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About technicmad

  • Birthday 01/01/1978

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  1. Creator of Bricksafe here... I have fixed the bug you were triggering with your uploaded LXF file. It is not a valid zip file (which was triggering the bug), other than that I can't tell you much about it.
  2. Thanks, I spent a lot of time (and money!) making sure the site remains available, especially the deep linked files. I agree the interface could be improved and there are still some features I need to add. You can actually create folders (called pages) by going to a page and clicking the 'Edit Page' button at the top right, then select 'Add new page here' :) Rebrickable keeps me very busy, but I have plans for a big overhaul of Bricksafe within a few months. I have had some email/registration problems in the past which I've fixed. If you'd like to try again, let me know if you have any further issues. I can be contacted at support at bricksafe.com or support at rebrickable.com.
  3. Sounds good, I'll be there :)
  4. Yeah, nothing else to configure at this stage but will probably add some more later. Feel free to email me at support@bricksafe.com with any questions, I don't want to spam this forum :)
  5. There most certainly is! On the upload page, use the "Import files" button to specify your Brickshelf URL.. heh, I probably should have mentioned that earlier as it is quite useful :D
  6. Yes, you can upload ANY file. LXF files even have a thumbnail preview of the model :) You can have a poke around without registering: http://bricksafe.com/browse
  7. I don't like to self promote, but it seems like I just have to at this point! I created Bricksafe.com which offers free storage for LEGO files similar to Brickshelf. You can store any type of LEGO related files you like. I created it as a modern LEGO file sharing site and have future plans for some great API capabilities. I have just upgraded the default quota from 2GB to 5GB and retroactively upgraded all existing accounts too! It has some great features - eg you can choose to scale your images to any resolution just by modifying the URL parameters, perfect for embedding into Eurobricks posts. There are no ads, I make no money from it, I hope to keep it free forever. I can afford to do this as I also created Rebrickable and the revenue from that site is enough to run Bricksafe too. It has been in place for a year now and sure there were some outages. I like to think I fixed them fast and improved the reliability in doing so each time. I have now added a page http://bricksafe.com/outages which lists all outages that I will keep up to date to provide 100% transparency into what has happened.
  8. As the creator of Bricksafe, I can recommend it Maybe your registration email was filtered as junk mail? If you want to try again, email me at support@bricksafe.com with your registered email address and I can investigate for you.
  9. I try to fix conversion problems as I come across them, so please if you are getting them let me know, or post to the Rebrickable forum and we will get those parts fixed up!
  10. That's the information that was on the CD. I was wondering if the outer box would be available to all, but if not it seems a bit extravagant just for press releases given there's only 10K of them.
  11. OK, no problem.
  12. I have written up a review of this new architecture set at Rebrickable and have plenty of build photos at my Bricksafe page.
  13. Sadly, it's my finest creation
  14. Great review, but I'm drooling over the camera setup more than the LEGO set :) Put's mine to shame!
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