hold of the 1x1x2 windows in what looks like new condition? I thought they were a well old deleted part in the RHP catagory.
SW 7163 Investigation
If you weren't going to open it and build the model why did you buy it?
"The South Essex sah!"
Thank you for the welcome - I have been dropping in browsing eurobricks occasionally for while, finally got round to joining. On the subject of customising - OK I admit I tried once, i didn't like it and i am not proud, I just wasted some Lego. That said, there are some exceptions - Big Ben Wheels and Brickarms bith produce high quality stuff.
"The South Essex sah!"
I dont know about the name Sir Norman Ray but the South Essex is the regiment of one Richard Sharpe in the books by Bernard Cornwell and was commanded by Arthur Wellesley later to become Duke of Wellington, don't actually know if he was the founder though. If this enough to qualify I name one of your officers Sir Hugo Ashford-Smythe.
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