2018 Lego Trains
Playtime stats is personal data anything relating to an individual is, its also non-essential for the app, and capturing the data of children, and was according to the privacy policy made available to third parties. The implementation I saw was violating multiple aspects of the GDPR but I haven't checked it since the rules came into force, they may have removed it to become compliant. Yes you can make your own app, I'm part way through making one myself but we were talking about the controllers? The average user will use the LEGO app regardless of what it does and if there are better user-made ones.
2018 Lego Trains
There aren't two receiver channels on the new controller they removed the dedicated selection switch, there are two channels for the A + B sockets on the receiver. The controller could control multiple receivers with a button combo to switch but LEGO seem keen to force people onto the apps. The LEGO boost app is loaded up with tracking code to report back on play sessions, a little nasty considering its aimed at children and probably illegal now under the GDPR.
Unauthorized selling of instructions for MOCs
No, noone gets punished for making false DMCA claims, plenty get punished as a result of those claims. The only way you could actually claim a copyright violation is if you provide LDD files and specifically license them for non-commercial use (which some members seem to have done so some copyright may actually be involved, sorry hadn't got through the entire thread), but even then the model is not protected, someone else could post a picture of a model and anyone is then free to recreate it (and sell it). This is why LEGO has such problems going after Lepin, the law offers little protection. Selling other peoples LDD files is definitely a copyright violation, I'm still not sure if the videos actually would be, I suspect its one for the lawyers which means an uncertain and costly time in court.
Unauthorized selling of instructions for MOCs
Considering no copyright was actually involved, taking content down via DMCA strikes is the wrong way to approach this. Not that anyone ever gets punished for that given companies are sending thousands of false claims each day. Highlighting that the original designers make these designs available for free is the right way to combat this, and approaching people and pointing out how rude it is. You can produce your own instructions and these along with any LDD files you produce will be subject to copyright but there is 0 protection for model designs themselves.
2018 Lego Trains
Has anyone investigated the Boost's cabling in depth? I was digging through the firmware and software a few months ago and I vaguely recall other devices being able to receive firmware updates via the boost hub, I'd have to double check its been awhile. I'm fairly confident two of the control lines are for serial comms, the other two being either analogue control or control lines for the serial comms.
convert 9v to power functions
They do but is currently out of stock. And its likely they won't sell the new Power Functions 2 parts separately until all the old ones are sold out. Hopefully they have already halted production which might explain why the current train motor is out of stock.
convert 9v to power functions
If you are looking at converting by buying new Power Function parts, bear in mind that the new Power Functions 2 using Bluetooth release in July. You might want to wait for these to avoid another upgrade dilemma. This also reduces the space required as there is no separate infrared receiver to integrate into the build, just a battery box to hide.
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