75153 AT-ST modification
If it helps, 9 metres is 5 minifigs tall at minifig scale (assuming all minifigs are an impressive 1.8 metres/6ft tall). 8.6 metres would be 5 minifigs but with one having child legs. You know I'll be stacking minifigs to measure mine tonight now. :) Oh, and I've had a little luck making the legs thinner simply by removing that 2x4 tile and rearranging the straights a bit. I want to see if I can make a decent/low-new-parts mod before taking any photos though. I do love the more rounded feet on the previous page and need to do that first too
75153 AT-ST modification
Yes and no. Actually I think the entire thing is slightly too bulky, especially in the leg and foot region. I actually think it'd be nice if the legs were a little thinner, though obviously that's no easy feat. If I remember correctly the Endor AT-ST from the films had thicker beefier legs than the Hoth AT-ST, and this certainly feels more like one of those.
What do you do with leftover battle packs?
Three of my last stormtrooper packs got turned into a full sized stormtrooper transport. Though it's only sparsely manned at the moment, there is space for the full compliment of 12 stormtroopers (6 inside, 6 out) and if you don't care about shooting you can also put cargo on the roof :) The model itself would be better if I'd elected to use bits from my collection but I wanted to see if one of these could be built using only what came with the stormtrooper transport battle packs. Not bad though considering. working side/rear hatches, rotating turret, exterior crew racks, destroyable port wall, two compartments (there's a passage connecting the front and rear)
75153 AT-ST modification
Modding the interior to be a two-seater is actually pretty easy. The biggest problem was the white hooks and the grey loops they go into on the walls. Those things were right next to the pilot on both sides, meaning they would push him towards the centre. After a bit of playing around though I discovered they can be moved all the way to the back, below the technic joint. This location is just as strong as the forward position and there's no greater gap at the front (even with minifigs pushing against the walls). To make this modification I removed the 4x4 plates on the walls (along with the other platey bits attached to them) to widen the cabin. I also removed the black and dark grey "floor spine" beneath them. I then replaced the curved arches with a 2x4 brick and put the white hooks on top of them. After that it just took 4 jumpers and some 1x2 and 1x3 plates to build the seats and reinforce the joints to the walls. Oh, and a 1x2 brick in the back to fill in a hole where the spine once was. I don't think the red spring-loaded blasters will work anymore as I removed the pushbutton bits from the back as well, but I don't really like those anyway (especially after shooting myself in the eye. The warning on the box is true! It can happen!!!) The brown was mainly because that was the closest bin to my table at the time (plus the contrast helps show where I changed things in the picture). With a little cleanup (removing that giant grey step-like piece bracing the rear wall) you can easily get a third seat in, or even remove the 2x5 platey seats and you could have ewoks standing in there with chewbacca in the back :) Now if someone can figure out a better (posable) leg structure that would be ace ;)
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