marcanadell4 started following The Fireball - Star Wars Resistance
The Fireball - Star Wars Resistance
Hi there! I'm going to be posting links to my new model: The Fireball, from Star Wars resistance, the racing ship which Kaz Xiono races in the colossus. It's not the final version of the model, because I want some feedback about it to change some parts and to try to make it better. Any comment will help in the process, so please give your opinion! Bricksafe link to some images of the ship: Feel free to modify the model in your own way!
- T-70 X-WING
marcanadell4 started following T-70 X-WING
- T-70 X-WING
T-70 X-WING In this link you can find the newest LDD files and some renders, which correspond to the 2.1 version of the model. I fixed many things, but I couldn't find a way to solve some the problems you all mentioned without sacrificing some parts. I also didn't check the color availability, mainly because I don't plan to buy the parts soon. Overall, however, it looks much better than the first version and it has most of the issues solved thanks to everyone's advice!
Hey, thanks for the feedback and all the advice. I'm already working on these things, however, I'm not sure what you mean in the first point. About the blue light it tries to ressemble the added engine from The Last Jedi,seen just before Poe destroys the Dreadnought turrets, right when he says "Punch it BB-8". You might also remember this scene from the trailers.
News! I've fixed most of the problems that both Jerac and krisandkris12 mentioned on their comments. However I've had to sacrifice some elements which may make the newer version a bit weird. Anyway, here you've got the LDD file:
First of all thank you for the advice, as I said to Jerac. I'm trying to fix all those issues but I'm having a hard time with the engines and the flaps on the front. One more thing, feel free to modify the LDD file and come up with your own solutions. However, I've been able to fix the wings' thickness. And again, thank you for the feedback! I've found a solution on the engines but i have some problems with the hinge in the wings so I won't be updating the LDD file yet. The image is awful but take a look:
- T-70 X-WING
- T-70 X-WING
Hi, glad you took a look at my moc. I've been following your amazing work for a while. About the pics, i'm not very good at rendering yet but if you were interested I could do some more renders to upload them. I suppose the half cut is simulating some kind of "infinite" surface. I'm new here and I'm not sure that I am allowed to upload images bigger than 10Kb or about that. I could send them to you if you wanted. Refering to the wings, I think it's an LDD problem and that they will be on the same exact plane when I build the model physically. Also, I am already working with the hinge on the wings, but i'm not sure I can find a simple solution to that. I think I would have to modify some other parts of the inner structure but I will try to work out a solution. I'm giving new updates as I find new solutions to these problems. Anyway, thank you for the feedback and your advice!
This is a MOC of the T-70 X-Wing from the Resistance, in both Poe Dameron's Black Leader (black and orange) and the generic fighter version (blue and grey). This MOC has been inspired not only on one but by several others creations i've found on the internet. Though i've combined several elements from these builds, most of the design is mine. Anyone willing to build this MOC or to know more about it please contact me through the comments. The main pages about this MOC are on the following links: I might post other low-resolution images in the replies. The rendered images are can be seen and downloaded on the links that I've given in the description.
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