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  1. Dark Elf Silver Thread Archer by MWardancer When he aims at you, your life is hanging by a thread.These versatile archers use their longbows to shoot normal arrow as well as the rare Dragon Glass (TM) arrows to pierce ephemeral beings. Customization Notes: At some point I noticed I did not have a regular Dark Elf archer. So I made a light, basic, not very spectacular one. I am not satisfied with the range of bows and quivers Lego offers and grew fond of the Aliexpress ones. They even have typical Elven ornaments on them. Since I have to mix my own paints I am quite happy how the new batch of light blueish gray and semi-glossy turned out. The painting on the ears is not 100%, but neither is Lego's... - Body: Lego Chima Keychain with the chain ripped out - Cape: Cape Madness - Bow and Quiver: Aliexpress, painted - Hair: Painted - Arrow: Brickwarriors
  2. Great building, very nice Elves!
  3. This is one of the best brickbuilt dragons I have ever seen! No ugly visible joints, believable wings, great head and eyes. Perfect.
  4. Great fig! Looks very clean, especially the very fine details like the creature‘s eye and horns. How is it made?
  5. Thank you. No harm done. There is not much customization going on on Eurobricks any more. Once every few years one of my figs gets frontpaged. I was actually very surprised that this dark elf was frontpaged, because it is not a very complex fig, a small project only. Maybe it serves as a reminder that customization does exist. Once there was even a customzation competition here on Eurobricks. There is still a lot going on in customization, but on Instagram. Many customizers with crazy skills and 3d printed parts, quite exclusive Little Shops and more.
  6. Actually the only reason I became a customizer is that I wanted an Elven army and there was no chance to simply buy one. LOTR came and went and Elven army builders had very few options.
  7. Yes, that is why I mentioned that LEGO puts extremely badly printed Goblin shields on the market, which makes it very frustrating and expensive to find any good LEGO Goblin shields. Even the ones in the picture are slightly off-center and there are the best among the 10 LEGO Goblin shields I own. Ok, let me go buy official LEGO Elven helmets. Oh wait, there are none even after a decade of owning the LOTR licence…
  8. I don’t know where it is from, but this Information might help: It is not a white head, it is glow in the dark. So check all glow in the dark heads on Bricklink, there are not many. It has the typical Elven cheeklines. On the other side there is an angry face with red lines.
  9. Thank you everyone. I could not get rid of the ribbon on the waist, which looks a bit feminine. One idea was also to paint the gray area, which tries to give the impression of female hips, black to cover it up. But when you cover up the neck with an armor I figured it is not very feminine any more.
  10. Dark Elf Ceremonial Guard Ceremonial in name, but not very ceremonial in combat, these Dark Elves have sworn to protect the Emperor with their swords. Dark Elf Ceremonial Guard by MWardancer, auf Flickr Customization Notes: - weapon: Aliexpress - helmet: Aliexpress, painted, added plume, painted - shield: two shields glued together with a new handle - cape: Cape Madness I have been wanting to make a fighter with the slope legpiece for a long time and when finally the Jazz Singer became available for a good price I bought three of them. I am very angry that the expensive and rare goblin shield is printed off-center most times. The one shown here is the best one I have. I quite enjoy the variety of weapons on Aliexpress. Finding an armor that sits well with the cape was easy.
  11. I have a somewhat similar feeling. For example I began customizing when there was a Custom Minifigure Contest here at the forum. Unthinkable today. Also the Colossal Castle Contest had a custom category for a few years. This disappeared as well. One reason might be the proliferation of third party products. Aliexpress for example. I have found a few new companies like cultbricks in Germany, whose products often sell out within minutes. Or Ktownbricks in the US. Capemadness also seems to be back after they got kicked from Bricklink. So some are still thriving. Nicebricks makes nothing new any more and customminifigureintelligence is also dead. I have the suspicion that the death of customization might be a matter of perception in a shifting social media landscape. Flickr has limited groups to 30 for a picture. And Flickr was a niche anyway. Maybe one should check one‘s media preferences. For example on Instagram there seems to be a lot of customizers I had not known before. I am actually thinking of shifting my media presence to Instagram as well.
  12. There is no official yellow barding, so this must be a clone. I have MANY custom figs, parts and even bardings from most companies available here and I have never had any problems with studs and feet. Worst case is this is some cheap aliexpress China crap, but it looks solid to me. Price is fine too. It is a real picture and not a render. Uh oh, found them: https://de.aliexpress.com/item/1005006786618786.html?spm=a2g0n.productlist.0.0.3855bce6cAELrG&browser_id=32e4e30b32554cc1a04b730f24a0f4cd&aff_trace_key=a8417d9cdff54fb8be595f9ae5757e15-1713194734474-01190-_DCrSf23&aff_platform=msite&m_page_id=shiholjecavohsse18f6ea89e0f11aa455a9c1609f&gclid=&pdp_npi=4%40dis!EUR!5.77!3.11!!!43.90!23.66!%40211b612817155485398644973e5ce8!12000038299540827!sea!DE!0!AB&algo_pvid=57db5fc3-a61c-40cb-9cb9-1b0d1dab9c48&_universallink=1&m_page_id=shiholjecavohsse18f6ea89e0f11aa455a9c1609f Some Aliexpress China stuff is pretty nice though.
  13. The Castle theme is less useful for teaching young girls that they can be astronauts. Ever since Bluebricks is continously pumping out high quality medieval sets I have gotten tired of waiting for Mama Lego to let some crumbs fall under the table.
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