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Skiing Biology God

Eurobricks Vassals
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  1. Yes, they’ll start the unveiling and then the live building stream.
  2. Automatic gearbox will be very difficult to make in Lego. It is a complicated mechanism that involves planetary gears and stuff. This will be a 8 speed (7+R) sequential manual gearbox, just like the one in the real Chiron. The new gear selectors make it extremely efficient to be sequential as opposed to selecting individual gears (like in 8880) or without making it bulky like in 42056.
  3. Judging by the leaked picture of the gearbox, I believe that we will not be having the same problem as the Porsche 2 years ago. Also, 8 speeds (7+R) is a monumental achievement in an official Lego set (first one to do so?). Anyways, mad props to the designer for making this set both aesthetically pleasing and functional. My expectations were a bit low after the first leak, but now they're higher than ever.
  4. Could someone PM me the leaked gearbox pictures (or any newly leaked pictures so far)? Thanks!
  5. I can send you a message of a photo.
  6. There should be a gearbox, according to the teaser video. However the way it will be controlled remains a mystery.
  7. I'm still curious about the spoiler function. It could be the same as the Porsche but it can also be integrated with the brakes. Seeing how much emphasis they are putting on brakes, it could be a possibility.
  8. Exactly. The only thing that people have criticised the set for was the hood and front in general, and I have seen tens of comments complaining about them being disappointed by it. Mostly everyone is being too pessimistic here; remember that Lego is just for fun and we should just relax. Not to mention that there are numerous aspects that Lego nailed, like the door curve, the rear shaping, the front grille, headlights, and many more.
  9. I'm 95% sure it's going to be the same as the Porsche: Steering out of the steering wheel. It is less comfortable and intuitive, but more realistic. So they'll probably do that.
  10. I completely agree. Am I the only one here that actually likes the look of the car? Personally it looks better than that Porsche, MUCH better. And in 2016 I thought it was the best looking official Lego supercar to date! It's important to analyse the set objectively and appreciate the positive aspects as opposed to tearing the negatives apart.
  11. This can mean that the rear looks really bad or really good compared to the front. I seriously hope for the latter of the two...
  12. I am definitely impressed after seeing the official box. It looks surprisingly faithful to the original, and I am curious what functions it will have. The gaps were worrisome at first, in the blurry preliminary images, but 42083 probably looks the best out of any Technic supercar officially released by Lego, including the Porsche. With a 4 wheel drive and W16 engine, I will be satisfied.
  13. I seriously wonder where the 900 extra pieces went. It looks the same size and scale as the Porsche
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