Lego Train MOC's. Saddle Tank, Tram, Shunters and more
Hi, thanks for the interest, sorry I don't have any instructions but I snapped a few quick pics for you of the model in sections from a couple of different angles. They're not great but should give you an idea of how it was put together. I'm quite proud of the boiler although I'm sure I'm not the first to build something like this. Have fun and good luck. If you manage to build your own version then please post the pics - would love to see them. DSC_0674 by Lego Dad01, on Flickr DSC_0676 by Lego Dad01, on Flickr DSC_0677 by Lego Dad01, on Flickr DSC_0680 by Lego Dad01, on Flickr DSC_0681 by Lego Dad01, on Flickr DSC_0682 by Lego Dad01, on Flickr DSC_0683 by Lego Dad01, on Flickr
Powered Up - A tear down...
^^^^^ Yes! This please. ^^^^^ The top speed is too high and can frequently send engines off on a trip across the floor to smash town.
Piston gear - part identification help please
Yes that must be it. Thank you - thats been driving me crazy (sorry).
Piston gear - part identification help please
Would anyone on here be able to tell me which part is being used in this example to offset the drive rods from the centre of the wheels. I'm drawing a blank and could really use some help. From this thread and Dread Pirate Robert's wonderful saddle tank. Many thanks in advance.
Lego Train MOC's. Saddle Tank, Tram, Shunters and more
I nod to your superior knowledge on these things (my dad pointed out the chimney was wrong too) and yes you're right I could make it a little closer to the real thing but I've always preferred to be inspired by something rather than try to recreate it perfectly. In my head, which is where I was building from, this seems like the perfect shape and form for it. It just feels right when you look at it. I'm not knocking those who like to create scale models at all, I'm in awe of them and may well try my hand at that one day. I just build for fun and try to create something that has the look and feel I'm after. I hope I've achieved that here. Thanks for all the great feedback everyone.
Lego Train MOC's. Saddle Tank, Tram, Shunters and more
Thanks for the kind words everyone, that means a lot. I do like the things I build to feel like they should have come from an actual Lego set, visually simple and easy to read. They should also still feel like toys you could play with and these are. For anyone interested here's the real life inspiration for the 0-6-0 Saddle tank which is currently living at the Aln Valley Railway in Northumberland, UK.
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LegoDad01 started following Lego Train MOC's. Saddle Tank, Tram, Shunters and more
Lego Train MOC's. Saddle Tank, Tram, Shunters and more
This is my first share on here but I've been hanging around for a while sucking up inspiration. Here are some MOC's made purely for fun and for play. First up a British 0-6-0 saddle tank steamy. It comes with it's own coal truck and brake van in which I've hidden the power functions so they all work together as a set. http://Lego_Train_MOCs_2018-1 by karen chappell, on Flickr http://Lego_Train_MOCs_2018-2 by karen chappell, on Flickr http://Lego_Train_MOCs_2018-6 by karen chappell, on Flickr The brake van hides the battery box and sits on top of the motor. This attaches to the IR receiver cleverly hidden in the coal truck. The whole set pushes rather than pulls but at sensible speeds this hasn't proven to be a problem. The drive gear is from Trained Bricks over on Bricklink. http://Lego_Train_MOCs_2018-3 by karen chappell, on Flickr http://Lego_Train_MOCs_2018-4 by karen chappell, on Flickr Next up is a simple modern tram set. 3 cars with the all the power functions hidden in the central car. http://Lego_Train_MOCs_2018-7 by karen chappell, on Flickr http://Lego_Train_MOCs_2018-8 by karen chappell, on Flickr http://Lego_Train_MOCs_2018-11 by karen chappell, on Flickr http://Lego_Train_MOCs_2018-9 by karen chappell, on Flickr Here's a diesel electric goods engine, not modelled on anything in particular, hauling a short train of logs for the lumber yard. http://Lego_Train_MOCs_2018-12 by karen chappell, on Flickr http://Lego_Train_MOCs_2018-15 by karen chappell, on Flickr http://Lego_Train_MOCs_2018-14 by karen chappell, on Flickr http://Lego_Train_MOCs_2018-13 by karen chappell, on Flickr This was my first MOC, a blue shunter obviously inspired by 60052. Everything power functions related is squeezed inside. The wagon behind is a refrigerator truck. http://Lego_Train_MOCs_2018-20 by karen chappell, on Flickr http://Lego_Train_MOCs_2018-22 by karen chappell, on Flickr http://Lego_Train_MOCs_2018-21 by karen chappell, on Flickr http://Lego_Train_MOCs_2018-23 by karen chappell, on Flickr And finally some short container wagons. http://Lego_Train_MOCs_2018-17 by karen chappell, on Flickr http://Lego_Train_MOCs_2018-18 by karen chappell, on Flickr Hope you all like them and apologies for the mammoth post. Thanks.
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