Wooden Avengance
This is great! Do we get a sequel?
Winter Village: Chocolate shop
Some nice work here. I like your use of chest lid pieces for above the windows
[MOC] Christmas With The Family
I reckon one of the cleaners found the hand at the bottom of the pit and gave it to lost property, who gave it to Vader. Wonderful. Puts me more in the mood for Christmas than the rain outside!
[LDD MOCs] Brickdoctor's 2011 Star Wars Advent Calendar
Oooo! Very nice work on this one, but I can't help but feel the arms are a little short. Maybe I'm wrong. Can't wait for the others as they come.
Arena Beasts
Reek's head design is brilliant. You captured the colour, horns and everything! I recall Nexu being a more sandy colour though. am I right? And the Aacklay stands a bit taller? I may be wrong though. Good renditions anyway.
MOC: Ted-E
Nice MOC there. VERY odd proportions :D
MOC: Furno Marine XL
You just love you furno 1.0 don't you :)
REVIEW: 30090 Desert Glider
Hello Eurobricks members and administrators! Today I will be conducting my first review on the site. I am starting small so feel free to comment, criticise and generally give lots of feedback. I am saying sorry in advance if any of the photos may be too big or out of focus at all. So here goes: Set Name: Desert Glider Set Number: 30090 Theme: Pharaoh's Quest Released: May 2011 Minifigures: 1 Price: N/A (Came free with the 'News of the World' newspaper Bring on the pictures. Packaging So you've picked up your newspaper, ripped out the voucher, chucked your newspaper in the bin and walked to your WHSmiths or Toys R Us and handed your voucher in. You are presented with a neat little polybag which shows a picture of the little plane, the age rating and the set number. Oddly enough though, there is no set name. I had to look it up on brickset. Bag front Bag Back The back of the polybag has the usual stuff like where the parts were made, the barcode and a 1:1 image of the plane propeller. Inside the bag Let's open it up shall we? Instruction manual front The front of the manual boasts the same image as the polybag and shows the set number. Manual back The back just shows a picture of the minifigure. Manual front (when unfolded) The manual is a foldout one, which is very common for these small promos. The front shows how to put the minifig together and steps 1-6. Manual back (when unfolded) This side shows steps 7-9 and a Pharaoh's Quest advertisement. Advertisement This just shows the other sets in the line (not including the other PQ promo). The pieces The set only has a small amount of pieces. I haven't counted, but I think it might be around 33 including the spare parts. In a pile Not very much to see there. All set out There are 5 black pieces, 12 dark grey pieces, 5 light grey pieces, 6 dark red pieces, 1 trans-grey piece and 4 minifig pieces. There aren't really any new or special pieces here and this set could easily be built out of a builder's collection. The minifig The minifigure that we receive with this set is Jake Raines with an aviator helmet and jacket. Front Some nice printing on the front of the jacket has been added. The zip printing is also metallic silver, so it shines a little in the light. Side Back Again there's some nice printing of an eagle head and the letters 'SMH'. I have no idea what that means so I would be grateful if anyone could tell me in the comments. Jake's goggles do swing up and down and fit nicely over the helmet. If I'm not mistaken, the same minifigure also appears in the 'Flying Mummy Attack' set. The build I found the build incredibly easy and not at all challenging, but that's what you would expect for a promotional set of this size. Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7 Step 8 Step 9 Finished. The built takes about 2-3 minutes. The Set Now that it's complete, we can critique the set Front view Side view From this angle you can see how simplistic the set is. You can also see the chibified look to the set. 3/4 view Close-up I really like the use of the binocular piece here. It really looks like the machine guns that you might have had on the old planes. Take off! (and yes those are my fingers you can see) Final ratings Design: 7/10 This is a neat little set, just a little simple. Playability: 8/10 Give this to a kid around 6 years old and he'll be happy enough to have it zooming around his room. I know this. I was almost tempted to do so myself. Price: 10/10 This was free. You can't get a better price than that. Overall: 8.3/10 I really enjoyed this set. If you didn't pick it up while you could, then you might have to pay quite a bit in the future. People are starting to sell it for around £5 already. Please leave comments, criticism and questions in the comments below.
The Unexpected Treasure
I love the brick-built raptor that you used! This is a great little story you have made yourself. Is that a red grape vine that you used for flesh?
[MOC] 74-Z Speeder Bike
Nice design there. I think that it looks better on a white background, as it is camouflaged like it's supposed to be.
MOC: Atheon
Nice work there to include the knights kingdoms helmet and shin armour pieces. I once used to collect all the sets, but I somehow missed out on this one. What weapon did he come with?
MOC: Random Hero
Good job! I like the design of the blaster pistol that you used. I must admit that models look 100% better when advanced graphics are enabled. I do not have the use of these features though . Whenever I turn on the features I cannot see the bricks.
MOC: Century 2.0
I feel that there's a little too much colour mashing here. Is that because of limited pieces or just your own imagination? Try using just one of the primary colours that you used plus one type of grey. You'll find that it greatly improves the overall finish of the MOC and gives it a more solid look. Nice design though, body design is really bulky. Try making the arms and legs bulkier to match this. Keep on designing though!
Choking Hazard's Lego Anatomy Skeleton
Nice piece of work! What would be cool would be if the skull could open to reveal LED lights to show the neutrons in the brain, although the model would probably have to be significantly larger in size. I used the link to the skull instructions and they were very helpful. I am currently using the design to work out how to enlarge and add lights to the skull. Great Stuff!
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