Carded Lego Indiana Jones Mini Figure Kenner Style
Cool. Look like a promotional set!
What did you get for your BrickArms Mystery Pack Volume 1?
White Fang, that gun is golden?
D2C Contest: Rise of the Dread Colossus
WOW! Good job!
MOC: Adventure Plane
Cool MOC! I will make something like it!
Mainman's Lego AN-225 Mriya Cargo Plane
This is Cool! I love BIG Scale
Militarized Dragon
Cool! I see it on TBB!
REVIEW: 853195 Brick Calendar
Lovely set. Good review!
MOC: Brüder Grimm und die "Haare des Teufels"
Thanks for the comment, KielDaMan! The minifigs aren't purist. I put some BA!
I love Black figs Cool MOC!
Cooooool MOC! Congratulations
[MOC] HUMVEE with turret
Gold Table
Cool vig!
MOC: Brüder Grimm und die "Haare des Teufels"
Translate: The brothers Grimm and the Hair of Devil Brüder Grimm und die "Haare des Teufels" These two are Peter and Olmir "Grimm" Straightfush (inspired Poker) The inspiration came when he thought about making a truck to the challenge of Thiago [/ b], but I really wanted to make a car. I wanted to do in Big Scale, but did not and decreases the scale. I used my newly purchased stoats. BrickArms. The car's name, Hair of the Devil, came from a tale of the Brothers Grimm, The three golden threads of hair of the devil. : D The "Hair of the Devil" and the brothers 'Grimm' The Brothers "Grimm " The Hair of the Devil
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