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Eurobricks Dukes
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Everything posted by Balrogofmorgoth

  1. Fairly decent list for 1HY 2024. I’m most looking forward to Grogu’s Escape and the clone vs droids battle pack (please be clones from established canon this time). If the Podracer diorama has Shmi or 3PO I’m getting it no matter what. But it’s doubtful there will be figures since it seems more likely to be a microscale type build like the trench run. Maybe interested in the droideka, it sounds intriguing at the very least. I’m sure I’ll want the Skeleton Crew ship. Really no interest in the midi scale stuff
  2. I would have killed for yellow Daredevil
  3. Looks like it’ll be a perfect Pigwidgeon
  4. I still see absolutely no reason why they shouldn’t try regular sets again. The possibilities are endless. The notion that LOTR only appeals to adults is complete BS. Think of the amount of people that are adults now that love LOTR. A lot of those people are having kids now. You really think their kids aren’t going to grow up surrounded by it? My kids are an example, and I know many others in the Tolkien community with kids who love it as well. Kids. Love. Fantasy.
  5. Honestly the X-men figures are a total waste for this CMF. They should have just been in a set, they don’t need much detail. They should have used those three slots for more D+ MCU figures, there are certainly plenty missing
  6. I believe it came from the original survey leak. All subject to change between then and release, if it does release. Minifig lineup too. I definitely hope the set does happen, but I think the design needs some improvement from the leaked image
  7. I think the figures in that set were pretty good. Only problem is that there weren’t enough of them
  8. I’ve had tons of missing pieces in lego sets over the last two years. It’s happened in at least four sets
  9. Fantastic!! I hope you enjoy it! It was honestly my favorite lego build of all time If they made LOTR CMFs I would buy them by the case, no questions asked
  10. Absolutely agree, the allusions to the theme park seem out of place and certainly take something away from the set as a display piece. Also…there’s a Rivendell set somewhere with your name on it
  11. Exactly, nitpicks are fine, saying what we like and what we dislike is fine, but lately it seems if every expectation isn’t met it’s “trash”. A specific Instagram video comes to mind (don’t remember who it was) where someone took a new Commander Fox figure (don’t know how they have it) and tossed it in the trash can saying that’s where it belongs. Attitudes like that are just delusional. Plus the guy kept it in a plastic bag so it didn’t get messed up and I’m sure he took it out immediately after he was done being dramatic
  12. I honestly think most people are too hard on the lego clones. It’s like people complain about them first chance they get. Just my opinion, but I’m very happy we’ve been getting all these clones even if they’re not perfect. And I think they’ve all been pretty good actually
  13. I love the Rex figure, my one nitpick is that I think the pauldron is way too big and covers his entire arm (so we can’t see the glorious arm printing!) and I remember thinking the pauldron on the previous P2 Rex was also too big. A new cloth piece would have been ideal, but like I said it’s really just a nitpick. I think the figure is really solid!
  14. Pretty happy with Gringotts. I’m very surprised and impressed that they actually made it compatible with the 2020 Diagon Alley set. I was so worried they wouldn’t, especially after the new WWW set. The building looks great, the Ironbelly looks miles better than the 2019 Horntail, and the figures are great! Not totally sold on the underground section but it’s a nice touch, and I’m just glad it can be displayed without it. Definitely gonna get the set!
