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  1. Does anyone have ideas about how to improve this brand new car like what has been done in 42083 and 42056? Regard as to how the spoiler controlled in this model. I think it is very likely to have a linkage with the gearbox. And I think the gear paddle part is almost exactly the same compare with 42083, so it would be very easy to realize gear indicator like the gear indicator on 42083.
  2. New front cover and Bracket function. Simple door lock, only need one part Some modification to improve the door axle strength, but couldn't solve the problem completely.
  3. You ARE absolutely right ! why haven't I expect it! The only thing need to do, is to change 4 gears and remain all the other parts there. 1:5 ratio is of course more powerful. But I am doubt have the courage to disassemble it again If we need to indicate speed, we need something to show the information. I thought about using exist lego brick that have number on it, which I actually do find them. They are 1*1 tile like 3070bpb061 . But the problem is they are too big to hide inside To assemble the indicator, here is the LDD pictures, and parts that you may need, it may not contain all the necessary parts since I made some modification during assemble. But basically they are right. You may also find .lxf file in my bricksafe: https://bricksafe.com/pages/ttoobbyy/gear-indicator
  4. There is how I achieve this idea. It perfectly divides a circle by 8. And need to work with 8 speed gearbox. It works fluently, has barely no friction. Although it sacrificed HOG function, it is a step closer to aesthetics. So I think it worth.
  5. My idea failed, I test it, although it could be mounted, there are too many gears and too much friction. There is a contradiction, to rise up spoiler, we need high torque, your hands can tell you that, but right side of the gearbox will only turn 90 degrees, therefore the torque will reduce. Thus, if we want to connect the gearbox and spoiler, the only method is using left side of the gear control axle.
  6. Yes, you are right, my new parts arrived and I test my idea, the axles will turn more than 90 degrees, for an obsessive person, it is unbearable. After study @jb70 's idea, I came up with a simpler method which requires au minimum only 15 new parts, all of them are regular parts. Maybe it's more friendly for users who don't have much spare parts like me. It can perfectly control speed 1 -> 8 and follow the original structure.
  7. Bravo! You made it while I was still waiting for my package. Well done! As for the gear ratio, actually, the right one should be 1:2. While pushing 8 times of the gear control paddle (90*8=720 degrees). The indicator need to turn 360 degrees. We can easily achieve this by replacing the first gear connection in to 12:24. I have proved that it is possible in LDD. My idea changed a little bit. I prefer using it only as a indicator. That's why I came up with ver. 2.0 the built in one. Anyway, still so happy to see some one realized my idea!
  8. And here is how I change from U-joint to worm gear. I think this could work now. As you can see, the red parts shall connect to the grey parts, some elements may not as it should be, just to verify this idea could be mounted.
  9. new gear indicator v2.0 Built-in indicator !!! I must say, I like it very much! instead of lifting a ugly pole,why not hide it inside the body! all we need is read the number shows on the indicator. Since it has multi layer, thus I decided to show it layer by layer. Here is the first layer and this is how we look from outside. only the very number will show on the window. Here is the second, Basically shows the base Next layer, this is how we fix the base. Under that, is how we fix the axle. I change my find from universal joint in to bevel gears once again :P The back view, how I simplified the gear base.
  10. of course. It has planty of space there. Besides, I have also simplify the gear base under it to earn more space. I have fixed my final version and waiting for my spare parts (This is my first lego). Mean while, I have also came to an idea to fix the problem about the linkage between gearbox and spolier (90 degrees of universal joint is forbidden) It could be solved by using worm gear. This could also help to prevent from control the gear box by touching spoiler. May I ask, which software are you used for drawing your model? Why my LDD is so ugly and doesn't have neat background as yours?
  11. Thank you guys, that's very important, what about now?
  12. I made a huge mistake! Those 12T and 20T need to be shifted! And the transfer from second axle to the final can simply be done by using pair of universal joint!!! The ratio we need is 360:630=0.57 . With 12:20=0.6 which means each level only has 3 degrees bias. Absolutely acceptable! I will upload it later
  13. An idea about the gear indicator. Concern about there barely have no space in the back of the bugatti. I decided to place the indicator in front of the car. The basic idea is to let the movement for the yellow gear directly transfer to the Passenger seat. All the new parts and replacement parts are show in red and the other color mean the original parts. As we can see from the first picture, an axle transfer the movement to the right side of the car. It will turn 90 degrees by using a pair of gears. After movement turning 90 degrees, on the same axle, there is a belt gear, it could be replaced by PART 2983, I can't find if in the database. Then, the movement will transfer vertically to another belt gear, where I placed a 1/2 bush (actually, a bush can also be used as a belt gear). It also need to replaced by PART 2983. On the same axle, there is a 12 Tooth Bevel. It will transfer the movement 90 degrees again. Finally, on the last axle, it pass through a hole on the panel and present any action from the Gear lever. There remain 3 issues that could be further optimized. The first, which I worried about most is the pair of belt gears, I hope they could work well, but I don't have that part to test. Secondly, the ratio between gear need to be as close to 1:2 as possible. Again, I don't have data of belt gears, With now exist design, When push 8 times of the gear lever, the indicator will Rotating less than 360 degrees. Thirdly, the mount of axle hold base at left side of the third picture, is not concise enough. I am sure there have better solution.
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