Hey everyone, my name is Julius, I´m 20 years old from germany and today I want to sohw you my Moc of the BR 03 001.
First some words about the original steamengine:
The Br 03 is the lighter version of the BR 02. Betwen 1930 and 1938 there where build 298 Br 03´s. She goes 130 kilometers per hour and wights about 90 tonns (empty). She is about 24 Meters long und about 4,5 Meters high.
My specific role model was the 03 001 which was build in 1930 in Berlin. Today you can see the lokomotive in the trainmuseum in Dresden.
The Modell:
The modell was my first moc after severell years away from Lego. I planed the moc using the software Stud.io. My main focus was to creat the boiler pursuits (do you call those golden things like that in english?). The wheels are my Big Ben Bricks and it is controlled via bluetooth with the SBrick. The decals are for modell train and where scaled to the correct size. There is a XL motor and light powered by the batterie box. It can run Lego curves and switches. The moc uses about 1000 bricks and is build in 8 wide. It is about 65 Studs long, 13,5 Studs high and weights about 930 gramms. I wrote a whole article about the moc but unfortunatley it is writen in german. When you want some more information I will translate it for you. You can see more Photos at my flickr album:
Since the Link to the Photos is not working... Here it is again: