Finch Posting
Not everyone angrily/fraudulently claimed to have had missing pieces (which was, as you point out, not technically true). Sweettalking CS reps also worked. I had one tell me she couldn't order his helmet, but she'd order his head for me and then email me first thing the next morning to confirm she'd put a second order through for the helmet.
Updating Your Minifigs
Are they the Pao legs? I think they'd look great on an old (tan) Hoth Rebel Trooper, it'd make them look in line with the newer white ones.
Updating Your Minifigs
Damn, I'd forgotten he doesn't wear a cap! Down my list he goes, if I need to get bits from 3 different minifigs for him.
Updating Your Minifigs
yup! for now, the 2nd finn in FO disguise I got in order to make Captain Canady (cheaper than the figure from the star destroyer, but same legs torso and hat) has been repurposed as DJ in FO disguise, but Canady is still on my list. just need to find the perfect head.
Updating Your Minifigs
does anyone have any head ideas for a captain canady?
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in the words of dora the explorer... BACKPACK BACKPACK. BACKPACK BACKPACK.
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and... now they're on my list for whenever my next purchase is :D
Updating Your Minifigs
I've been going back and forth on this today and I now think if you had wedge's helmet from sw089 and zev senesca's from sw826... Wedge's is probably better for Farns Monsbee after all (with the black/yellow marks on the... peak? and all). When my 2nd one arrives, I think I'll take an eraser to the sides of one of them (as poor old Monsbee has apparently not had much success at shooting down TIEs). Having the phoenix on the top would make it perfect, but I'm not brave enough for drawing/painting on my lego. Torius Chord's helmet is actually very close to the one Zev Senesca uses in ESB, so I made the switcheroo today.
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@ShadowStrike i just realised I forgot the "not" in there somehow! oops! It's *not* like it's totally wrong.
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I dislike the colour of the resistance speeder pilot in the MF pack, Nodin Chavdri should be wearing colours much closer to Tallie's... but he doesn't have a neck scarf. what would be the best way to remove the neck scarf from Tallie's body - ? It's only a very small patch to remove. Would tape around the edge and some hard scrubbing with an eraser work?
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Dual sided head wouldn't work very well with the kepi, unless he scrubs one side. I believe it's this one - ?
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Decided to go for the Major Brance face for Heff Tobber. And then realised I didn't want to buy another Major Brance and be left with a useless torso - or worse, go down the rabbit hole of buying another General Emmett as well to use the head and hair to make him in his Major guise from TFA... Then i realised the head in sw892 is identical and I think I'm happy enough that it doesn't represent anyone closely enough to not swap it out. [edit: just had another look and from the costume it's Sgt Cobel Tansirch but a search doesn't reveal his face]. Hello Heff!
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I asked earlier and they said hopefully within the next week or two. Fingers crossed the production goes smoothly, will be ordering as soon as I see them! Should be similar pattern but different colours. Maybe that's the next one Firestar could do. On the one hand, damn them for retconning Wenton Chan out... OTOH at least there'll only be one plain blue firebird helmet (Hard Binli) now. Don't forget Toby Hefferman as Heff Tobber.
Updating Your Minifigs
The helmets they hold in the visual guide are different from each other. Ralo Surrel's is Red and Black checked, Wion Dillems' is red and white checked.
Updating Your Minifigs
Add to the fact Paril Ritta isn't a U wing pilot. I agree the stock figure works as Calum Gram. I need good bearded face suggestions for Heff Tober (Blue 8) if anyone has found one?
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