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  1. Jumbo scale was a side project. It is 2 75288 put together with some additional pieces thrown in here and there. I have no instructions, just simply expanding what was there and using Raskolnikov’s beautiful ATAT Moc as reference. long story short I have an excess supply of ATAT driver mini figures if anyone is in the market 🤣 They do make great door gunners in the mean time.
  2. This is amazing Hero! I love the lighting and the dual deployment winches. The seating for the scouts is a great idea and I am gonna snag some additional sand blue seats to replicate this! I added a little door gunner as well. It’s attached to the black technic brick that the door assembly connects to, so it come off with the panels. I like using the half-width technic lift arms so it can pivot out beyond the door (even though the figs hands can’t reach it fully extended) It looks so menacing next to the Hoth ATST and my jumbo 75288! Trying to refine a top hatch for the UCS ATAT. More to come!
  3. Can’t wait to see the improvements Schneeds!
  4. Thanks Tris! I am still reworking the system. The string kept jumping the pulleys I had installed and the whole system was a hot mess. Debating using a manual winch system that tuck us nicely into the hold like this: Not sold on either system and Will update as I go!
  5. Hey all! Glad I found this forum here. Thought I was the only crazy person trying to mod this monstrosity! So far I have a roof mounted lift arm that slides out to be deployed. The lift arm snaps into a single stud connection with is surprisingly robust. A motor (mounted in place of the fuel cells up top) is what I have to run the system. Having a bunch of issues with it just snagged and I think I am probably going to go with a manual crank system. The detail in this set is just too nice to sacrifice for a large, ugly battery pack and will leave room for another lift arm to be deployed on the other side! As for the floor, added in a few hatches that take advantage of some of the negative space in the internal chassis. Have began to black out this area, but as you can see, some of the bright colored technic frame still shows through (excuse the dust, work has got the best of me).
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