Everything posted by Stealth Hunter
Hello !
Welcome to EB,Nolan! Enjoy your stay.
Welcome to EB,t-o-f Enjoy your stay. BTW,what does your name stand for?
Welcome to EB,Sugar! Enjoy your stay.
Modular Train Station
WOW! That´s a beautiful train station,I especially like the use of train trucks to hold the roof. But the price sure is .
While looking at the list of online members,I saw one called,which was not selectable like the google one discussed in this thread. My question is: Is this web bot supposed to be here or is it an intruder?
Brickarms Update!
I´m kinda sorry to say this,Joey,but there´s already a topic about it here.
Rockerpunzel - the LEGO comic
Now that´s strange.
Welcome to EB,Flatfoot! I think zero1312 just points out that you´re new on this forum.
Rockerpunzel - the LEGO comic
The comic is funny! And the renders and the english are not that bad at all. EDIT: 300th post!
How long do your MOCs stay built?
If it´s a contest entry I dismantle it after taking the pics. My favourite MOCs(a.k.a.Army)stay together for months,sometimes even years.
Me! With my Army!
Nice display Doctor Sinister! Too bad there are no LEGO shows like this near near my hometown.
Congratulations to Phred and SlyOwl!
Good choice,Mr. Phes! Congrulations guys.
The 'Pez Espada'
A nearly cute small patrol boat. Like MacK said:Join the EN,we always need new ones!
Dufresne's Introduction
Welcome to EB,Dufresne! Like iamde(a)d I look forward to see your zombie MOC. :skull:
EN army database
I´m sorry MacK but at the moment I can´t make a group shot. Most of my vehicles are currently being reworked,some get replaced with new ones. I´m trying to make a group shot as soon as I´m finished with this.
Happy brirthday Lamanda2
Happy birhtday! *sweet*
EN Guidance Notes
Amen,brother. You
Presenting "LORD SANTOS"
Welcome to EB,Lord Santos! Enjoy your stay here. *thumbup*
Welcome to EB,part 2! Enjoy your stay. *thumbup*
- Ideas for new City sets
Ideas for new City sets
Some things I would *wub* to see released in 2009: Bus Prize:25€ Includes 6wide bus,a bus station and 3 MFs(bus driver and 2 civilians) Bank Prize:30€ Includes bank,armoured transport,lots of Lego money and 3 MFs(2 bank guys and a civilian) Taxi Center Prize:25€ Includes small taxi center,taxi and 3 MFs(taxi driver and 2 civilians)
Welcome to EB,mammymarf! Enjoy your stay. *thumbup*
Hello!My name is......
Welcome to EB,Blitz! Enjoy your stay here at the profesional community of EB. *thumbup*
Hello from Lego Monster
Welcome to EB,Lego Monster! Enjoy your stay. *thumbup*
'Sup Eurobricks
Welcome to EB,MacK! Enjoy your stay and please join the EN. *thumbup*
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