Long time lurker, first time post. I'm posting some shots of my two newest builds. I wanted to do a tribute to one of the video games I grew up on, X-Wing vs TIE fighter. My friends and I would always get together and play that game, we loved it. I already have 9493 X-wing and 9492 TIE Fighter; I've built a B-wing, A-wing, Snowspeeder, Y-Wing, TIE Bomber, and TIE Interceptor, and my parents just sent me a huge box of all the Legos I had as a kid. So basically I had a bunch of old Legos to work with to build some non-standard Lego models. Much to my wife's chagrin, I set up a building station in the basement with some hardware drawer organizers and came up with these two models. I always thought the Z-95 Headhunter and XG-2 "Starwing" Gunboat were super cool and should have been in some movies, so I decided to build both. For the XG-1, I wanted to imagine what a 181st squadron model would look like in black with red accents. For the Z-95, I wanted to do it in traditional Rogue/Red Squadron pattern since in the EU, Rogue squadron did use these for special missions. I used the nose of the 9493 X-wing as a base. The only thing I'm iffy about is the nose on the XG-1, but in the original video game it was boxy and pixely, so I'm ok with it not being too sleek. Enjoy and please don't be too hard on me lol, these were my first MOCs.
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20180324_085414 by Andrew Fenestra, on Flickr
20180324_085502 by Andrew Fenestra, on Flickr
20180324_085513 by Andrew Fenestra, on Flickr
20180324_085533 by Andrew Fenestra, on Flickr
20180324_085547 by Andrew Fenestra, on Flickr
20180324_085557 by Andrew Fenestra, on Flickr
20180324_085608 by Andrew Fenestra, on Flickr
20180324_085616 by Andrew Fenestra, on Flickr
20180324_085628 by Andrew Fenestra, on Flickr
20180324_085640 by Andrew Fenestra, on Flickr