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Eurobricks Vassals
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  1. A very sleek design in a great setting. Perhaps some lighting from the street light when rendering may have set it off even better. Well done.
  2. Kingfisher replied to Krischan1712's post in a topic in LEGO Sci-Fi
    Great animation; it must have taken almost as much time to create that as it did the model itself.
  3. I am all for a new style of spacecraft, and if it has its own colour scheme, even better. As long as it has moving parts and plenty of detail, I believe that it will capture the interest of both young and old builders.
  4. I assumed that since there were two draws, one would be left handed and one right handed so very suitable for planes and spaceships. Unless you are making a windmill, I would have thought you would pick up an equal quantity of each. Thanks for the warning; it is never good to assume these things else the future of space would be very left handed.
  5. I think the original link to the you tube video is broken.
  6. This is a good alternative to using several Lego air tanks for storing a larger amount of air. I just wish the pumps did not have such low pressure relief valves so more energy could be stored in a smaller volume.
  7. Hi, Fairly new here but I thought I would share a recent experience. I was in London and visited the Piccadilly Circus Lego store.It had the new Millennium Falcon on display which was awesome. I then noticed in the Pick A Brick wall that alongside the normal 2x4 bricks in various colours were two draws of grey 6x3 wing elements. Either they had a few left over from building the new model, or they are trying to inspire more wing elements to be used, as in this new Lego Space set. Does anyone know if the Wing elements are normally in Lego pick a brick selections?
  8. Kingfisher replied to Kenneth-DK's post in a topic in LEGO Sci-Fi
    The lights are fantastic. I really think that Lego needs to make a rechargeable LED 2x2 brick that can be used in these types of models. I am sure they would sell loads.
  9. Kingfisher replied to hachiroku's post in a topic in LEGO Sci-Fi
    Love the way that you have managed to make the plastic Lego look like metal!
  10. Looking at the Car, it is very difficult to see how it transforms. I needed to watch the video twice to fully understand how all the pieces were reconfigured. Well done for making the unbelievable happen.
  11. I have tried 2x2 flat tiles but they leave a square sawtooth type edge and the joins do not align very well as this surface has a 1x3 angle. Do you know if there are any 1x3 sloped ones as I cannot find any?
  12. Hi, I am working on an update to my first Lego ideas creation and would like some help or suggestions as to how to create a flat top to a wing shaped surface. I would imagine that it is similar to an aeroplane wing except that it needs to be flat. My project is the James Webb Space Telescope that has foil type layers for a sun shield. As can be seen in my model, I have managed to get the shape but lack the smooth surface. Higher resolution images (and a video of it unfolding) are available on the Lego Ideas site of you need them. https://ideas.lego.com/projects/05fb57ff-a8d9-4795-8408-32d9e2114dd1 Any suggestions appreciated.
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