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Stealth Hunter

Eurobricks Citizen
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Everything posted by Stealth Hunter

  1. My thougths exactly. I just hope they put a clone with some markings or a special droid (New assasin droid with molded head anyone? Or a commando droid?) in it.
  2. Stealth Hunter replied to Christian's post in a topic in LEGO Town
    I the new fire helicopter, finally one with a decent size and a "bucket". And the big plane parts it's made of seem to be 6-wide instead of 8-wide. The tank truck is very nice aswell, if that's the final release version, it's a definite must-buy for me. The new airport also looks nice, I might consider getting it to replace the 2006 airport which is currently placed in my city.
  3. Thats a sad story, a friend of mine has had the exact same problem. I'm glad I have a cat. The only thing it ever does to my Lego is jump into the boxes of freshly aquirred sets, mosly while I'm still building them.
  4. Stealth Hunter replied to pedro's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    I'd have to nomiate 7258 Wookie Attack for the worst set. The wookie figures are fine, but the tank droid colour scheme is horrible, especially those trans-orange disks on the side. The dwarf spider droid in that set is too blocky, I prefer the one from the 7670 set. The worst figure is definitly CW Anakin in my opinion. That face just creeps me out, I got used to the other CW faces but not his face. I'm glad I only own one.
  5. He posted the name of his site with one of the other pictures. It's right here, Bryan.
  6. No, they have confidential marks on them, therefore the pictures won't be posted in here. KimT could maybe post a link or a short update saying "Pictures already found for the sets *Insert the numbers here* ".
  7. My favourites are as following: AT-AT by Sigpro Venator Star Destroyer by thire5 IG-88 Assasin Droid by Hopeso009 Cloud City by Kaitan AT-RT Walker by Lars Good luck to these amazing MOCs. Let's see how this will turn out.
  8. I recently noticed Erdbeereis has a special flag which consist of a German and American half. Could someone explain me why he has this flag?
  9. I third that Sky Captain was a awesome movie. I also like the Super Mario Brothers movie. The one with real actors and absolutely no connection to the games. I'm not sure why exactly I do but I guess it's because I like trash movies or B-movies in general.
  10. Stealth Hunter replied to united brick's post in a topic in LEGO Sci-Fi
    You're right, it reduces itself. But honestly 3648 x 2736 is not an appropiate picture size, members who have a slower internet connection will have to wait a long time to load this page. Perhaps you should take a look at the tutorial index and then you should resize the picture, I'd suggest the size 800 x 600 or smaller.
  11. Sounds promising. Perhaps some kind of a little helicopter. I just hope we will also see something like the 4980 Tunnel Transport in the Power Miners theme. But that's just wishfull thinking.
  12. Ahem...*Cough* Old news *Cough* And that Ben 10 will be Bionicle style is a conclusion made by some members because of the announcement of the line which said it "would add a new twist to LEGO building". (Or something along that line... )
  13. You know you are a fan of LEGO when... ...you kick a Megabloks fan into a bottomless pit, yelling: "This is LEGO!" ...you get nightmares from looking at clone brand sets. ...your only fear is the return of Galidor.
  14. Well, this is the third topic on the LEGO movie. Perhaps you search the forums next time before you post a topic, the one in the "Culture & Multimedia section" is even in the "Today's Active Topic" list. And honestly you don't present any new information here. I guess a mod will soon merge this with the other topic.
  15. You're not supposed to use other topics to promote your own MOC, danim. Anyway, back to topic. That's a great helicopter you build there Ralph. I like it's proportions and the smooth shape. The color scheme works very well and I especially love the fact that you've included many play features like TLC would do it. Do you have any plans to build more Coast Guard related MOCs? A patrol boat, perhaps?
  16. If this movie fails, Warners Brothers will surely get some trouble with the FOL community. But seriously, what should they use as a storyline? Minifigs come to live and take over the house? A bloody battle between LEGO and Megabloks? (Hell yeah!)
  17. Stealth Hunter replied to Christian's post in a topic in LEGO Town
    Even though I'm not that happy to see a fire fighter line in 2010, I've got to admit I#m looking forward to these for the following reasons: 7206 - The last helicopter was catastrophal, let's hope LEGO won't do this mistake again. I want a fire fighting helicopter which is at least slightly realistic. 7207 - It's the same with the boats, since the World City line they looked miserable and the last one was even horribly <insert that tiresome argument>. I hope to see a good one this time, TLC! 7213 - In my opinion it's always good to add some diversity to my fire departments fleet. To cut it short, I kind of love the LEGO fire trucks released in the last year.
  18. "Stay on Target!" (Always wanted to steal this line ) I seriously think we shouldn't discuss who or what looks shopped, the new theme "Atlantis" should be the subject. From a first glance I have to say it really bears to much resemblance to Power Miners, let's hope there will be some diversity in the sets and the figures are, as einsteinonthebeach stated, awesome. If not, I guess this theme won't stay to long.
  19. "Tintenfisch" is the German word for Squid and "Tor" means Gate. Therefore the second option is right.
  20. The English translation for 8061 would be something along the lines of "Squid Gate". Hope that helps, Spyder.
  21. Welcome to Eurobricks, Nuju Metru! Would you tell us a bit more about yourself? For example you favorite LEGO themes?
  22. They certainly are but I think they are also somewhat interessting. We don't know their purpose jet but the wider helmets probably have a better protection against sonic weapons. That or a dead-awesome helmet integrated stereo system.
  23. No offense taken. I thought it would be a good idea for those who aren't that good at fixing this or who lack the parts collection to do so. Now for some more ideas: TIE Bomber - The last one was released in 2003, I think it's about time for a new one. Includes TIE pilot, Imperial officer and a small service cart. Jango Fett's Slave One - I know there was Boba Fett's Slave One in 2006 but I would like to see a Jango version again. Includes Jango Fett, young Boba, Obi-Wan and maxbe a little platform like in AOTC. Octuptarra Combat Tri Droid - I guess we are going to see tose in CW again and I'd like to see one made into a set. Includes Captain Rex with jetpack(And a special pauldron enabling the fig to wear both the pauldron and the jetpack), 2 501st jet troopers, 2 battle droids and Anakin.
  24. More ideas: AT-RT vs. STAP - Includes AT-RT and STAP. Minifigures: 1 ARF trooper, 1 clone trooper and 2 droids. Republic Modification Kit - Includes 2 side bubble turrets for the 7676 LAAT/i and a loading ramp for the 7675 AT-TE. The ramp is used to load an AT-RT into the AT-TE like it's shown in CW episode 21 "Liberty on Ryloth". AT-AA - Includes AT-AA walker. Minifigures: 1 pilot (Like the AT-AT pilot), 1 imperial field commander and 2 storm troopers. Nebulon-B frigate - Includes Nebulon-B frigate in a style similiar to that of the 6211 ISD and the 8039 Venator. Minifigures: General Dodonna, Leia Organa, Luke Skywalker, R2-D2, C3PO and 1 medical droid.
  25. Stealth Hunter replied to KimT's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    Is there any new information about the Chrome Vader promotion by Galeria Kaufhof in Germany? It was mention somewhere around page 100 of the 2009 news and rumors thread, I think, and it said that the Chrome Vaders would be give-aways, however there wasn't a specific date. If I remember correctly it only said august.
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