Bionicle 2009 Images and Discussion
Actually, they're yellow-orange (Keetogu yellow, dark yellow, light orange. . . whatever you want to call it.)
Bionicle 2009 Images and Discussion
I got some of the requested pictures... Metus' trans-light blue head 2009 head with Hydraxonn mask (face) Gresh's Helmet 2009 hands 1 2009 hands 2 (blury)
Bionicle 2009 Images and Discussion
I went to my TRU today. All 2009 sets save for Strakk, Vorox, Tuma, and Fero & Skirmix were there. I bought 'em all. I'll get some pictures tommorrow. Any requests?
Bionicle 2009 Images and Discussion
It's official. I like 2009 more then I like 2001. Just by a little bit though. When will Pirates Month be over? It's getting old...
Bionicle 2009 Images and Discussion
Yeah, that's been pointed out, many, many times. =P ~Bunda It's better then regular ol' ball sockets!
Bionicle 2009 Images and Discussion
Oh they are?
Bionicle 2009 Images and Discussion
Agreed. LEGO is getting in to a bad habbit I'm afraid. The Mistika were made in the same (or similar) style. They look extremely ugly when they use that type of CGI. I think it makes them look too glossy and toyish.
Bionicle 2009 Images and Discussion
The Glatorian, especially in those pictures, look like they are wearing helmets rather than masks. To me at least. Either way they are super cool. Nice find.
Bionicle 2009 Images and Discussion
Yes. Enough with the blue tint. We'll find out who's right soon enough. That poster is awesome. It has BIONICLE written all over it. Sounds like a good movie, too.
Bionicle 2009 Images and Discussion
I've got every 2009 set image we've seen so far right here.
Bionicle 2009 Images and Discussion
Haha. Oh, yes. Big difference.
Bionicle 2009 Images and Discussion
Alright it is annoying. But there's no need to report anyone. IMO. . . The set designer questions are a great idea. Up 'till now we've only had opportunities to ask questions to people involved in the stoyline or the website. Is Swiftone still a designer for BIONICLE? Or has he moved on to other things? I hope so. They usually do come out before the holidays. I know who Malum looks like! Carapar. I can't believe I didn't see it 'till now.
Bionicle 2009 Images and Discussion
Your not serious are you? It's all in good humor. Everyone needs to be Rick Roll'd every once in a while. It's good for the soul. It helps us keep hold of our sanity.
Bionicle 2009 Images and Discussion
Yes. I love Nifty Dual-Orientation Features.
Bionicle 2009 Images and Discussion
Okay. So Makuta took over MN's body with everyone inide, while MN's conscience (?) and the Ignika go to Bara Magna?
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