Everything posted by Remus_Lupin
Powering 10247 Ferris Wheel with Powered Up
Thank you for giving me another option!
Powering 10247 Ferris Wheel with Powered Up
Never mind - I managed to solve this! Rather than trying to fit the motor where the PF Medium motor goes, I put it in place of the manual crank on the other side. I got the idea from this review of the Ferris Wheel on Rebrickable: Hope this helps someone else in the future!
Powering 10247 Ferris Wheel with Powered Up
I decided I was going to dip my toes into the world of "Powered Up" because the programmable element appealed to me (also, with the retirement of PF, it's an expensive route to go down if you don't already have a collection). I had one PF motor for my 10247 Ferris Wheel, so I decided to replace it with a Powered Up Hub and an 8808 Medium Linear Motor. When it arrived, I got an unpleasant surprise - it doesn't fit the Ferris Wheel! The motor is too bulky for the space. Has anyone here powered their Ferris Wheel with the new Powered Up components? I was looking at the Medium Angular Motor 88018, which looks slimmer - but I'm not sure if it's the right component either.
Review: 6090 Royal Knight's Castle
You are a life saver, I came close to ordering a shelf that was just too small. My castle is currently in storage so couldn't do this myself. Thank you!
Review: 6090 Royal Knight's Castle
Another bump, this time a question: Can anyone please tell me how tall this set is at its highest point? I'm trying to size it up for some shelf planning. Thanks!
- Could somebody check my parts list for motorizing 10173 Holiday Train
- Could somebody check my parts list for motorizing 10173 Holiday Train
- Could somebody check my parts list for motorizing 10173 Holiday Train
Could somebody check my parts list for motorizing 10173 Holiday Train
I have pieced together 10173 over the last year and now I'm looking to motorize the train. I've read all the threads here on Eurobricks about motorizing it, but most topics seem to be about converting it to PF. I am more inclined to go down the 9v route because it looks more straight forward with less required mods to make it work. With that in mind, I have compiled a list of the required 9v parts. I was hoping somebody could check the list to make sure that I am not missing anything (see attached screenshot). Thanks in advance.
Has anyone combined 10237 Tower of Orthanc and 9476 Orc Forge?
I've been curious about this for a while now, because the two seem like complementary sets. In The Fellowship of The Rings, the forge is in a cavernous setting adjacent to the tower. This scene suggests that the caverns are not quite directly underneath Orthanc, but beside it: I have an unopened 9476, but have yet to get my hands on 10237. I've thought about combining them when I eventually get hold of the latter, but MOC'cing has never been my strongest suit and I've been searching for inspiration. I'm also not quite sure where the forge should be positioned in relation to the tower. Has anyone here done this, or seen examples of it elsewhere?
- Review: 10243 Parisian Restaurant
- Review: 10243 Parisian Restaurant
REVIEW: 71005 LEGO Minifigures - The LEGO Simpsons Series
While admiring the job they have done with the minifigures (particularly the accessories, some beautiful touches - 'I choo choo choose you!'), and despite my reverence for the show (the earlier years, at least), I have decided to give this theme a miss. For me, they push LEGO minifigures too far into the realm of action figures. My hope is that the moulds they have developed are only used for the very singular features of The Simpsons characters, and that they are never tempted to mess with the traditional minifgure that we all know and love so much.
The Batmobile: Which is best
7784 for me, I just love it. I could never quite understand why it never appreciated in the same way the rest of the Batman I wave did - the lack of minifigures hasn't helped, I guess. But it was one of the sets that got me out of the dark ages (although it was long gone at that stage; I saw it displayed in someone's house and fell in love) so there is a nostalgic element for me. But also, the long body reminds me of the Batman Animated Series Batmobile, and that version of Batman will always be 'my' Batman. Great build too IMO, although your eyes would go square looking at all the black in the instructions.
Favorite Winter Village set?
My 10235 hasn't arrived yet, so I have to exclude that from my voting. For me, The Toy Shop and Bakery are shoulder to shoulder; I can't separate them. I love the building of the Toy Shop (the toys in the display cabinet is a wonderful touch) but the frozen lake in the Bakery is what made me fall in love with the series in the first place. By process of elimination, my least favourite would then be either the Post Office or the Cottage. While the cottage feels slightly out of scale (though I've made my peace with it) the interior is just beautiful, so I might put that marginally above the Post Office.
Wayne Manor Modular
The details are breath taking. My favourite part of the build is the trophy area. Phenomenal work
- LEGO Star Wars 2014 Pictures and Rumors
Post your general LEGO Star Wars questions here
Thanks! I've never been much good at modding though Seeing the two side by side, 6210 seems a bit more substantial and I prefer the nose of the ship (I love the upside-down ship building technique).
Post your general LEGO Star Wars questions here
I've had my eye on Jabba's Sail Barge to go with the excellent Dessert Skiff. However, I haven't been won over by 75020, especially at RRP. It seems, though, that I may have the opportunity to buy 6210 (without minifigures) for a very reasonable price, roughly 15% cheaper than the lowest priced incomplete set available on Bricklink. I do love the minifigs from 75020, they seem to be the one element that is superior to the original, so I'm thinking of trying to blend the two. So I could be looking at 6210 + minifigures from 75020 for about €25 less than 75020 at RRP. Is this a no-brainer?
The Simpsons 2014 Rumors & Discussion
Going to reserve judgement until we see the real torsos, because those were obviously pulled from random other minifigs. The heads still look quite disproportionate to the bodies, but hopefully that will be offset with the proper torso.
Super Heroes 2014 Rumors & Discussion
O_o Whatever about Killer Moth and Firefly, Clayface and Mad Hatter are hardley peripheral members of the rogues gallery like you make out. Each to their own, though - personally I'm not interested in variants at all. I'm also taking it has encouraging that with Batgirl, TLG is showing that it isn't afraid to pull from the New 52 universe even if there aren't any obvious film/TV tie-ins. So much potential there.
- Lego 2013 Holiday Sets 1/2 2/2 (HR Images)
- Avatar Contest Voting thread
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Thanks for the comments all! Does it not? I can't spot any discrepancies myself, but I'm glad I don't because it's way too late to change, the setup was too cumbersome Yeah I did think this at the time too, but unfortunately I couldn't find a way of zombifying him. I thought about using the torso from the Groom from the Monster Figthers 'Zombies' set, but decided against it. I didn't think about Mr. Good & Evil, but don't have him yet anyway!
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