  15. Yes exactly. I wouldn’t want LOTR sets to look like the Hogwarts sets. In my opinion, the 2021-2023 Hogwarts sets look pretty terrible. They’re blocky, ugly, and unrealistic. It’s cool that they can all combine to make a fairly accurate Hogwarts layout, but that’s about it. I wouldn’t want that for LOTR. However, there are other options for sets to be able to fit together to form something bigger, like Helm’s Deep and Uruk-Hai Army for example. Rather than blocky modular sections, it’s just two complete sets that have the option to connect for something larger. I think that would be a great system for Minas Tirith since I just can’t conceive a way to achieve an accurate build for it in one set at a reasonable price. It would probably have to be a few separate sets that work on their own but can all connect to form the entire city if you buy them all. For example, one set could be the upper level with the tree, citadel, etc. Another section could have various walls with trebuchets and houses and incorporate a multi-level system. Another could be the lower level with gates and Grond. Maybe even another could be the beacon. There could even be a small battle pack style set with a small section of the wall that you could buy several of. Each set works by itself but if you buy them all you can make a very big and accurate Minas Tirith build
  16. I have to strongly disagree here. I’m not saying they wouldn’t have been able to pull that off, but I think the effect would have been very different, in a bad way. One crown jewel type set I think was the perfect way to achieve the design and aesthetic they were going for. A modular system could possibly work for something like Minas Tirith, where achieving everything you would want out of that location would be almost impossible in one set. But I don’t think it would have worked for Rivendell I’m not holding my breath for more sets, I can’t let myself get my expectations that high. But…obviously I very much hope to see more
  17. Hobbit hair in black is a major W!!! That said, the Express set has a terrible figure lineup, although the build is pretty decent. Patronus set is weird and I don’t like it but I need that Lupin. Battle of Hogwarts is a mixed bag. It needs about two more minifigs. I’ll give Bellatrix the CMF face for sure. Glad they fixed Neville’s sweater from the inaccurate Advent Calendar version with red all over it. I still hate the green roofs. That official layout for the 2021-2023 Hogwarts modules is actually pretty neat. I’m at least mildly impressed that they planned it out like that. But the green roofs cancel out anything good about it, and it’s still way too blocky. But the accurate layout overall is definitely cool. I don’t even know what to say about the Quidditch set. It’s ok. Not very interesting but those hoods are nice
  18. And let’s not forget that Promobricks does not always get their facts straight, especially with HP, a franchise they have shown time and time again they don’t know much about and don’t always bother to pay attention to the details
  19. I don’t think I’m being dramatic at all. Look at the decisions of the lego HP team since 2021. Does they scream “competent” to you? They certainly don’t to me. Everybody is wanted a Gringotts set since 2020 because it was left out of the Diagon Alley D2C. If they make one now that isn’t compatible, then yes, it’s insulting. And now they’ve come out with a completely redesigned Diagon Alley setup with this WWW set the same year Gringotts is supposed to happen. It’s not that far of a stretch that Gringotts will be compatible with this new design rather than the 2020 one. Look what they did to Hogwarts since 2021. As to people saying Gringotts isn’t connected anyway so it doesn’t matter, I don’t agree. While the building isn’t connected to other buildings, the display still needs to be compatible with the other display, and should be able to connect in some way. Best way to do it is probably to have some objects on the street with technic pin holes like the Sanctum. So the Gringotts building stands alone but the street can still connect
  20. Gringotts will most likely be on lego plates as opposed to the baseplates the D2C was on. It also probably won’t have the technic holes and pins in the right place. With some modifications I’m sure it can become compatible, but the fact that it most likely won’t be designed to go with that set is quite frankly ridiculous
  21. Natasha looks great, I’m glad she got the leg printing she sorely needed, and the torso is also fantastic. Pity she doesn’t have arm printing but honestly I’m just glad they didn’t reuse the Quinjet figure
  22. Honestly this WWW is a total waste. It’s kind of insulting that they are starting a new line of Diagon Alley shops that aren’t compatible with the D2C and we all know Gringotts won’t be compatible either, even though the whole reason we all have wanted it for so long is to go with our Diagon Alley D2C. The random made up figure is also ridiculous and a complete waste of a minifig slot. Not to mention the entire shop is a massive downgrade from the D2C version
  23. Give us a couple more minifigure heavy D2C sets, a few solid waves of playsets, and some battle packs, and it would be perfect
  24. I’m most of the way done the build. I’m blown away by the ingenuity of this set design. There’s also just something so nice about sitting and building Rivendell while listening to the Prancing Pony Podcast with an ice cold beer
  25. I have not had any missing pieces so far. That being said, I’ve had a lot of missing pieces in a lot of other sets recently so it doesn’t surprise me
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