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Eurobricks Vassals
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  1. Me too please!? ericstiffandroidbackup@ gmail.com Thank you!
  2. This is cool: https://twitter.com/RaizNewMedia/status/1250954495544176641?s=19
  3. Where did they block MF mods?
  4. http://www.lightmyfalcon.com/
  5. Take a look at what I did with adding anterior arms but having them driven by servo. It's several posts up. Okay, it's actually back in page 31. An additional note: all the Technic friction pins I had to trade out to non-friction so the servo could raise and lower the ramp.
  6. Thank you. I'd like to but I don't have the parts and resources to do so at this point.
  7. Thank you. I've got a controller circuit all worked out to automate it but don't have the funds to get all the parts ordered and a PCB made yet. The lights are from Brickstuff. They have a complete kit specifically for the Falcon.
  8. Here's my loading ramp servo mod. Link to album: https://www.flickr.com/photos/154418558@N02/albums/72157711825475867
  9. Oh, now I need a MILFone! ???? (stupid auto-carrot!) Wait, what have you been typing that it autocorrected to MILFone?!?!?????
  10. I haven't had the ability to check the LDD files so I'll show what I came up with through trial and error for the top vents. I left one round 1x1 brick in place on the top vent and the other three on the base plate. This allows it to be rotated and be in line with the vent below it.
  11. Ok, I didn't realize how picture posting needed to be done. Here's the Flickr link:
  12. Looking at the images in your site, your back right panel from your Falcon is a mirror image of the back left. The one from mine is larger and completely different. The area circled in red makes things more difficult than swapping out a few pieces. Any words of wisdom for me? Thank you, Eric.
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